![]() I am gearing up for an exciting week and would love for you to join me in the excitement! My first novel launches on Amazon on Wednesday, June 12th! As I've shared, I set the goal to write a book at my first Jack Canfield event in August of 2010 with no idea what I would write about. In the fall of 2011, a pretty profound metaphysical experience with a friend and my neighbor launched me into 3 weeks of non-stop writing, which ultimately became the foundation of my new novel. I hope you will join me for Julia's transformational journey through challenges, changes, uncertainty and toward her true essence ... and I hope you will also share the link with friends! The link is http://www.matchmeetsthemetaphysical.com Available soon!!! My interview with Mark, the real life medium who, through a shared metaphsycial experience, prompted me to write the book In this casual conversation we each share our perspectives on how a simple cup of tea turned into an event that has transformed the lives of many. Check back here to listen to the interview, which I hope to have ready within the next week or two. The process of writing this book has led me to countless conversations with people of all ages, coming forth to ask me questions and share their own experiences and sometimes their fear, apprehension and skepticism about all things metaphysical. A few people have even asked me to coach them through their experiences and questions and help them determine how to develop and use their skills to better serve themselves and others. Thus a new book project is in the works! I'll be interviewing several psychics and asking them to share about their own psychic development as well as their advice about how to develop and use psychic abilities in day to day life. I am also interested in stories ... stories of metaphysical experiences, encounters, intuitive flashes, etc. and how they have helped to change the course of life in a positive way. If you or someone you know would like to share a story for potential inclusion in the book, please email me at [email protected]. Confidentiality will be maintained and written permission to share your story will be obtained prior to being published. In light of my fascination with the power of the subconscious mind and the need for people to be more aware of how it plays out in their lives, I published my first audio course, At the Waterline: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. Check it out and feel free to share ... this is a great way to begin changing your life with conscious and subconscious intention! And finally, I'm gearing up for another week in the training room with Jack Canfield and the 2013 Train the Trainer class. Looking forward to reconnecting with Jack, the Assisting Team and participants for another transformational week! Stay tuned for pearls and blog posts about this Long Beach experience! Visualizing is one of the most powerful ways to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. Engaging the subconscious mind in the visualization process is a very powerful approach to further advance our goals toward achievement.
My interest in this concept was piqued in the movie, The Secret. Over the past couple of years I have become fascinated with the subconscious mind and have become an avid student. Click here to read John Assaraf's article on understanding the brain and why visualization works. The following story is an example of one huge thing I have manifested using the power of my subconscious mind along with visualization. I could share accounts of many, many smaller tjhings I manifest on a daily basis, but this story is one of my most profound ... and it is literally changing my life! In August, 2010, while sitting in the audience on the last day of the 7 day Breakthrough to Success event with transformational leader Jack Canfield, I set a goal to become one of his trainers. I was inspired by his Success Principles and had witnessed, first hand, major transformation as the result of incorporating the them into my life. I love teaching, coaching and inspiring others to be the best they can be and especially love working with teens and young adults. I knew in my heart of hearts that the Success Principles was an amazing system that needed to be brought to teen and young adult audiences across the country and I knew that I wanted to be instrumental in doing just that. In order to accomplish this goal, I would need to complete Jack's Train the Trainer program. This would require me to come up with the tuition, travel and related expenses (approximately $25,000) as well as apply and be accepted into the program. My financial status was pretty bleak due to budget cuts and having just started a new business, but I didn't let that get in my way! On Jack's suggestion, I have become an inverse paranoid. I believe that the Universe is always conspiring on my behalf according to what my subconscious mind is putting out there. I have come to believe that anything is possible and the only thing standing in my way is old limiting beliefs that serve as blocks. I decided that nothing was going to stop me from reaching this goal. It felt important and I knew way down deep that it was connected to my life purpose. I incorporated visualization into my daily life. I developed a Mind Movie which is a fun way to add pictures, affirmations and emotion to your vision. I watched my movie twice a day, in the morning when I woke up and at night just before falling asleep. As I watched the two and a half minute movie, I allowed myself to experience the end result as if it were already completed. I felt the feelings of being on stage in front of the audience, microphone in hand, teaching what I had learned from one of the best teachers, coaches and mentors in the world of personal and professional transformation. I booked the training dates in my calendar, as if I had already been accepted into the program. I filled out the application so it would be ready to send out when I had raised the money. I started to develop a concept proposal for the curriculum I had envisioned and put together a group of teens, young adults and