Coaching is fun, effective and provides quick, noticeable results. Coaching is not therapy, although it can be used in conjunction with therapy. Coaching does not focus on past behavior. Coaching begins in the present moment and supports you in mapping out a pathway to your future.
Through a series of questions, activities, assignments and action steps, coaching moves one from the present moment into the future and provides support around goal setting, developing and implementing action plans and achieving success. Coaching also provides ongoing accountability to support continuous and ongoing action towards reaching your goals. I often use hypnosis as an adjunct to traditional coaching for the following: -stress managment -to enhance performance -to eliminate limiting beliefs -behavior modification -to remove subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs Whether you are a CEO, doctor, teacher, parent, teen, student, high school drop-out, or a life coach, the principles for success are the same for all of us! Coaching helps us apply these principles to our values, dreams, and visions and helps us set goals and develop action plans to help us reach our goals. In addtion, coaching provides accountability and support to help us create a pathway to manifesting whatever we want in life! I am a coach ... and I am also a coaching client. Coaching is invaluable to my progress, my health, my happiness, my well being, and my success both personally and professionally! Whether you are a teenager going through transition, a college student moving toward a career, a parent wanting to better support your kids, a teacher wanting to better connect with your students, or a youth service provider wanting to better understand and serve your client, coaching is an effective way to support your process. Do you or your teen have a big dream you want to achieve? Perhaps you know great things are in store but can't quite figure out what's next? Perhaps you are in transition ... going from raising young children to now raising tweens or teens ... and need some support connecting with your child? Perhaps you have a teen in transition? -going from high school to college? -from being pregnant to being a teen parent? -going from court involvement or substance involvement to a fresh start? -from amotivation to achievement? Perhaps you or your teen is exploring life purpose or want to learn more about using intuition and inner guidance to support your decisions and explore possiblities? Working together through weekly, one-on-one, in person or teleconference meetings, coaching can help you and your teen connect with your values and purpose, set goals, break it all down into small action steps that support transition, clear blocks that hold you back, keep you laser focused, provide structure and accountability and open you up to new awareness and inspiration from the world around you. Feel free to contact me to talk about how we can work together to support you, your teen, your group or your organization! |
Transition on Purpose