Develop an attitude of gratitude. Start a gratitude journal. Every day take time to record three things that you are thankful for. There is power in actually writing these things down on paper! STRETCH to include the not so obvious things, the little things, the less than pleasant things that helped you learn a lesson. And if you experience sorrow this week, work to still find a way to be thankful even if it is only for those who are there to support you. -Posted with permission from
Today, I'm grateful for connecting with my Dad, for meaninful work that lines up with my life purpose and for the miracle of antibiotics that will help clear this sinus infection once and for all! Consciously expressing gratitude shifts out perspective from negative to positive and raises the energy vibration in our body. Gratitude is a set-up for more good things and is the first step to manifesting what we want using the Law of Attraction. Plus, it feels good! Another way to incorporate gratitude into your daily practice is to place a rock or other symbol to remind you throughout the day to be grateful. Place your favorite rock in your pocket in the morning and remove it at night, expressing gratitude each time you touch it, as well as throughout the day whenever you notice the rock in your pocket.. I wear a bracelet that has the word "positivity" on it. I find myself touching it throughout the day and each time I do, I think of one more thing I'm grateful for. Last night, after a long, tiring day at work and a trip to the grocery store, I parked the car, loaded up with groceries and walked toward the house. Something made me look up at the sky. The stars were absolutely amazing! Another opportunity to express gratitude for nature's beautiful display and the reminder that there something going on out there that is much bigger than I am! And I am grateful for that humility. By the way, if you'd like a Positivity bracelet of your own, see the Events page to order. They are $5.00 each plus $1.00 shipping and all proceeds go to the White Mountain Community Health Center. |
Transition on Purpose