professionals to help me accomplish my goal. I set up a file for the project and develooped an implementation timeline. I refused to let my less than stable financial status have any impact on my "knowing" that I would be in Jack's 2012 Train the Trainer class and that my project would come to fruition. I had no idea how it would all come together. I was just barely paying my bills ... but I kept visualizing and feeling and acting as if the goal were already completed. I even started a fundraising effort and succeeded in raising about $5000 which provided me with some seed money so I could begin to develop my plan to bring this work to teens and young adults. I began to pilot it locally in the classrooms I was already teaching in. A year later, in August 2011, a friend contacted me and asked me to take a road trip with her. She had just lost both her parents and needed a mental health break and change of scenery. She wanted to come to New England, travel up the coast of Maine, spend a few days in Acadia National Park and eat as much lobster as possible along the way. Acadia is one of my favorite places on the planet, and although money was tight, something made me say yes to the trip. Call it inspired action, but I "knew" I needed to go ... and so I did. We had a great time. She got what she needed, as did I. Acadia is always good for the soul! At breakfast one day, my friend told me that there was something she wanted to tell me. I listened as she told me that she had inherited a significant amount of money from her parents. She told me that she had been following my work with teens, that she knew Jack's work and had heard me share my vision of bringing his work to teens across the country. Over coffee and Belgian waffles, told me that she wanted to help me realize my vision. She then gifted me the entire cost of the year long program! I was in shock and couldn't speak through my tears of gratitude. I accepted the gift immediately. When I got home, I emailed the Train the Trainer application I had already completed several months before. Two days later I received a call from the Canfield Training Group to set up an admission interview and I was accepted into the program. I start the training in February 2012. Ironically (or not) Jack has publicly announced his interest in bringing his Success Principles work to teens. Although it is not quite clear yet exactly how, I have no doubt we will be working together toward this end in some capacity. I am totally convinced that the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful in creating the life of our dreams. I am now in the process of exploring the power of the heart combined with the subconscious mind using tools and techniques from the Heart Math Institute. The combination of the two is profoundly powerful! More on that later ... I am an inverse paranoid.
That is a phrase used by my mentor and teacher, Jack Canfield, who defines an inverse paranoid to be one who believes that the Universe is out to help and support them in creatng the life of their dreams and is conspiring to help them fulfill their purpose. I have a former friend who is paranoid. He always looks at the negative side of a situation. He always expects the worst. He even once said out loud, "The Universe is against me and it feels like it's out to get me." I tried to get him to reframe his thinking, but it was no use. But here's what I've learned. There is a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System. It works along with the subconscious mind as a sort of information filter. The function of the RAS is to take what you're focused on, sort through the millions of bits of information you get through all of your senses, match it with what you're focused on and bring that into your consciousness. A simple example of how this works ... have you ever thought about getting a new car? Perhaps you had the make and model in your head. Or in your dreams? And the next thing you know, all you see is that particular make and model car on the road? That's your Reticular Activating System in action ... sorting through all the cars on the road to bring to your conscious attention the one you are thinking about. The Reticular Activating System is a great thing to know about if you're trying to access the law of attraction to create more of what you want in your life. The real key to gaining maximum benefit from being an inverse paranoid is to be clear what you want. First you must have clarity of purpose and create specific goals. The next step is to have a vision of what the goals look like and feel like completed. Then let the Universe do it's thing. Take action on a daily basis towards your goals, especially when the action is inspired by something beyond you. That's where the sychronicities happen, opportunities appear out of the blue, ideas crystallize in your dreams and you know what you need to do next. So back to my friend. He refuses to give into my concept of being an inverse paranoid. He called me crazy when in response to his "what if's" I one day responded with "What if it all goes right?' We don't see each other any more. Being around him was bringing me down. And I'm sure that my positivity made him equally uncomfortable. As hard as it was to end the relationship, it was necessary to keep the positive energy flowing in my life. Like attracts like. Every day the inverse paranoid in me gets stronger and stronger and I trust more and more. With that comes inspired action ... and that's where the magic lives! Life is so much more fun as an inverse paranoid. My favorite part is teaching the process to others to support them in becoming an inverse paranoid and helping them supercharge the law of attraction in their lives. Every once in awhile, a limiting belief pops up for me. When it does, with the help of my coach and a little hypnosis to reframe my subconscious mnd, I address it. There's always something to work on ... that's what being human is all about ... learning and growing. But in the big scheme of my life ... it's all going right! John Assaraf posted a couple of quotes yesterday on his Facebook page that really struck me.
