This week I am participating in Marcia Wieder's Inspiring Speaker Training Program through Dream University. Marcia facilitated an activity that is simple activity to help identify what's not working and lead us to action to shift in order to make room for possibilities.
The activity is quick, easy and profound ... and the simple process can be applied to all aspects of our lives. I encourage you to get paper and pen or open up MS Word and take just a few minutes and do the activity for yourself. Even better, do it with a friend. And if you're really committed to making the change and clearing the way to expanding possibilities, arrange for some accountability to help you. So here you go ... Answer the following question: No More What? i.e. What's not working for you? What would you like to change? What's draining your energy? What are you fed up with? For each "no more" answer the following questions: Why Not? i.e. What's the cost of continuing whatever you listed above? Now What? i.e. what is possible as a result of giving up your no more What personal practice will you put in place to get rid of the no more? i.e. some practices may be meditation, journaling, getting an accountability partner or coach, setting a goal and monitoring it, taking a class, developing a skill, setting limits in relationship, self hypnosis, etc. When I did this I came up with several no mores ... but as Marcia suggests, pick one to work on and commit to it. Here's the No More I decided to work on: No more what? Processed sugar. Why not? It makes me tired, unfocused and sets me up in a cycle to want more sugar. I have diabetes in my family and don't want to go there. And it keeps my weight in a place I'd rather not be. Now What is Possible? Increased focus and more productivity. More energy and motivation to increase physical activity. Weight loss without alot of effort. Improved overall health. What personal practice will you put in place to get rid of the no more? I will remove sources of processed sugar from my home and office. I will get a supply of my favorite fruit to satisfy my cravings for sweets. I will use hypnosis to support my goal to eliminate processed sugar. I will share my goal with my accountability partner and ask for her help in keeping me on track. I will make a Mind Movie and watch it daily for 30 days or more to support habit change and optimum health. I've been spending ALOT of time online lately! I love how the internet gives me the ability to accomplish so much and so efficiently without ever having to get in my car. Literally, a world at our fingertips. Making travel plans, managing bank accounts, paying bills, website revisions, keeping up with social media, Skyping, blog posts, my Netflix que, business email, personal email, participating in online classes and meeting up with my coaching group ... the list goes on and on. The biggest challenge with my online world? Remembering my passwords! Letters, numbers, too many characters, too few characters ... ti's gotten quite complicated. I've even resorted to letting my computer store the passwords, which sort of defeats the purpose of passwords, especially if you share your computer with others. Today I saw this post on Positivity Nation. I love it! It solves my password dilemma and makes me smile at the same time! Check it out ... A Year of Positive Action: Week Thirty Nine
Change your passwords! With everything these days requiring a password, what a wonderful opportunity we have to practice some positive self-talk in the most routine of ways. Develop passwords that give you a boost and make you feel good. Here are a few ideas to get you started: BNice2day, smileWIDE, IMWorthy, 1AwesomeDay, URamazing2. You get the idea…have some fun with it and remembering your password will be a breeze! According to Jack Canfield, self-esteem is a verb, not a noun. It is not something we have but rather something we do. It's how we see ourselves, value ourselves and feel about ourselves.
Self-esteem is a key to being successful in all aspects of life. Check out this article for 5 Ways to Increase Self-Esteem “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha Back in May I blogged about Kindness Weekend in the Mount Washington Valley. You can scroll down below on the right and find the post if you're interested. But today I want to share a bit of history leading up to Kindness Weekend, pick up where that weekend left off, and give you a glimpse of what's next!
I met Mikayla in 7th grade health class when she was 13. I was teaching a unit on growth and development ... and she was being a feisty teenager. I liked her instantly. I felt like I had known her forever. Funny how that happens with some people. A few years later, she participated in the Teen Clinic Peer Education Training Program. Eventually, I hired her to work with me in the Teen Clinic and Community Outreach Program I ran. That's how we got connected and came to participate in Kindness Weekend together. But there is a whole lot more to Mikayla's story. I got to witness it as she was going through something no teen should ever have to experience. But I also got to witness a transformation that goes beyond my ability to put it in words. So I'll let Mikayla tell you about it herself. Here is Mikalya's story of how she got to where she is today ...and how she'll get where she's going next ... Overcoming Adversity: Mikayla's Story To read more about the big blue bus and Mikalya's kindness project visit Past, Present and Preparing for the Future: An Interesting Perspective on Sexuality Education9/15/2011 Below is a link to a great article by the Guttmacher Institute comparing the youth of today with the youth of past generations with regard to the need for comprehensive sexuality education.
Working with teens and adults and stakeholders around teen pregnancy prevention is my passion. Over the years I've discovered it's less about sexuality education and more about supporting teens in making life choices that will help support them in exploring possibilities, help them eliminate limiting beliefs and ultimately creating the life of their dreams! Feel free to contact me if there's anything I can do to support you, your teen, your group or your community in exploring resources and strategies that work or perhaps starting a conversation that is critical to our youth. I connected with John Assaraf the moment I saw him in the movie, The Secret.
