I am gearing up for an exciting week and would love for you to join me in the excitement! My first novel launches on Amazon on Wednesday, June 12th! As I've shared, I set the goal to write a book at my first Jack Canfield event in August of 2010 with no idea what I would write about. In the fall of 2011, a pretty profound metaphysical experience with a friend and my neighbor launched me into 3 weeks of non-stop writing, which ultimately became the foundation of my new novel. I hope you will join me for Julia's transformational journey through challenges, changes, uncertainty and toward her true essence ... and I hope you will also share the link with friends! The link is http://www.matchmeetsthemetaphysical.com Available soon!!! My interview with Mark, the real life medium who, through a shared metaphsycial experience, prompted me to write the book In this casual conversation we each share our perspectives on how a simple cup of tea turned into an event that has transformed the lives of many. Check back here to listen to the interview, which I hope to have ready within the next week or two. The process of writing this book has led me to countless conversations with people of all ages, coming forth to ask me questions and share their own experiences and sometimes their fear, apprehension and skepticism about all things metaphysical. A few people have even asked me to coach them through their experiences and questions and help them determine how to develop and use their skills to better serve themselves and others. Thus a new book project is in the works! I'll be interviewing several psychics and asking them to share about their own psychic development as well as their advice about how to develop and use psychic abilities in day to day life. I am also interested in stories ... stories of metaphysical experiences, encounters, intuitive flashes, etc. and how they have helped to change the course of life in a positive way. If you or someone you know would like to share a story for potential inclusion in the book, please email me at [email protected]. Confidentiality will be maintained and written permission to share your story will be obtained prior to being published. In light of my fascination with the power of the subconscious mind and the need for people to be more aware of how it plays out in their lives, I published my first audio course, At the Waterline: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. Check it out and feel free to share ... this is a great way to begin changing your life with conscious and subconscious intention! And finally, I'm gearing up for another week in the training room with Jack Canfield and the 2013 Train the Trainer class. Looking forward to reconnecting with Jack, the Assisting Team and participants for another transformational week! Stay tuned for pearls and blog posts about this Long Beach experience! "If you could go out every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it will have to come down.
~Ron Scolastico This advice was shared with Jack Canfield when he was in the process of publishing his first Chicken Soup for the Soul book ... the book that quantum leaped his career. Out of this advice, Jack developed the success principle known as The Rule of Five. Jack recommends thinking about your breakthrough goal or any goal you wish to accomplish, breaking it down to bite sized pieces and commiting to taking five action steps every day toward accomplishing the goal. Jack also uses the mantra, "Yard by yard, it is hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." He also teaches a corresponding success principle and called "The Swiss Cheese Method" where he recommends chunking down large goals into smaller, bite sized pieces that can easily be broken down into specific action steps. In addition to my work goals, I have a closet project that's been on my mind since winter. I have to walk through the space every single day and it's taking up way too much energy that could be well spent in more productive ways. Basically the upstairs of the cape I live in is "the closet". I have transformed the room at the top of the stairs into a walkin closet as well as the place where everything gets stored. Needless to say, in order to get to the closet part, I have to navigate through tote boxes and laundry baskets full of clean clothes (I don't enjoy folding and putting away laundry!) and other things that end up at the top of the stairs and in that room. Ordinarily I would spend hours on this project until it was completed. However, the weather has been amazing, my kayak is calling me as is my business development plan that I have to implement before the middle of August. I'm not really up for tackling this project head on. It seems overwhelming, which is exactly why I've been procrastinating on it for so long. A few days ago, while trying to find something amid the clutter, I decided I've had enough. I set a goal to clean the closet by August 15th. I am using the Rule of Five to accomplish it. Five things a day. Well I revised it a little to energize the effort a bit, after all, I am in summer mode and have more flexibility than during the school year. So I made it a 5 plus 5 and 10 more. 5 articles of clothing folded and put away. 5 articles of clothing hung up. Plus 10 extra minutes a day toward clearing the clutter. The progress I've already made in just a few days is amazing. Some days I go for a few minutes more past the alarm I've set if I am so inclined, which most days I am, but it's not required. Instead of being overwhelmed, I feel good about accomplishing what I've set out to do. When I go upstairs every morning, I see the progress. My energy has shifted and it feels good! How can you apply The Rule of Five to your goals? How can you break down your big goals into 5 action steps? Perhaps making 5 phone calls or sending 5 emails or mailing out 5 proposals to advance that business goal? Perhaps doing 5 small things to connect with your kids or your partner throughout the day to support that relationship goal? A step could be a simple phone call, an email, having lunch with a colleague, doing online research, random acts of kindness to help raise your vibration and thus give you more energy to do another 5 things, Just 5 simple action steps. The extra added benefit that cannot be underestimated is that when I am in action, cool things begin to happen. It's as if the Universe is conspiring to support me in my efforts by bringing me insights, opportunities, connections and creative ideas. Focused action creates flow and brings forth impulses towards inspired action. The only action I have left in me righ now is sleep. But before I do that, I will spend a few minutes filling my mind with a vision of my breakthrough goal as that tree, me with the axe and my Rule of Five action list and let my subconscious mind orchestrate the rest as I sleep. To learn more about the Success Principles, visit https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/TSP/Patricia The thing I love most about teaching is learning! No matter who I'm presenting to and no matter what the topic, as I prepare, I learn ... and as I teach, I learn. Most recently, I taught a class titled Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. I found myself particularly drawn to the information I read about the Reticular Activating System in the brain and how it relates to the Law of Attraction and matching our biology with our environemnt! Also amazing was some of fhe research around the power of the heart. Our brain literally works to bring into focus what we think about, worry about, or dream about. Our heart, via the emotions we feel, puctuates our thoughts and activates the Reticular Activating System to bring us more of what we're thinking and feeling. If you find yourself noticing repeating patterns or cycles in your life that don't reflect the life you want to be living, most likely there's a subconscious belief fueling the Reticular Activating System to bring more of the same. The good news is you can reprogram the subconscious mind and change what the Reticular Activating System brings into focus for you. Contact me at [email protected] or 603-452-7350 to find out more! As Michael Dooley says, "Thoughts become things, so think the good ones!" The Reticular Activating System
"If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts." —Betty J. Eadie Did you know that science has proven that the thinking and decision-making you do with your conscious mind adds up to only about 5% while your subconscious mind controls about 95%? The subconscious mind play a major role in determining how we interact with our environment, in creating our reality and attracting the results we want in life. On the other hand, the subconscious mind, if driven by old behavior patterns, pent up feelings and limiting beliefs, can keep us stuck and block us from moving forward in the direction our conscious mind wishes to go. Hypnosis can be a very effective way to access the subconscious mind to break old behavior patterns, eliminate limiting beliefs that hold us back and help to create new success habits. Hypnosis and traditional coaching are a great combination to help harness the power of the subconscious mind to change behavior, while also developing success habits in a fun, relaxed environment that supports accountability and positive momentum. Personally, with the support of coaches and guided by a few of the masters of our time, I have done alot of work around limiting beliefs, the Law of Attraction, and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and developing daily habits that open up the door to inspired action and support effortless success.The results have been and continue to be amazing! Professionally, in my work with teens and the adults who support them, I continue to incorporate my knowledge and experience, and a variety of techniques into my work to help my clients gain a better understanding of the power of thoughts and emotions and how the subconscious mind works to create one's own reality, support success and effect sustainable change. For more information on Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success check out Jack Canfield's article at http://www.jackcanfield.com/index.php?option=com_flexicontent&view=items&id=390:daily-disciplines-for-effortless-success |
Transition on Purpose