Did you ever have one of those days where your thoughts are all over the place? Ideas flowing, excited about possibilities, connected to the energetic vibration of nature, feeling compelled to action, not sure what to do next but feeling compelled to action?
Today is one of those days for me! And when I'm having that kind of day, I tend to be unfocused and nonproductive. However, today will not be that way. I have committed to a 30 day challenge put forth by Jack Canfield in his Ask Jack Call I participated in on Wednesday. (https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/ask/Patricia) Thirty days because that's about how long it takes to develop a habit. And Challenge because it's something I've not yet mastered. This month's challenge involves committing to 5 action steps daily to advance our Breakthrough Goal. Your Breakthrough Goal is like your dream. A goal that would completely change your life as you know it. Level up your finances, change your day to day life, the people you surround yourself with, change your work ... whatever you want it to be! Jack's first breakthrough goal was to be a bestselling author. My firend Mikayla's breakthrough goal is to spend a year traveling across the US spreading kindness from her Big Blue Kindness Bus. (Read about it at www.kindnessmiles.com). My breakthrough goal is to bring the Success Principles to teens, young adults and professionals that serve youth across the country. So more specifically, here's Jack's assignment: Take your number 1 goal for the year (or create a breakthrough goal if you don't have one. See pages 53-54 of The Success Principles book ... see https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/product/Patricia for information on creating a Breakthrough Goal. Then make a 100% NO EXCUSES, FULL OUT COMMITMENT to work on that goal every day (except your weekly holy day or your day off). Use the Rule of Five (5 action steps every day to achieve your goal) on that goal. (See blog posts to the right for more information on the Rule of Five.) Play full out, knowing that you will probably come up against fears, negative beliefs, reasons why you think you can't succeed and roadblocks (real external barriers to your success). All of this is natural. In fact, part of the purpose of this exercise is to surface these fears, considerations and roadblocks, which up until now may have been in your subconscious. Once they are in your awareness, you can use releasing techniques, on your own or with a coach, to handle and release them. Note that although taking 5 actions steps a day can feel overwhelming, the action steps themselves can be simple, fast and easy! For example, doing a google search for resources. Reading for 10 minutes during your lunch break to gain knowledge you will need. Making a phone call. Sending an email. Posting your goal on facebook or telling a friend. A simple one line email and a followup phone call yesterday got me a meeting with an important contact that provided me with some information that is invaluable with respect to my goal! Another email got me connnected with someone who has some technical expertise that I need to support my next step. And ironically, this expertise will come at no cost due to a barter for something I can provide that completely supports someone else! Or like Mikayla did yesteday ... she went to Staples and enlarged a picture of the Big Blue Bus and hung it on her bedroom wall to help her in visualizing her dream. She googled the bus of her dreams, found it online and emailed the owner. This morning, she got an email back with information that may just get her that bus! What is your breakthrough goal? Your dream? What actions will you take today to make your dream your reality? What holds you back from taking action? Who will you be accountable to help you build up this new habit? For me, I find is that when I'm clear about my goals and taking action, the Universe is conspiring to bring the pieces to me that fill in the spaces of my dream. Like a puzzle that goes together in ways that are way beyond my limited human perspecitive! The Law of Attr-action in Action! And this is all while I'm working my regular job, in between coaching clients and living a pretty busy life! If you'd like more information or support about turning your goals and dreams into reality and breaking though the roadblocks that may be standing in your way, call 603-452-7350 or email me at [email protected] today to set up your free exploration session. |
Transition on Purpose