"It's all about deep practice, This morning, as part of my "power hour", which consists of 20 minutes of meditation, 20 minutes of inspirational reading and 20 minutes of physical activity (I'm working on this part!), I read a summary of The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. The premise of the book is that our success in life and in reaching our goals and dreams is all about myelin and where and how we choose to build it up.
Myelin. I remember learning about myelin in pharmacy school. It's an essential part of our nervous system. The coating, if you will, of the neuronal pathways that make our bodies do what we do ... think, feel, act, perform, process information, act, react to impulses and stimulii, etc. The best way I know to describe myelin (see diagram below) is to use a coated wire as an example. On the outside, the rubber serves a coating or insulation to keep the inside wires together and to keep the electricity from leaking out, thus the wires allow electricity to flow through them and provide power to whatever they are connected to. It is the same in our nervous system, with a slight difference. We have the power in our physiology to generate our own myelin. The more we perform a task, think a thought or accomplish a complex set of movements, the more myelin is formed and the thicker it gets. The good news is that the thicker the myelin, the more accomplished we are at whatever it is we are doing. As Daniel Coyne points out, practice makes perfect because myelin gets thicker and thicker along the neuronal pathway towards mastering a task, making the neurons work with more precision, efficiency and speed. Unfortunately, it is just as easy to build myelin along pathways that do not serve us as it is to build myelin over the pathways that, with persistent practice, will lead us to mastery. This weekend I spent alot of time with family. I was amazed to observe the result of what I learned this morning was thickly myelinized fear pathways and negative thought patterns. Unfortunately, my family of origin was raised on fear ... and, for a long time, I made my choices within the deep core of fear-based pathways surrounded by the thick myelin linings that I had inadvertently created. Fear is our natural response to an environment that threatens our survival, however, in this day in age, our fears, more often than not, no longer serve us in moving forward in the direction of our dreams and goals. I was struck by the quote cited above "It's all about deep practice, ignited by a vision of what is possible, fueled by passion and supported by strong teachers that enables us to rewire our brain with myelin in all the right places." ~Daniel Coyle, The Talent Code I am grateful that I have been able to break free of most of the subconscious, limiting fear patterns of my past. Today, when they show up, I can observe them and reframe them using my vision, passion, positive thought patterns and new skills I've developed as fuel, with the help of my teachers coaches and support network. Today I am learning to build myelin around the pathways to my goals, hopes and dreams. When i find myself on the fear pathway, it isn't long that my construction crew helps reroute me to my own personal Myelin Highway as I continue on the road to creating the life of my dreams! How about you? Do you have a support team to help you reroute fear? Have you identified your unique vision, passion and purpose? Are you traveling your own Myelin Highway to success, consciously reframing old fear patterns? Or do you find yourself struggling to break through old patterns of thinking, believing and acting that limit your possibilities? Falll is coming and now is a wonderful time to get resdy to repave your Myelin Highway! To learn more about coaching click here. To learn more about Philosopher's Notes, a wonderful way for busy people to glean pearls of wisdom from a collection of amazing books that will enhance your life, visit http://www.entheos.com/philosophersnotes/trisharx I just got the final proof of my book in the mail! The book launch is well under way and set to go live on June 12th! I am beyond excited ... and a little bit scared! Where does that fear come from? Despite all the time, energy and effort I've spent learning how to break through and push fear aside, out of nowhere it still creeps in every once in awhile. Fear of failure? Fear of success? Fear of something I can't even put into words sometimes? It doesn't really matter ... it is what it is. And I must walk through it to get to the other side. It's part of the human experience that comes along with the joy, I suppose. All I can do is do my best to stay grounded, stay connected to my heart and continue to take the next right step! In August of 2010, I sat in Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success workshop and set a goal to write a book. I had no idea what it would be about; however deep down inside I knew I had a book in me. Maybe more than one. Perhaps a series. I let the ideas flow but it wasn't until a year later that the inspiration for my first book came. It happened while I was sharing a cup of tea with my neighbors and a young woman I've been pretty connected to since she was 12 years old. The experience was profound and from there the story unfolded. It came over me like a wave and woke me up many a night to write the next chapter or with a new idea for the cover design. Over a three week period, the words flowed and the book wrote me. The wrting part was easy. The hard part was taking the steps necessary to publish the book. And the hardest part ... summoning up the courage to share the story. It's a story of struggle, romance and transformation with a paranormal twist that will intrigue believers and skeptics alike. Through the process, I have learned alot about myself, my fears, my blocks, my passion and my purpose. I have developed profound connections with amazing people and have had some mystically wonderful experiences. And, yes, I've been afraid. It is my hope that the story touches you, helps you transcend fear, opens you up to possibilities and somehow supports and inspires you to be the best you can be! We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. I spend alot of time online using social media for my work with teens and adults. The problem with that is how much time can easily be spent in ways that are not always productive ... following links, learning new information, listening to webinars, connecting with old friends on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, working with tech saavy teens has certainly connected me with amazing internet possibilities that I've used to my advantage, but I've had to work really hard to spend my online time wisely.
