Small, simple actions can make a big difference!
Join me and Positivity Nation in a Year of Positive Action! Each week I'll be posting a suggestion for positive action. Take the action on your own, with your family or with a group of friends, coworkers, colleagues, classmates, etc. Week 2 in A Year of Positive Action Act randomly! Deliver a random act of kindness. Do something nice for a stranger or someone that you do not know very well. Remember, small things can make a big difference! Take note of the reaction you get and also how it makes you feel. Lately, the lyrics to an old song by Buffalo Springfield have been running through my head;
"There's something happening here What is it ain't exactly clear ...:" Things are shifting and changing ... rapidly. The 2012 phenomenon along with the end of the Mayan calendar has some people on edge. Others are looking forward to the birth of a new age. One thing is for sure. We have a choice whether we are going to view things from a place of negativity or a place of positivity. I am choosing positivity. I am grateful for my teacher and mentor, Jack Canfield, who continues to give me tips and tools to help me stay positive in an often negative world while staying focused on my goals. I am looking forward to being with Jack, his staff and like-minded others in San Diego in a couple of weeks for Advanced BTS training. The energy at BTS is always amazing and inspiring! In the meantime, I'm grateful for his recent blog on dealing with negativity that will keep me positive as I take care of loose ends before I go. Click to read Staying Focused in the Face of Negativity by Jack Canfield. Click here to gain access to variety of free resources to support you in reaching your goals and clarifying your life purpose, as well as gaining access to Jack's Inner Circle membership. I've been spending ALOT of time online lately! I love how the internet gives me the ability to accomplish so much and so efficiently without ever having to get in my car. Literally, a world at our fingertips. Making travel plans, managing bank accounts, paying bills, website revisions, keeping up with social media, Skyping, blog posts, my Netflix que, business email, personal email, participating in online classes and meeting up with my coaching group ... the list goes on and on. The biggest challenge with my online world? Remembering my passwords! Letters, numbers, too many characters, too few characters ... ti's gotten quite complicated. I've even resorted to letting my computer store the passwords, which sort of defeats the purpose of passwords, especially if you share your computer with others. Today I saw this post on Positivity Nation. I love it! It solves my password dilemma and makes me smile at the same time! Check it out ... A Year of Positive Action: Week Thirty Nine
Change your passwords! With everything these days requiring a password, what a wonderful opportunity we have to practice some positive self-talk in the most routine of ways. Develop passwords that give you a boost and make you feel good. Here are a few ideas to get you started: BNice2day, smileWIDE, IMWorthy, 1AwesomeDay, URamazing2. You get the idea…have some fun with it and remembering your password will be a breeze! Shop positively! Support a business that supports others. Whether a portion of the proceeds are donated to a great cause or the product itself brings attention to an important issue, or highlights fair-trade practices, how and where you spend your money can make a difference. Take a few minutes this week to look beyond the big box stores to find something that fills your need and supports others at the same time. Why not start today with a Positivity Bracelet? Positivity Bracelets are a great way to remind you and those around you to stay on the positive side of life while supporting a great cause. All proceeds go to support the White Mountain Community Health Center. For more about what we do, see $6.00 each includes shipping! Thanks to Positivity Nation for granting us permission to share A Year in Positive Action. Check them out at or like them on Facebook to get a daily dose of Positivity!
Consider how you may be able to save a life.
Will you sign an organ donor card… donate blood… or join the bone marrow registry? Maybe you will volunteer for a crisis hotline, donate your time/talents to a battered women’s shelter, or support an anti-bullying campaign. We are all, in some way, capable of saving a life…what action will you take? A Year of Positive Action is shared with permission by Positivity Nation. Visit them at or like them on Facebook to get daily quotes and insights on approaching your days with positivity. I also want to let you know that plans for the Mount Washington Valley's Kindness Weekend are in high gear! Visit for details. I hope you will consider joining us in our beautiful Valley to spread the kindness wave! Seek out and share good news.
It’s true, we don’t need to look far to find negative news stories in the media. I also believe it is true that there is a “good news” story in every community – even amidst natural disasters and difficult situations. So the challenge to you this week is to make a deliberate effort to find one of these stories --whether from your community or somewhere on the other side of the globe -- then share it! Post it on your facebook page, share it with your co-workers, your teen, your family. Ask them to do the same. This is a powerful way to spread the epidemic of positivity! Grateful to Positivity Nation for giving us permission to share. Visit them at Also, don't forget Kindness Weekend in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley, NH. Visit for details. Even if you can't join us, be sure to check out the website for what you can do to spread kind in your own place in the world! Share your expertise with someone in your community.