As a pharmacist and as an expert in teen brain development, I have a pretty solid foundation in the brain biology, chemistry and function and how it translates into behavior. As a hypnotherapist, I am fascinated by the subconscious mind ... it's function, it's potential and how to access it to support behavioral change. John takes all we know about the brain scientifically, incorporates quantum physics and connects it all to spirituality in a way that's simple and easy for anyone to understand, with the goal of helping people create the life of their dreams. I follow John on Facebook. Today his post is "Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What will you do differently this week to create change in your life or business?" The post led me to his youtube channel and the next thing I knew, he was explaining the concepts of visualization, goal setting and creating action plans using his personal example of turning 50, wanting to release 25 pounds and curb his sugar addiction. Funny that! It seems that, if I am truly open and go with my gut, I am always led to exacty what I need to produce the results I want in my life. Yesterday, on a hike with a good friend, I had a similar conversation about acknowleging my recently escalated sugar issue, not feeling physically well because of it and wanting to release a few pounds. I know what I'll be doing differently this week to end procrastination around my sugar issue! Here's a short video to give you an idea of John's approach to reaching any goal you want to reach in your life and creating whatever you want! Feel free to share your comments below about what you're going to do this week to make the changes you want to make. Enjoy! Did you ever have one of those days where your thoughts are all over the place? Ideas flowing, excited about possibilities, connected to the energetic vibration of nature, feeling compelled to action, not sure what to do next but feeling compelled to action?
Today is one of those days for me! And when I'm having that kind of day, I tend to be unfocused and nonproductive. However, today will not be that way. I have committed to a 30 day challenge put forth by Jack Canfield in his Ask Jack Call I participated in on Wednesday. ( Thirty days because that's about how long it takes to develop a habit. And Challenge because it's something I've not yet mastered. This month's challenge involves committing to 5 action steps daily to advance our Breakthrough Goal. Your Breakthrough Goal is like your dream. A goal that would completely change your life as you know it. Level up your finances, change your day to day life, the people you surround yourself with, change your work ... whatever you want it to be! Jack's first breakthrough goal was to be a bestselling author. My firend Mikayla's breakthrough goal is to spend a year traveling across the US spreading kindness from her Big Blue Kindness Bus. (Read about it at My breakthrough goal is to bring the Success Principles to teens, young adults and professionals that serve youth across the country. So more specifically, here's Jack's assignment: Take your number 1 goal for the year (or create a breakthrough goal if you don't have one. See pages 53-54 of The Success Principles book ... see for information on creating a Breakthrough Goal. Then make a 100% NO EXCUSES, FULL OUT COMMITMENT to work on that goal every day (except your weekly holy day or your day off). Use the Rule of Five (5 action steps every day to achieve your goal) on that goal. (See blog posts to the right for more information on the Rule of Five.) Play full out, knowing that you will probably come up against fears, negative beliefs, reasons why you think you can't succeed and roadblocks (real external barriers to your success). All of this is natural. In fact, part of the purpose of this exercise is to surface these fears, considerations and roadblocks, which up until now may have been in your subconscious. Once they are in your awareness, you can use releasing techniques, on your own or with a coach, to handle and release them. Note that although taking 5 actions steps a day can feel overwhelming, the action steps themselves can be simple, fast and easy! For example, doing a google search for resources. Reading for 10 minutes during your lunch break to gain knowledge you will need. Making a phone call. Sending an email. Posting your goal on facebook or telling a friend. A simple one line email and a followup phone call yesterday got me a meeting with an important contact that provided me with some information that is invaluable with respect to my goal! Another email got me connnected with someone who has some technical expertise that I need to support my next step. And ironically, this expertise will come at no cost due to a barter for something I can provide that completely supports someone else! Or like Mikayla did yesteday ... she went to Staples and enlarged a picture of the Big Blue Bus and hung it on her bedroom wall to help her in visualizing her dream. She googled the bus of her dreams, found it online and emailed the owner. This morning, she got an email back with information that may just get her that bus! What is your breakthrough goal? Your dream? What actions will you take today to make your dream your reality? What holds you back from taking action? Who will you be accountable to help you build up this new habit? For me, I find is that when I'm clear about my goals and taking action, the Universe is conspiring to bring the pieces to me that fill in the spaces of my dream. Like a puzzle that goes together in ways that are way beyond my limited human perspecitive! The Law of Attr-action in Action! And this is all while I'm working my regular job, in between coaching clients and living a pretty busy life! If you'd like more information or support about turning your goals and dreams into reality and breaking though the roadblocks that may be standing in your way, call 603-452-7350 or email me at [email protected] today to set up your free exploration session. As I've shared, I've recently been accepted to participate in an amazing training and mentorship program with Jack Canfield, best-selling author, speaker and success coach.
