Event + Response = Outcome
The basic idea behind this Principle is this. In life, events happen. There is really nothing we can do to change them. It is our response to an event that determines the outcome that we end up with. The only part of the equation that we really have any control over is our response. This Principle suggests that we take 100% responsibiltiy for our lives and for our responses to the events of our lives. No more blaming others or complaining about the outcomes we are experiencing, but rather consciously choosing to spend our time and energy focused on our responses to life events in order to effect the outcomes. When first introduced to this Principle, I found myself justifying alot ... thinking, yes, but he said ... or they did ... or what about that. Today, to the best of my ability, I look at the outcome I am experiencing. If I don't like it, I decide what I can do differently to change it. The actions are not always easy, but the outcomes are always better. At times I've had to set boundaries with the people I love, practice tough love, decline a lucrative contract with a difficult client, forego a social engagement and opt for rest and rejuvenation. Sometimes, hidden beneath the outcomes I am experiencing are patterns created by limiting beliefs that I've been carrying around for years that need to be released. And finally, I am always grateful for the lesson, the insight, and the shift that consciously choosing my responses to the events in my life provides. Read more about this principle in this article by Jack Canfield at http://www.jackcanfield.com/blogs/jacks-blog/item/435-take-100-responsibility-for-your-life-starting-today.html "If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts." —Betty J. Eadie Did you know that science has proven that the thinking and decision-making you do with your conscious mind adds up to only about 5% while your subconscious mind controls about 95%? The subconscious mind play a major role in determining how we interact with our environment, in creating our reality and attracting the results we want in life. On the other hand, the subconscious mind, if driven by old behavior patterns, pent up feelings and limiting beliefs, can keep us stuck and block us from moving forward in the direction our conscious mind wishes to go. Hypnosis can be a very effective way to access the subconscious mind to break old behavior patterns, eliminate limiting beliefs that hold us back and help to create new success habits. Hypnosis and traditional coaching are a great combination to help harness the power of the subconscious mind to change behavior, while also developing success habits in a fun, relaxed environment that supports accountability and positive momentum. Personally, with the support of coaches and guided by a few of the masters of our time, I have done alot of work around limiting beliefs, the Law of Attraction, and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and developing daily habits that open up the door to inspired action and support effortless success.The results have been and continue to be amazing! Professionally, in my work with teens and the adults who support them, I continue to incorporate my knowledge and experience, and a variety of techniques into my work to help my clients gain a better understanding of the power of thoughts and emotions and how the subconscious mind works to create one's own reality, support success and effect sustainable change. For more information on Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success check out Jack Canfield's article at http://www.jackcanfield.com/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&id=390:daily-disciplines-for-effortless-success |
Transition on Purpose