I'm in the middle of teaching a 6 week class for adults titled The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, based on the work of Jack Canfield. The class begins by exploring core values and life purpose. I am always amazed at how many adults have never taken the time to identify their core values or what their life purpose is. From there we move on to deciding what we want and goal setting and then developing action plans and a system to support goal achievement. Again, this process is fascinating. It never fails that old programming, behavior patterns and limiting beliefs come to the surface during this process. The exciting news is that we now know alot about the brain, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, the power of the subconscious mind and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and move toward success and fulfillment I am always energized when I teach. Not only do I get to learn more about myself as I watch my students learn., but I have the honor of witnessing the transformation that happens when self awareness increases, healing begins and students begin to take purposeful action toward creating a more fulfilling future! As much as I love introducing new audiences to this material, even more exciting is to work with clients who commit to continuing the process with more in depth 1 on 1 or group coaching committments toward improving their success habits and achieving their goals. Finally, and in line with my own passion and purpose, I absolutely love sharing this information with teens. Teen brains are not yet hardwired as adult brains are. By doing this work at a young age, effective success habits can be formed at a time when the brain is actively building new neural pathways. This makes it easier to build good habits and begin to connect with purpose at a much younger age, thus supporting teens in creating a life of fulfillment. I am fortunate to be able to work with teens in the classroom and community settings on a daily basis. I especially love helping teens reframe limiting beliefs and teaching them the tools to empower them to pursue their dreams and goals. The following article from Success magazine provides some good insight about success habits in teens: http://www.successmagazine.com/success-for-teens-get-in-the-habit-of-creating-good-habits/PARAMS/article/1102/channel/22 To find out more about how I can coach you or your teen to support a life of passion, purpose and success, contact me at 603-452-7350 or via the form below. begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting I am an advocate of coaching. As a teen, I was a competitive athlete and depended on my coaches to help me improve specific skills, teach me the power of focus and support and inspire me to be the best I could be at whatever sport I was playing. In school, teachers and guidance counselors served as my academic coaches.
As an adult, I have worked with coaches who have helped me to improve my tennis and skiing skills, further develop my professional skills, sharpen my decision making skills, clarify my life purpose, set goals and develop and implement action and accountability plans.. Today, in addition to having a coach ... I am a coach. I provide 1:1 and group coaching opportunities to teens and adults in transition. For more information about coaching and the 5 reasons coaching works so well, read Jack Canfield's article at the link below.. To learn more about my individual and group coaching opportunites, contact me at 603-452-7350 or at [email protected] http://www.jackcanfield.com/blog/item/1011-whos-coaching-you-on-your-path-to-success.html Seek out and share good news.
It’s true, we don’t need to look far to find negative news stories in the media. I also believe it is true that there is a “good news” story in every community – even amidst natural disasters and difficult situations. So the challenge to you this week is to make a deliberate effort to find one of these stories --whether from your community or somewhere on the other side of the globe -- then share it! Post it on your facebook page, share it with your co-workers, your teen, your family. Ask them to do the same. This is a powerful way to spread the epidemic of positivity! Grateful to Positivity Nation for giving us permission to share. Visit them at www.positivitynation.com Also, don't forget Kindness Weekend in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley, NH. Visit www.kindnessweekend.com for details. Even if you can't join us, be sure to check out the website for what you can do to spread kind in your own place in the world! This is the time of year when high school graduation celebrations are being planned, seniors all over the country are preparing for their next step and parents are beginning to see their lives with one less child to take care of every day.
So what’s next? For some it is about following a pre-prescribed path that was laid out for them by parents, mentors, culture or society. Others will begin a quest to answer some of the bigger questions about life. Questions like: Who am I? What do I value? What is my purpose? My vision? My dream? How will I fulfill it? What’s next? For others it will be about both. For many of us, the bigger questions came later in life; after our formal education, career, marriage, family, major purchases. For many of us those questions are prompted after a life changing event, such as divorce, job loss, illness, financial difficulty, etc. It is often during those difficult times that we are challenged to go deep within, beyond the noise of our day to day lives, to the core of who we really are, to our connection with a greater source, to what we truly believe, why we’re really here and what we'd like to accomplish in this life. For many of us, it is often about looking back over the course of our lives to see the patterns and cycles that hold us back, the beliefs that limit us and the environments that cause us to make choices that don’t serve our greatest good. Life is about exploring. But why do many of us wait so long to discover who we really are and to answer the bigger questions? Why not begin to explore those questions before we choose our careers, our partners, our life path? Why not make those choices based on our values and our purpose? >>>>>> Sign up at the right side for our FREE 5-part Transition On Purpose Mini Course From High School to Career and Beyond: A 5 Step Journey for Teens and Adults in Transition Simply enter your first name and email address and the the lessons, resources and activities will be emailed directly to your email box. Transition On Purpose ... its' what we do best! |
Transition on Purpose