I set this as a goal a year ago, not having any idea how I would achieve it, I visualized my participation and acted as if I was well on my way to working with Jack as a mentor and teacher. And then, in a way that only the Universe could have orchestrated, my goal became a reality! I was ecstatic when I got the news, but after a couple of days, the high was followed by a very strange period of neutral. No excitement ... just neutral. I've become very adept at paying attention to the highs, the lows and the neutrals. I am grateful that the lows are few and far between now. The neutrals usually have a message hidden for me. Sometimes in the neutral place, the messages are more subtle, less apparent and harder to identify. I've learned to be patient and trust the process. I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I read Jack's blog this month, FOCUS to Overcome Fear. Ahhhhh ... fear. I've discovered that fear is at the base of every low and often hidden in the neutral places as well. I'm grateful for getting exactly what I need when I need it ... a great article to provide me with insight and give me tools to help shift fear to focus ... and get me on track with my paperwork and travel plans and all that needs to be done to get ready to meet up with Jack in November! FOCUS to Overcome Fear ~Are you frustrated or feeling stuck in your business, at school or in your personal life? ~Are you looking to discover your purpose in life? ~Would you like to begin implementing a system to help you achieve the results you desire? ~Would you like some tips, tools, strategies and support to help you break trough subconscious limiting beliefs that are slowing down or blocking your progress? Whether you are a parent seeking clarity of purpose and direction for yourself or you'd like to help your teen or young adult connect with theirs, the Transition On Purpose Pathways to Success Coaching Program is a great way to get started! Group coaching success sessions are: ~are 90 minutes in length via teleconference and include ample time for Q & A ~are conducted once a week for 6 weeks beginning Tuesday, September 27th at 7pm ET ~are recorded with unlimited access to replays at your convenience ~include downloadable worksheets for each session Sign up here today or call Trisha at 603-452-7350 for more information about this fast, fun, effective and economical way to start seeing immediate results in your personal, academic and professional transformation! The investment for this 6 week program is regularly $357. Take advantage of this limited time opportunity and save over 45% by signing up today for only $187! To pay in 3 easy installments, click below. It's official ... I've been accepted into a pretty exclusive mentorship and training program with author and transformational leader, Jack Canfield!
I set this as part of my 5 year plan a year ago. I had with no clear idea, given my life circumstances, how it would be possible. But instead of focusing on doubt, I trusted that my passion, purpose, vision and taking action would fuel the Universe to figure it out. And it did ... in ways that are beyond my comprehension! Today, in just a year of applying Jack's Success Principles to my life and implementing his Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success, my goal is now a reality. I first met Jack 30 years ago when I heard him deliver a talk at my first professional development conference. That day I purchased his very first cassette tape series called Self Esteem and Peak Performance, which helped me immensely in my early career days. Several years ago, I was connected to work again during a session with a teen who cited Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul as being the one thing that helped her get through a very difficult period in her life. I was connected once again to Jack's work in a synchronistic sort of way. I was kayaking with a friend of mine who told me about a book she was reading and suggested I check it out. I joked with her and told her that I was having trouble adjusting to my 50 year old eyes and didn't enjoy reading much because it forced me to admit that my eyesight was changing. She quickly suggested audio books and gave me a website to visit. Seriously, I was planning to take care of the vision thing, but was also thinking that listening to audio books would be a very cool thing to do while kayaking. The first book that popped up on the website was The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. I was going through transition without clear direction and the book was being offered for free with a membership, so I downloaded it onto my computer and started listening to it. An hour later, it was bright and sunny outside and I had the whole day off to spend on the lake. I went next door and consulted with my teenage neighbor .... my official technology consultant ... and checked into what MP3 player would be best for me to download the Success Principles so I could listen as I kayaked. In just a few minutes, I was off to town and within an hour I was back home syncing the book onto my new MP3 player while I got my kayaking gear ready. Three months later, despite the fact that I didn't have the resources to support tuition, travel, etc., and as a result of an amazing sequence of manifesting magic, I was live at Breakthrough to Success, Jack's 7 day transformational workshop. I've been living, teaching and coaching around his success principles ever since. Now, beginning in November, I will be working with Jack personally to help me get better at what I do and to support him in bringing his work to teens and adults in a much bigger way! There's really something to be said about starting your days with gratitude, following your heart, being clear about what you want, taking consistent action toward your vision, harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and believing that miracles really do happen. So, how can I you or your teen or young adult to get clear around your passion, your purpose and your next steps to making your dreams your reality? Call me at 603-452-7350 or email me at [email protected] or check this link out to explore your wildest dreampossibilities and how I can help you realize them! |
Transition on Purpose