Coaching is fun, effective and provides quick, noticeable results. Coaching is not therapy, although it can be used in conjunction with therapy. Coaching does not focus on past behavior. Coaching begins in the present moment and supports you in mapping out a pathway to your future.
Through a series of questions, activities, assignments and action steps, coaching moves one from the present moment into the future and provides support around goal setting, developing and implementing action plans and achieving success. Coaching also provides ongoing accountability to support continuous and ongoing action towards reaching your goals. I often use hypnosis as an adjunct to traditional coaching for the following: -stress managment -to enhance performance -to eliminate limiting beliefs -behavior modification -to remove subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs Whether you are a CEO, doctor, teacher, parent, teen, student, high school drop-out, or a life coach, the principles for success are the same for all of us! Coaching helps us apply these principles to our values, dreams, and visions and helps us set goals and develop action plans to help us reach our goals. In addtion, coaching provides accountability and support to help us create a pathway to manifesting whatever we want in life! I am a coach ... and I am also a coaching client. Coaching is invaluable to my progress, my health, my happiness, my well being, and my success both personally and professionally! Whether you are a teenager going through transition, a college student moving toward a career, a parent wanting to better support your kids, a teacher wanting to better connect with your students, or a youth service provider wanting to better understand and serve your client, coaching is an effective way to support your process. Do you or your teen have a big dream you want to achieve? Perhaps you know great things are in store but can't quite figure out what's next? Perhaps you are in transition ... going from raising young children to now raising tweens or teens ... and need some support connecting with your child? Perhaps you have a teen in transition? -going from high school to college? -from being pregnant to being a teen parent? -going from court involvement or substance involvement to a fresh start? -from amotivation to achievement? Perhaps you or your teen is exploring life purpose or want to learn more about using intuition and inner guidance to support your decisions and explore possiblities? Working together through weekly, one-on-one, in person or teleconference meetings, coaching can help you and your teen connect with your values and purpose, set goals, break it all down into small action steps that support transition, clear blocks that hold you back, keep you laser focused, provide structure and accountability and open you up to new awareness and inspiration from the world around you. Feel free to contact me to talk about how we can work together to support you, your teen, your group or your organization! “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished ... if you’re alive it isn’t.” ~Richard Bach Perhaps the questions that follow are: What is your life mission? What are your core values that drive your mission? How are you fulfilling your mission? And if you are not, how can you? Unfortunately, many people go through life never consciously knowing what their mission is, not being clear about their life purpose, or being unaware of their their core values. As a result, many live a life of going through the motions, living a life defined by someone else, or by life circumstances, resulting in a not quite satisfying, unfulfilled life. I spent a good deal of time in that place, until one day, awhile back, someone asked me to answer the above questions. I couldn't. I was embarrassed and frustrated. It took me some time, effort and a commitment to a personal coach to go through the process. It was the best thing I ever did! Today I am clear about my mission, connected to my purpose, living by my core values and most importantly, serving others in a way that inspires them while fueling my passion! Today, my core values provide the framework on which I base all my personal and professional decisions. My mission provides me with direction. My purpose keeps me focused and open to the opportunities and inspiration that come my way. Here's what I came up with for mysefl: My mission is to use my passion, creativity and resourcefulness to support and inspire others to connect with their essence, discover their unique purpose and create the life of their dreams! My core values are authenticity, creativity, interdependence, passion and service to spirit. My unique purpose is to work with teens and the parents, professionals, organizations and communities that support, encourage and inspire them to reach their fullest potential! I am grateful for the opportunity to fulfill my purpose by providing education, mentoring, coaching, training and consulting services to teens and the adults that support and inspire them. I continue to work with a coach, an accountability partner and a Mastermind group to keep me focused, inspired and on track. Although life continues to bring challenges, I have access to principles, tools, techniques and support that have created an inspired pathway to the life I want to live. My pathway is an expression of my passion, my purpose and my values and keeps me in a state of constant gratitude! I encourage you to take some time pondering the above questions. Call or email if I can help you or your teen! Trisha Jacobson 603-452-7350 [email protected] Develop an attitude of gratitude. Start a gratitude journal. Every day take time to record three things that you are thankful for. There is power in actually writing these things down on paper! STRETCH to include the not so obvious things, the little things, the less than pleasant things that helped you learn a lesson. And if you experience sorrow this week, work to still find a way to be thankful even if it is only for those who are there to support you. -Posted with permission from
