It is amazing how sometimes the tiniest little things can be so powerful! Perhaps it's a smile from a stranger, a look from a loved one, a random act of kindness that someone did for you that simply made your day.
But today, for me, the very small but powerful thing that impacted my life was a stomach virus ... a tiny little organism that literally took over my body, took over my life and brought me down! This morning I was literally on my way out the door to client appointments, followed by a board meeting, dinner with a friend and then a weekly discussion group I belong to. As I got ready, I was thinking about how busy I've been ... transitiioning from a very busy winter schedule and going full tilt right into my spring schedule. I haven't had much time to recover and regroup, never mind catch up on laundry and dust bunnies! The thought no sooner cross ... WOW... It was as if my subconscious mind read my mind and found an instant solution to my need for a break. In just a few minutes, I felt dizzy and went into a cold sweat. I felt a sharp pain in my belly looking for a way to exit but, not quite sure which way to go. In between trips to the bathroom, I cancelled my clients, took a nap, did a little work on my website and got in some much needed snuggle time with my kitties. I'm feeling better now, but I think I'll listen to my body and take the rest of the day off. Grateful for a virus? Yes, really! But just for today and just for this moment. I've got way too much going on tomorrow, so I think I'll rest up, take another nap and relax for the evening. The laundry and the dust bunnies will just have to wait! So yes, I'm grateful for a virus today ... it gave me permission to snuggle with Leah and Sylvester! I think they're grateful too :) _Research indicates that being in a state of gratitude, love and appreciation affects us, and those around us, on an emotional and physiological level.
The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is the time when most people tend to demonstrate their love and appreciation. But wouldn’t it be nice to experience that level of joy, love and appreciation every day of the year? Consider using Jack Canfield's article as a guide to help up-level your expressions of gratitude, love and appreciation in 2012. It can literally transforms our way of living, being and relating to those around us! Paying attention to the ways in which those around us prefer to receive our expressions of appreciation is something that can expand the impact of our expressions even further. Read more about this in the article: Three Ways to Express Appreciation for Greater Impact I love this idea! Giving thanks and expressing gratitude literally changes our attitude, our relationships and our lives!
I'm going to do this ... how about you? Thanks Giving Challenge by Success Magazine A few of the things that top my gratitude list this time of year are the lake across the street from my home, my kayak, the neighbor who so generously lets me store my kayak on her beach and the flexibility I have in my summer work schedule that allows me to escape to the lake on a whim. Needless to say, I find myself heading out for an hour or two most sunny days to pause, reflect and rejuvenate.
As I've shared previously here, I work with teens. They generously share their tech expertise with me on a regular basis ... literally teaching me how to text, how to connect facebook to my phone, how to download apps,, check email, use GPS, among other things that are way over my head. They have also taught me about mp3 players and recently helped me pick out the one best suited to supporting my kayaking breaks while supporting the development of my business as well as my personal growth. My teen neighbor still doesn't understand why I've chosen to download Yanni, meditation scripts and a couple of audiobooks to my mp3 player. He is always suggesting plenty of his own iTunes favorites for me to check out, which I politely decline. Today he is patient with me as we wait for my favorite business book to sync from my laptop to my Sansa Clip. I head out with my earbuds, walking toward the lake with my paddle while listening to Jack Canfield's 30 day Success Priniciple Journey. I've done this program a few times over the years, but each time I listen it brings me to another level. It also reminds me of how far I've come and how much my life has shifted and changed in a relatively short time. It also provides me with an amazing step by step process to continue my journey and get me where I want to be. Don't get me wrong ... I am fully present in each moment, however, I believe it's important to have a clear vision to help me stay on purpose. There's something about being on the water for me. Perhaps it's an astrological thing. Who knows. I do know that today the lake is calm and peaceful and I am completely open. As I paddle, I listen to a few key principles that I've been needing to revisit lately to shift the stuckness I've been feeling over the past few days as I struggle with the transition between the busy school year compared with the much slower pace of summer. I fully enjoy each and every moment I'm out on the lake, but there's a 9 to 5 work ethic thing that pops up every once in awhile that I've been fighting with while developing my business. Perhaps that's what has me listening to a business book while I'm taking a break. Then again, I am living my life purpose and it's all good fun and it doesn't ever really feel like work. I have a clear vision for my legacy. Having it alive in my brain and my being is what keeps me focused and committed on my day to day journey. It's what keeps me clear about my goals and helps me focus on the action steps I need to take along the way to making my vision a reality. As I paddle, I close my eyes and reflect back to my Breakthrough to Success experience last summer. I clearly remember the energy in that room and the transformation that happened for so many of us in just 7 days. I've been missing the experience lately, but as I visualize the room full of people and feel the energy we shared at BTS, I am literally there. The human brain is an amazing thing and visualizing is a tool I've come to know, love and use on a regular basis. As I continue to paddle, I reflect on how my life has changed since I got connected to the Success Principles and since I came back from BTS and began to incorporate Jack's work into the work I do with both teens.and adults. Finally, with no audiobook playing, no music, no paddling, I close my eyes, clear my mind, take in the sounds of the water lapping against the shore, the birdsong all around me and the tickle of the dragonfly as it takes a break on my hand ... I focus on my breath and all I am grateful for ... and prepare to go back to work for the afternoon. For more information about the Succes Priniciples 30 Day Audio Course visit: For more information on the 7 day BTS experience click on the picture below. And of course, if you have any questions about the Success Principles, BTS and how I incorporate this into my work with teens, feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 603-452-7350 Yesterday I began a two week sex ed curriculum with a group of 120 high school students. I provide an abstinence-based comprehensive curriculum that provides medically accurate information to support healthy choices around sexual activitiy and relationships ... and life in general.
