Coaching Yourself to Success in 2012: 3 Mistakes to Avoid on the Road to Living Your Purpose12/14/2011 _Mistake #1: Not being clear about exactly what you want. "The indispensible first step to getting what you want out of life is this: decide what you want." ~Ben Stein What to do instead! How about starting 2012 by clarifying your life purpose? Click here for The Life Purpose Exercise to help you get clear about your purpose. Once you have it, all the goals you create, decisions that you make and actions that you take will ideally reflect your purpose for being on the planet! Mistake #2: Surrounding yourself with negativity. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." ~Jim Rohn What to do instead! Try this to help you increase your awareness of the people in your life. List those people you spend the most time with ... family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people in your civic organizations, etc. Once you have your list, place a + sign next to the the people who are nurturing and positive and a - sign next to the people who are negative or toxic. Place a * next to the five people you spend the most time with. This activity takes just a few minutes, but serves as a wonderful index of the positive and negative influences in your life. When I first did this, I realized that I needed to take some action to end a friendship that wasn't serving me and even decrease the quantity of time I spent with a couple of family members. I couldn't eliminate these people from my life, but I was able to set some boundaries and replace our time together in way that shifted things to the positive side. I also became aware of the impact of my own self talk! I noticed I was more positive when I surrounded myself with more positive people. I felt so much better, had more energy and accomplished more things that made me even happier! Mistake #3: Focusing on your failures rather than your successes. "The problem is that most people focus on their failures rather than their successes. But the truth is that most people have many more successes than failures." - Jack Canfield Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? Did you keep it? Did you reach the goal that you had in mind when you made the resolution? What to do instead! Don't make resolutions anymore ... set goals based on your life purpose. Do an annual review of your goals, focusing only on your accomplishments. I just completed my Year in Review for 2011 with my teacher and mentor Jack Canfield. Instead of starting 2012 feeling bad about what I haven't accomplished, I am all fired up over how much I have actually accomplished! My next step is to revise my goals and add some new ones for 2012! After that, I can focus on taking action towards my goals. It is amazing how having a clear life purpose, surrounding myself with positive people and focusing on successes can literally transform your life! By the way, you can access Jack's Year in Review 2011 by joining his Inner Circle Club for a free 10 day trial membership ... it's the best gift you'll ever give yourself! Contact me here to learn more about coaching yourself to success in 2012 or call me at 603-452-7350 today! As you may know, I have been an avid student of Jack Canfield's over the past year and a half. The Success Principles have literally transformed my life and I have been incorporating the Principles into the teaching and coaching I do with teens and adults alike! No matter how we define success, these principles apply and serve to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives to accelerate our progress and create measurable and magical results!
I am excited to have the opportunity to continue working with Jack as my teacher, coach and mentor in 2012 and look forward to working with him to bring the Success Principles to teen and young adult classrooms across the country. With that in mind, I highly recommend my favorite products below for the teens and adults on your holiday list. who are looking for transformation in the New Year or the kids of all ages who simply enjoy creating and envisioning big dreams for their future. Act now to get 30% off on already reduced prices! For the kids, teens and adults on your holiday list with Jack's Vision Board Collection ... these kits are beautiful, fun, effective & deeply discounted for the holidays! For teens, The Success Principles for Teens book comes highly recommended by a large group of teens who reviewed the book for me this fall. Teens love the stories, quotes and practical content. (And I am soooo excited to be developing a curriculum for teens based on this book! For the adults in your life who are looking towards 2012 with a vision of personal and/or professional transformation, check out The Success Principles 3o day audio course and The Success Principles white book. And finally, get a glimpse of Jack's story, his perspective on 2012 and the vision that has fueled his passion to share this transformational work worldwide. Read an excerpt and get a copy of The Golden Motorcycle Gang for yourself and pass on the inspiration as we head into 2012! Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." ~Joel Arthur Baker In life, we are often in action. Life is busy with raising children, work responsibilites, taking care of our homes, our bodies, our relationships. We can get so busy that we lose track of who we really are and what we're really here to do.Too often the activities of day to day life take up our time and distract us from our purpose. It is not uncommon for adults to find themselves restless, disconnected and less than satisfied with their day to day reality. Some of us have been fortunate enough to have received a gift I often call "the gift of desperation". The life event or experience that brings us to our knees where the big life questions exist and at a time when we have little choice but to reflect on the bigger questions while learning to accept our reality, explore our options and make necessary changes. Still others experience the pull toward their purpose as a dull ache or longing ... knowing that something is missing, but not quite sure how to find it ... continuing to fill up their time with endless responsibilities and taking action without a clear vision. So, what might next toward gaining clarity of purpose and vision? Here are a few suggestions: Lean Into It Jack Canfield's Success Principle #14 suggests simply "leaning into it". Leaning into it may mean simply allowing some quiet time to reflect on your passion, your purpose, your goals and dreams. As you connect on a deeper level, you will gain clarity and opportunities to take inspired action will begin to appear. Connect With Other Explorers The next step may involve connecting with people who are also exploring. Connecting with others who are on their own journey is a wonderful way to enjoy ours more fully. Having some company along the way makes the journey more fun, lifts our spirits, and provides us with new insights and perspectives to consider while refining our path. What I have learned through my own process is that when I take action the Universe, Source, Higher Power, God or whatever you want to call your belief helps you along the way in ways you could never have imagined. Invest in Yourself If you are ready to take action and "lean into it" I encourage you to consider investing in yourself and joining my upcoming class, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Based on Jack Canfield's work, this class will provide you with the latest information, a foundation of tools and techniques and solid support to begin your transformation toward living on purpose. Participants will be led through activities and experiences that will help them clarify their purpose and vision, set goals and develop action steps and empower the process of transformation. For more information, click on "Events" to the left or visit For many of us, changes are made one small step at a time. For some of us, small steps lead to bigger steps and then to huge leaps as faith and trust expand. There are others who jump right in. Go at your own pace and choose what resonates with you. It doesn't matter how you get there, but that you get there; "there" being unique to each of us! All that said here are some suggestions: If you're not local or you like to get your information in the comfort of your own home, computer or MP3 player and make changes over time, I highly recommend Jack Canfield's 30 day Success Principle's Audio Course. If you're into immersion and want an amazing way to jumpstart your process, consider investing in Breakthrough to Success 7 daytransformational workshop. Visit If you'd like to explore one on one or small group coaching options, contact me at [email protected] or call me at 603-452-7350 Whichever option you choose, you'll be well on your way to a new and more purposeful way of living! |
Transition on Purpose