Coaching Yourself to Success in 2012: 3 Mistakes to Avoid on the Road to Living Your Purpose12/14/2011 ![]() _Mistake #1: Not being clear about exactly what you want. "The indispensible first step to getting what you want out of life is this: decide what you want." ~Ben Stein What to do instead! How about starting 2012 by clarifying your life purpose? Click here for The Life Purpose Exercise to help you get clear about your purpose. Once you have it, all the goals you create, decisions that you make and actions that you take will ideally reflect your purpose for being on the planet! Mistake #2: Surrounding yourself with negativity. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." ~Jim Rohn What to do instead! Try this to help you increase your awareness of the people in your life. List those people you spend the most time with ... family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people in your civic organizations, etc. Once you have your list, place a + sign next to the the people who are nurturing and positive and a - sign next to the people who are negative or toxic. Place a * next to the five people you spend the most time with. This activity takes just a few minutes, but serves as a wonderful index of the positive and negative influences in your life. When I first did this, I realized that I needed to take some action to end a friendship that wasn't serving me and even decrease the quantity of time I spent with a couple of family members. I couldn't eliminate these people from my life, but I was able to set some boundaries and replace our time together in way that shifted things to the positive side. I also became aware of the impact of my own self talk! I noticed I was more positive when I surrounded myself with more positive people. I felt so much better, had more energy and accomplished more things that made me even happier! Mistake #3: Focusing on your failures rather than your successes. "The problem is that most people focus on their failures rather than their successes. But the truth is that most people have many more successes than failures." - Jack Canfield Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? Did you keep it? Did you reach the goal that you had in mind when you made the resolution? What to do instead! Don't make resolutions anymore ... set goals based on your life purpose. Do an annual review of your goals, focusing only on your accomplishments. I just completed my Year in Review for 2011 with my teacher and mentor Jack Canfield. Instead of starting 2012 feeling bad about what I haven't accomplished, I am all fired up over how much I have actually accomplished! My next step is to revise my goals and add some new ones for 2012! After that, I can focus on taking action towards my goals. It is amazing how having a clear life purpose, surrounding myself with positive people and focusing on successes can literally transform your life! By the way, you can access Jack's Year in Review 2011 by joining his Inner Circle Club for a free 10 day trial membership ... it's the best gift you'll ever give yourself! Contact me here to learn more about coaching yourself to success in 2012 or call me at 603-452-7350 today! |
Transition on Purpose