Since attending Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success and becoming an avid student of the Success Principles, I have revised my sex ed curriculum to incorporate a few key principles into my work. Yesterday I began with a discussion on Taking 100% Responsiblity for Your Life and E+R=O. Event plus Response equals Outcome, with the key point being that we can't control the events or the outcomes ... only the responses. Their homework assignment:: Find a partner. Share with your partner a part of your life (work, school, finances, relationships, etc) that you could be 10% more responsible for? What action could you take within the next 24 hours to be 10% more responsiblie? Go out and complete that action within the next 24 hours. As I have shared, I am fascinated by the power of the subconscious mind. I do a kinesiology demonstration to begin a discussion about self esteem, the power of our own throughs on ourselves and others along with peer pressure and influence Today we will use the scenarios in the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Quiz as the jumping off point of our discussion. Tonight I begin teaching a 6 week course on the Success Principles to a group of adults. We'll also be talking about Taking 100% Responsiblity and the importance of accountability. I love doing what I do! And I so enjoy witnessing others who are also on the path to self discovery. But, before I head out, it's time to tend to my own success routine. First my gratitude list, which is mostly done here. Then a bit of visualization along with goal review. One more quiet cup of coffee as I listen to the birds waking up and enjoy the purr of the cat that insists on having her paw on my keyboard. Then my Rule of Five Action Plan for the day and off I go to see what magic lies in store. Oh, by the way, care to try the homework assignment? I am happy to be your accountability partner. Simply leave your comments below. Share a part of your life (work, school, finances, relationships, etc) that you could be 10% more responsible for? What action could you take within the next 24 hours to be 10% more responsiblie? Go out and complete that action within the next 24 hours and email me when you've completed your action. Accountability rocks ... which reminds me to add my accountability partner to my gratitude list today :) When I woke up this morning, it was dark and the house had a bit of a chill. It was -14 degress outside with wind chill warnings and in a couple of hours, I had to head out to the mountain where I've been teaching skiing part time for the past 13 winters. I am passionate about sharing my passion for skiing with others, but not feeling particularly excited about heading out this morning. Chances are no lessons will show and I'll have some time to catch up on some paperwork, but I still have to show up when I'd much rather stay snuggled in for a bit longer and work from home today. I got up, turned up the heat, brought my first cup of coffee back to bed and snuggled back in for a few more minutes. Leah and Sylvester, my two cats, snuggle in on either side of me for a nap and Annie, my dog, chooses a few more zzzzzzz's over going outside for her morning business. The sunrise comes ... over the lake and behind the New England steeple I can see through my bedroom window. Beautiful as always. It's time to get up, then again, perhaps just one more cup of coffee in bed is a better plan. I pour another cup and crawl back into bed just as the sun comes up over the horizon. As I near the end of my coffee, the sun begins to shine brightly. In an instant, something magically magnificent happens! The sun lights up the cystalline artwork Jack Frost painted on my window overnight. A brilliant spectrum of color and brightness lights up my world and I linger a few more minutes to take it all in. Nature is amazing. For me, taking that extra moment or two to be fully present in nature makes all the difference in my day. I can feel my energy level rise and feel the change in the way my energy vibrates. I say "thank you" as my feet hit the floor and I head to the shower, looking forward to being under the bluebird sky, feeling the cold on my face and heading to the mountain. I am grateful for sunrises, sparkley, frosty window panes, hand warmers, technical layers, chapstick, and ski buddies who will join me in a few runs and share hot chocolate and good conversation with me afterwards.I am grateful for my old farmhouse, my frosty bedroom windows and my furry friends that greeted the day with me. And I am even grateful for a bit of extra time today to catch up on paperwork. What makes your energy level rise? What makes you vibrate at a higher level? What makes your heart happy? What are you grateful for? |
Transition on Purpose