Yesterday I came across a link that struck deep down to the core of me. The picture was what first attracted me ... then the page name, tinybuddha... then the title of the featured article, Six Powerful Questions That Will Change Your Life Forever by James McWhinney. So I clicked ... and my life was changed. I couldn't help but post the link to my personal page on Facebook. The private messages of gratitude I got in my email box were astounding! In just hours, lives had been affected in huge ways ... across the country and around the world! So for those of you in transition, here you go. Or feel free to pass this post onto someone you know who might benefit. 1. What do I absolutely love in life? 2. What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? 3. What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me? 4. If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do? 5. What would I do if I had one billion dollars? 6. Who do I admire most in the world? Feel free to leave comments below or email me privately with your insights, experiences and, of course, to explore how I can help you incorporate your answers into your life! For the full article by James McWhinney, click here. What happens when a busy film crew, a fast-living power couple and Dr. Wayne Dyer all converge at a California inn? Portia de Rossi leads a cast of characters each exploring their life purpose and discovering their own spiritual journey? Join Wayne Dyer as he facilitates a discussion and process in his feature film, The Shift. Wayne Dyer has set very lofty goal. He would like 10 million people to watch his film, The Shift.. He believes we can reach a tipping point and all help to make a major shift in consciousness to better our world, our lives and our communities ... and if my experience after watching this movie while in the height of my transition to living on purpose is any evidence of what's possible, then I'd like to help Wayne reach his goal! The Shift airs this Sunday, April 1st at 11:00amEastern/10Central on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Watch the trailer here and visit Oprah's Facebook Page Super Soul Sunday or visit the OWN Network for more information. Coaching Yourself to Success in 2012: 3 Mistakes to Avoid on the Road to Living Your Purpose12/14/2011 _Mistake #1: Not being clear about exactly what you want. "The indispensible first step to getting what you want out of life is this: decide what you want." ~Ben Stein What to do instead! How about starting 2012 by clarifying your life purpose? Click here for The Life Purpose Exercise to help you get clear about your purpose. Once you have it, all the goals you create, decisions that you make and actions that you take will ideally reflect your purpose for being on the planet! Mistake #2: Surrounding yourself with negativity. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." ~Jim Rohn What to do instead! Try this to help you increase your awareness of the people in your life. List those people you spend the most time with ... family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people in your civic organizations, etc. Once you have your list, place a + sign next to the the people who are nurturing and positive and a - sign next to the people who are negative or toxic. Place a * next to the five people you spend the most time with. This activity takes just a few minutes, but serves as a wonderful index of the positive and negative influences in your life. When I first did this, I realized that I needed to take some action to end a friendship that wasn't serving me and even decrease the quantity of time I spent with a couple of family members. I couldn't eliminate these people from my life, but I was able to set some boundaries and replace our time together in way that shifted things to the positive side. I also became aware of the impact of my own self talk! I noticed I was more positive when I surrounded myself with more positive people. I felt so much better, had more energy and accomplished more things that made me even happier! Mistake #3: Focusing on your failures rather than your successes. "The problem is that most people focus on their failures rather than their successes. But the truth is that most people have many more successes than failures." - Jack Canfield Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? Did you keep it? Did you reach the goal that you had in mind when you made the resolution? What to do instead! Don't make resolutions anymore ... set goals based on your life purpose. Do an annual review of your goals, focusing only on your accomplishments. I just completed my Year in Review for 2011 with my teacher and mentor Jack Canfield. Instead of starting 2012 feeling bad about what I haven't accomplished, I am all fired up over how much I have actually accomplished! My next step is to revise my goals and add some new ones for 2012! After that, I can focus on taking action towards my goals. It is amazing how having a clear life purpose, surrounding myself with positive people and focusing on successes can literally transform your life! By the way, you can access Jack's Year in Review 2011 by joining his Inner Circle Club for a free 10 day trial membership ... it's the best gift you'll ever give yourself! Contact me here to learn more about coaching yourself to success in 2012 or call me at 603-452-7350 today! There's alot of media attention around 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. Are we in for doom and gloom or is it an opportunity for transformation?