Today, I'm grateful for connecting with my Dad, for meaninful work that lines up with my life purpose and for the miracle of antibiotics that will help clear this sinus infection once and for all! Consciously expressing gratitude shifts out perspective from negative to positive and raises the energy vibration in our body. Gratitude is a set-up for more good things and is the first step to manifesting what we want using the Law of Attraction. Plus, it feels good! Another way to incorporate gratitude into your daily practice is to place a rock or other symbol to remind you throughout the day to be grateful. Place your favorite rock in your pocket in the morning and remove it at night, expressing gratitude each time you touch it, as well as throughout the day whenever you notice the rock in your pocket.. I wear a bracelet that has the word "positivity" on it. I find myself touching it throughout the day and each time I do, I think of one more thing I'm grateful for. Last night, after a long, tiring day at work and a trip to the grocery store, I parked the car, loaded up with groceries and walked toward the house. Something made me look up at the sky. The stars were absolutely amazing! Another opportunity to express gratitude for nature's beautiful display and the reminder that there something going on out there that is much bigger than I am! And I am grateful for that humility. By the way, if you'd like a Positivity bracelet of your own, see the Events page to order. They are $5.00 each plus $1.00 shipping and all proceeds go to the White Mountain Community Health Center. "Kindness extended, received or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved."~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Recently, I was invited by a high school principal at one of the schools I work with to attend an all school assembly on "kindness" as an approach to bullying prevention. Having worked with this school in several capacities (drop out prevention, sexuality education in the health curriculum, child study intervention team member, and as an outside referral agency for sexual violence) I was quite familiar with the school and the district's approach to bullying and harrassment over the years. "The kindness guy" according to the principal was outside of the usual scope of programming ... perhaps a little touchy/feely, warm and fuzzy ... however it was supported by reputable community resources and came highly recommended, and so it was supported by both principal and the school district. Michael Chase, the kindness guy, from The Kindness Center in Portland, Maine was introduced to an audience of over 500 students. For the hour that followed, you could have heard a pin drop in that auditorium. In all my years of working with middle and high school students, I have never witnessed anything like this! Michael's passion was evident as he told his story and revealed the moment when his life transformed that one day when he shared a profound moment on the side of the road with a turtle. The very moment when his life changed forever and he began to pursue his mission of spreading kindness. The kids were mesmerized! In class following the presentation, students were buzzing about the kindness guy, the turtle story of transformation, kindness, the kind of school culture they wanted to learn in, and how they might bring Michael's ideas and energy home to family, friends and the community. The next day was declared "Kindness Day". The vibrational energy in the school over the next couple of days was electric. Random acts of kindness were happening everywhere! Hugs given and received, praise notes, expressions of appreciation and gratitude. Students, faculty, staff and administration all involved! In heatlh classes following the presentation, in a spontaneous movement by a couple of students, about 65% of students expressed interested in starting The Kindness Crew and being actively involved in the movement. The good news is that the Kindness Crew was formed. The other good news is that we are actively promoting kindness as a daily thing and are optimistic that we will reach a tipping point and get back to level that the kindness guy started! The not so good news is that the momentum that the Kindness Guy and Kindness Day has certainly waned as the days go by. The key message is that kindness is a daily thing. It is something that each one of us need to intentionally decide to incorporate into our day. It is also something we intentionally need to remind others to incorporate into their day! It's not just a school thing ... it is an individual thing, a between family and friends thing, an in the classroom and hallways at school thing, a community thing, an at work thing, an in the grocery store thing, an online thing, a Facebook thing, a texting thing ... an everywhere thing! Kindness is a state of mind, a vibrational energy level that, if reached and sustained, has the capacity to transform an individual, a relationship, friendships, a family, a school, a community, our planet, and beyond! Check out Get yourself into the kindness zone by joining the Teen Clinic at White Mountain Health Center, the Kennett Kindness Crew and Positivity Nation in A Year of Positive Action at:!