Your expertise may range from preparing nutritious meals on a budget to creating a marketing plan, from knitting mittens to financial planning, from making an incredible pie crust to fundraising, from developing the perfect foul shot to composting to babysitting … the point is we are all good at something! Sharing your knowledge can help someone grow and, in my experience, we always learn when we teach. It’s the perfect situation…everyone wins! Shared with permission by Positivity Nation. Visit them at Supplement your Year of Positive Action by visiting the beautiful Mount Washington Valley, North Conway, NH for Kindness Weekend! Michael Chase, the Kindness Guy, will join us for inspiration, random acts of kindness, a kindness rally and other events. Visit www.kindnessweekend for more details! Share sincere appreciation with someone whose actions you might normally take for granted. For example, the waitress who remembers your special order as soon as you walk in, the co-worker whose smile brightens your day, the family member who does the dishes without you asking, the person who shares a joke at just the right time, the cashier who always asks about your family, a friend who cares enough to share difficult feedback, the teacher who really cares, your health care provider who takes good care of you, a fellow student who helps you understand the homework, and so many more! Little things really do people that you notice! Shared with permission by Positivity Nation. Check them out at Speaking of positivity, Positivity Bracelets are a great way to remind you and those around you to stay on the positive side of life while supporting a great cause. $6.00 includes shipping! All proceeds go to the White Mountain Community Health Center provides adult, pediatric and teen healthcare and outreach services to uninsured and underinsured populations in the Mount Washington Valley, NH. Much of the work in the Vally is focused on the tourist industry and is therefore seasonal, part-time and without health benefits, which creates a difficult situation for families. Create an action plan for how you are going to use the remainder of the year to make a positive difference at home, at your workplace, in your community, and in your circle of influence. Be specific. Be deliberate. Be courageous! Write it down on paper so you can revisit your commitments and then journal your results. Engage others to join you in your efforts. When we all start focusing on the contributions we can make close to home, the ripple effect of those actions will be what creates momentum ... spreading the epidemic of positivity far & wide! Shared with permission by Positivity Nation. Visit them at Positivity bracelets are a great way to remind us to take positive action in our daily lives and help spread the word of positivity ... all while supporting a great cause! Get your's today for $6.00 including shipping by clicking on Add to Cart below. All proceeds go to support the White Mountain Community Health Center. Visit them at "Kindness extended, received or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved."~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Recently, I was invited by a high school principal at one of the schools I work with to attend an all school assembly on "kindness" as an approach to bullying prevention. Having worked with this school in several capacities (drop out prevention, sexuality education in the health curriculum, child study intervention team member, and as an outside referral agency for sexual violence) I was quite familiar with the school and the district's approach to bullying and harrassment over the years. "The kindness guy" according to the principal was outside of the usual scope of programming ... perhaps a little touchy/feely, warm and fuzzy ... however it was supported by reputable community resources and came highly recommended, and so it was supported by both principal and the school district. Michael Chase, the kindness guy, from The Kindness Center in Portland, Maine was introduced to an audience of over 500 students. For the hour that followed, you could have heard a pin drop in that auditorium. In all my years of working with middle and high school students, I have never witnessed anything like this! Michael's passion was evident as he told his story and revealed the moment when his life transformed that one day when he shared a profound moment on the side of the road with a turtle. The very moment when his life changed forever and he began to pursue his mission of spreading kindness. The kids were mesmerized! In class following the presentation, students were buzzing about the kindness guy, the turtle story of transformation, kindness, the kind of school culture they wanted to learn in, and how they might bring Michael's ideas and energy home to family, friends and the community. The next day was declared "Kindness Day". The vibrational energy in the school over the next couple of days was electric. Random acts of kindness were happening everywhere! Hugs given and received, praise notes, expressions of appreciation and gratitude. Students, faculty, staff and administration all involved! In heatlh classes following the presentation, in a spontaneous movement by a couple of students, about 65% of students expressed interested in starting The Kindness Crew and being actively involved in the movement. The good news is that the Kindness Crew was formed. The other good news is that we are actively promoting kindness as a daily thing and are optimistic that we will reach a tipping point and get back to level that the kindness guy started! The not so good news is that the momentum that the Kindness Guy and Kindness Day has certainly waned as the days go by. The key message is that kindness is a daily thing. It is something that each one of us need to intentionally decide to incorporate into our day. It is also something we intentionally need to remind others to incorporate into their day! It's not just a school thing ... it is an individual thing, a between family and friends thing, an in the classroom and hallways at school thing, a community thing, an at work thing, an in the grocery store thing, an online thing, a Facebook thing, a texting thing ... an everywhere thing! Kindness is a state of mind, a vibrational energy level that, if reached and sustained, has the capacity to transform an individual, a relationship, friendships, a family, a school, a community, our planet, and beyond! Check out Get yourself into the kindness zone by joining the Teen Clinic at White Mountain Health Center, the Kennett Kindness Crew and Positivity Nation in A Year of Positive Action at:!/pages/Teen-Clinic-at-White-Mountain-Community-Health-Center/143662842351818 |
Transition on Purpose