Here's Jack Canfield's perspective, along with Barbara Marx Hubbard's five questions that may help you discover your unique purpose during this transformational time. Do you remember the original plan? Do you have any memory of having volunteered to come to Earth at this particular time? The third question is, if so, do you remember your contract? What do you do best in the world that only YOU can do? What are you supposed to do now, and what tools and resources do you need to do it? Through some amazing and life changing physical, emotional and metaphysical experiences and alot of focus on overcoming fear in my life, I have been able to answer these five questions and am now living on purpose. Let me know if there's anything I can do to support your transition to living on purpose! Part 3 in the Money, Money, Money reveals Brian Tracey's greatest investment tip for creating financial abundance as well as personal fulfillment.
I've been doing this for a little over a year and am beginning to see amazing results. I am clear about my purpose, doing work I love and can feel my mind set changing. I'm on my way to spend a week with Jack Canfield in San Diego to solidify the shift and connect with potential partners on a couple of new projects. I am in awe at how my investment is paying off! If you're ready to explore possibilities and are ready for a shift, I have a few spots left for sample coaching sessions the week I get back. Drop me an email at [email protected] or call me at 603-452-7350 to set up your session today! In his famous story Oh, The Places You Will Go, Dr. Seuss called it The Waiting Place. In her song Between the No Longer and the Not Yet, Jana Stanfield describes it like this ... When we stand between the no longer and the not yet, Sometimes we falter when we forget, That the answers we can’t see wait patiently, Between the no longer and the not yet. ~Jana Stanfield Some of us simply describe it as feeling stuck. No matter how you express it, the feeling is the same in that in between place. I've discovered that the best thing for me to do during those times is a little intentional exploring around my purpose, my vision, my goals and the path I'm on. I've also discovered that doing with a coach gets me to results faster and with more fun! Thanks to the power of social media, email and cell phones, I've been getting daily updates, inspiration and golden nuggets from my friends and colleagues who are attending Breakthrough to Success with Jack Canfield.
It's amazing how the energy from BTS continues to live on in my heart and soul and in my daily life and how the transition and transformation toward living on purpose continues! Here's one of my favorite nuggets from one of Jack's Success Coaches, Sean Smith. He shares the wisdom found in the music of Jana Stanfield ... the official musician of BTS. She calls herself the Queen of Heavy Mental ... and for very good reason! I've adopted this song into my daily life as well as the work I do with both adults and teens: See Sean's BTS Golden Nugget here. Listen to What Would I Do Today If I Were Brave? by Jana Stanfield here. For more information about Jack Canfield's work click here. Click here to learn more about Transition On Purpose coaching packages for teens, adults and Mastermind Groups or call 603-452-7350 I'm in the middle of teaching a 6 week class for adults titled The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, based on the work of Jack Canfield. The class begins by exploring core values and life purpose. I am always amazed at how many adults have never taken the time to identify their core values or what their life purpose is. From there we move on to deciding what we want and goal setting and then developing action plans and a system to support goal achievement. Again, this process is fascinating. It never fails that old programming, behavior patterns and limiting beliefs come to the surface during this process. The exciting news is that we now know alot about the brain, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, the power of the subconscious mind and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and move toward success and fulfillment I am always energized when I teach. Not only do I get to learn more about myself as I watch my students learn., but I have the honor of witnessing the transformation that happens when self awareness increases, healing begins and students begin to take purposeful action toward creating a more fulfilling future! As much as I love introducing new audiences to this material, even more exciting is to work with clients who commit to continuing the process with more in depth 1 on 1 or group coaching committments toward improving their success habits and achieving their goals. Finally, and in line with my own passion and purpose, I absolutely love sharing this information with teens. Teen brains are not yet hardwired as adult brains are. By doing this work at a young age, effective success habits can be formed at a time when the brain is actively building new neural pathways. This makes it easier to build good habits and begin to connect with purpose at a much younger age, thus supporting teens in creating a life of fulfillment. I am fortunate to be able to work with teens in the classroom and community settings on a daily basis. I especially love helping teens reframe limiting beliefs and teaching them the tools to empower them to pursue their dreams and goals. The following article from Success magazine provides some good insight about success habits in teens: http://www.successmagazine.com/success-for-teens-get-in-the-habit-of-creating-good-habits/PARAMS/article/1102/channel/22 To find out more about how I can coach you or your teen to support a life of passion, purpose and success, contact me at 603-452-7350 or via the form below. begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting |
Transition on Purpose