/pages/Teen-Clinic-at-White-Mountain-Community-Health-Center/143662842351818 When I woke up this morning, it was dark and the house had a bit of a chill. It was -14 degress outside with wind chill warnings and in a couple of hours, I had to head out to the mountain where I've been teaching skiing part time for the past 13 winters. I am passionate about sharing my passion for skiing with others, but not feeling particularly excited about heading out this morning. Chances are no lessons will show and I'll have some time to catch up on some paperwork, but I still have to show up when I'd much rather stay snuggled in for a bit longer and work from home today. I got up, turned up the heat, brought my first cup of coffee back to bed and snuggled back in for a few more minutes. Leah and Sylvester, my two cats, snuggle in on either side of me for a nap and Annie, my dog, chooses a few more zzzzzzz's over going outside for her morning business. The sunrise comes ... over the lake and behind the New England steeple I can see through my bedroom window. Beautiful as always. It's time to get up, then again, perhaps just one more cup of coffee in bed is a better plan. I pour another cup and crawl back into bed just as the sun comes up over the horizon. As I near the end of my coffee, the sun begins to shine brightly. In an instant, something magically magnificent happens! The sun lights up the cystalline artwork Jack Frost painted on my window overnight. A brilliant spectrum of color and brightness lights up my world and I linger a few more minutes to take it all in. Nature is amazing. For me, taking that extra moment or two to be fully present in nature makes all the difference in my day. I can feel my energy level rise and feel the change in the way my energy vibrates. I say "thank you" as my feet hit the floor and I head to the shower, looking forward to being under the bluebird sky, feeling the cold on my face and heading to the mountain. I am grateful for sunrises, sparkley, frosty window panes, hand warmers, technical layers, chapstick, and ski buddies who will join me in a few runs and share hot chocolate and good conversation with me afterwards.I am grateful for my old farmhouse, my frosty bedroom windows and my furry friends that greeted the day with me. And I am even grateful for a bit of extra time today to catch up on paperwork. What makes your energy level rise? What makes you vibrate at a higher level? What makes your heart happy? What are you grateful for? "If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts." —Betty J. Eadie Did you know that science has proven that the thinking and decision-making you do with your conscious mind adds up to only about 5% while your subconscious mind controls about 95%? The subconscious mind play a major role in determining how we interact with our environment, in creating our reality and attracting the results we want in life. On the other hand, the subconscious mind, if driven by old behavior patterns, pent up feelings and limiting beliefs, can keep us stuck and block us from moving forward in the direction our conscious mind wishes to go. Hypnosis can be a very effective way to access the subconscious mind to break old behavior patterns, eliminate limiting beliefs that hold us back and help to create new success habits. Hypnosis and traditional coaching are a great combination to help harness the power of the subconscious mind to change behavior, while also developing success habits in a fun, relaxed environment that supports accountability and positive momentum. Personally, with the support of coaches and guided by a few of the masters of our time, I have done alot of work around limiting beliefs, the Law of Attraction, and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and developing daily habits that open up the door to inspired action and support effortless success.The results have been and continue to be amazing! Professionally, in my work with teens and the adults who support them, I continue to incorporate my knowledge and experience, and a variety of techniques into my work to help my clients gain a better understanding of the power of thoughts and emotions and how the subconscious mind works to create one's own reality, support success and effect sustainable change. For more information on Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success check out Jack Canfield's article at In the office yesterday, there was a conversation about doing nothing. I listened as a colleague expressed discomfort about being idle ... that busy was better. Another said that sitting and zoning out was not acceptable, but that napping was okay. Someone countered that napping was a waste of time. Another talked about always doing something with her hands ... knitting, needle felting, needlepoint, sketching ... because she couldn't sit idle and just be.
A long time ago, while I was going through a huge life transition and a whole lot of chaos, a friend gave me the book "The Art of Doing Nothing". Back then I was a human doing ... busy all the time ... and didn't know how to simply just be. The book literally changed my life. It made my moments richer, helped me be more present, enhanced the flow of my creativity, and ultimately connected me with the essence of who I am. Lately, my life has been really busy. Too much so. The conversation yesterday had me looking for the book, which I am sure I passed on to a friend. Instead I found this link, which helped me reconnect with the art of doing nothing. I' thought I'd pass on to you. Enjoy the moments of today, however you choose to spend them! Deliver a random act of kindness. Do something nice for a stranger or someone that you do not know very well. Remember, small things can make a big difference! Take note of the reaction you get and also how it makes you feel.
Small, simple actions can make a big difference! Join us each week as we complete one of these actions. Do it on your own, with family, friends, in your school or workplace. The Year of Positive Action was inspired by The Kindness Center, created by Positivity Nation and implemented, with permission, by the Teen Clinic at White Mountain Community Health Center in cooperation with the Kindness Crew at Kennett High School in Conway, NH. Check out Michael Chase's work at as well as Lanette Pottle's work at This is the kind of work that changes lives, renews hope, promotes understanding and brings communities together! What are Developmental Assets? The Developmental Assets are 40 common sense, positive experiences and qualities that help influence choices young people make and help them become caring, responsible adults. Because of its basis in youth development, resiliency, and prevention research and its proven effectiveness, the Developmental Assets framework has become one of the most widely used approach to positive youth development in the United States. Developmental Assets Research The framework of Developmental Assets is grounded in extensive research on what kids need to succeed. And since 1989, Search Institute has been studying the assets in the lives of young people.. Read more about the research behind this framework. Parenting Resources ParentFurther is here to help parents raise caring, healthy, responsible, successful kids. This easy-to-use, comprehensive resource seeks to build a unique community that provides access to support and practical, everyday steps to help you with a wide range of parenting issues. Becoming an Asset Builder In the winter I teach skiing at a small mountain in New Hampshire. It is soooo fun to share my passion with others and watch them smile with pride as they figure out how to defy gravity and enjoy the ride!
It started thirteen years ago when I was living in RI. Thursday afternoon, I drove to NH to visit my brother for an overnight. The plan was for me to meet him at 3:30pm at the ski lodge where he taught skiing. I escaped the city early and arrived about an hour before our designated meeting time. Outside the window where I waited, I watched people skiing down the main slope, riding the chairlift and coming in for hot chocolate. My brother was teaching a Knee Hi lesson and playing on the Magic Carpet with a couple of kids just outside the window. I had forgotten how much I loved the whole ski scene. It had been way too long since I had skis on my feet. My life had become preoccupied with "have to's" instead of "want to's" and responsiblities instead of passion. Doing what other people expected me to do instead of what I really wanted to do. That evening over dinner, Jake and I talked about skiing and the fun we used to have when we were younger. He surprised me with a lift ticket and rental equipment for the next day, asked if we could ski together and invited me to stay for the weekend. As we skiied the following day, he told me that the mountain was really busy and looking for fill-in instructors for the weekend. He asked me if I were interested in teaching. I had always been a better skier than he was but had never taught anyone how to ski. He promised he would teach me how to teach a beginner lesson that evening and encouraged me to think about staying to help out. I cancelled my weekend plans and spent it on skis reconnecting with my passion, connecting with a big group of people who share it with me and then passing my passion on to others. I hadn't had that much fun in a very long time. Shortly after that weekend, my life transition began. Ultimately, I moved to NH full time and have been here for over 8 years now. I still teach skiing at that same mountain. This is my 13th season. I just spent my day off playing in fresh powder with a group of fellow instructors who share my passion. There were not alot of words spoken today, but there were lots of grins, smiles and giggles. There are no buddies like snow buddies. They get me! They understand my passion! They accept me as I am! They share their time with little or no expectations. And as we all go our separate ways after carving up a mountain, we are grateful for the experience, for the connection we've shared and for helping each other connect to our soul. Who do you connect with? Where do you go? What do you do to connect with your soul? |
Transition on Purpose