"What luck for rulers that men don't think" ~Adolf Hitler “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” ~ Adolf Hitler My first thought is how powerful Hitler was, how much influence he had and, of course, about the devastation he caused. My next thought was about the power of the media to create fear, spread propaganda and instill it in the subconscious minds of so many. Perhaps that is why I've choosen to turn off the television and refrain from listening to or reading most of what's out there. I rather enjoy thinking for myself and choosing what I want to fill my head with,, thank you. Now that my world is more quiet, I find myself reflecting on the people around me. I'm curious to discover what makes them tick. Why they think the way they think and feel the way they feel. Why they make the choices they make. What they hope for and dream of. Fascinating ... and as I learn more about them, I better understand myself. Science tells us that we downloaded the majority of our subconscious programming by the the age of 7. I've noticed that many of us have patterns in our lives that originate from beliefs developed from these old programs. I've had the opportunity to explore this concept with siblings recently. So interesting! We know that the Reticular Activating System of the brain strives to match our unconscious programming with our experience of external reality. We also know that our conscious behavior can be determined by our subconscious beliefs and that repetition can literally build new neuronal pathways in the brain and create new. Science now indicates that we have the ability to reprogram our subconscious mind. That's one of the reasons I am so fascinated by hypnosis and the many other ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. As we can delete, upgrade and intstall new software on our computer, we can literally rewire our brain and eliminate old beliefs and patterns that hold us back from reaching our goals and realizing our full potential. Wayne Dyer says that the most important time of the day to reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs is the 5 or 10 minutes just before we fall asleep. During sleep is the time the subconscious mind is most active. What do you give your subconscious mind to process before you go to sleep? Do you fall asleep worrying, fearful, perhaps with the television playing in the background? Or do you intentionally give you subconscious mind something positive to process during your 6-8 hours of sleep? Consider the followng: Unleash the Power of Goal Setting with Affirmations & Visualization For every goal you have, you ideally want to have an affirmation that declares it as if it’s already completed (even though it’s not). This creates and maintains a dynamic tension in the brain and inspires motivation. Affirmations (ideally with emotion and emphasized with visualization) causes the Reticular Activating System of the brain to look for ways to match your thoughts and feelings with your reality, thus helping you reach your goals, recognize opportunity, take both deliberate and inspired action and create your new reality. Precision affirmations used on a consistent connect the conscious mind with the subconscious mind. They help reprogram the subconscious mind and eliminate limiting beliefs that keep us stuck. Guidelines for Writing Effective Precision Affirmations 1. Start with the words “I am …” 2. Use the present tense 3. State it in the positive i.e. What you want versus what you don’t want 4. Keep it brief 5. Make it specific 6. Include an action word ending in “ing” 7. Include at least on emotion or feeling word 8. At the end, add the words “or something better” 9. Remember that you are doing this for yourself NOT for others For example, "I want to lose 20 pounds." becomes "I am feeling great at 148!" Punctuate your affirmation with a vision of what your goal looks and feels like. Remember that repetition key! To learn more about how hypnocoaching can help reframe old beliefs and set you on a new course to success, contact me at [email protected] or 603-452-7350. Over the last two decades teen births have dropped 37 percent in the United States and are now at a record low, government health officials report. While this is good news, the US teen birth rate is the highest in all developed countries and still up to nine times that of other affluent nations.
Speaking at a press conference recently Dr. Wanda Barfield, Director of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion's Division of Reproductive Health said that teens may still not be getting the sex education they need to protect themselves. "Only 50 percent of high school students are getting comprehensive sexuality education including abstinence and contraception," Barfield added. See more about the press conference at: http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/brain-and-behavior/articles/2011/04/05/us-teen-birth-rate-hits-record-low?PageNr=1 In NH we have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the country. In my region, we provide abstinence based comprensive sexuality education to teens beginning in the 7th grade and continung through high school. In addition, we offer a teen clinic and peer education program as part of our family planning services. It works.In addition to using evidence based programming and practices, we connect with teens on many levels and in many vanues and help them build assets and develop effective support systems. Unfortunately, we are facing huge budget cuts for the upcoming fiscal year. If things end up the way they seem to be headed, we will have to cut programs significantly. We will certainly lose ground and our rates will undoubedly go up. I find it incomprehensible that some of our legislators are voting to defund Title X Family Planning services and others are supporting deep cuts in the short term that will result in long term negative outcomes. I also find it a waste of time and energy to engage in the debate over what we should or should not be doing with regard to sexuality education. We know what works. We simply need to be doing it. I am doing it in my program and hope to be able to survive the cuts and continue doing it. Both are conversations for another time.I prefer to focus my energy and attention on what's nextt moving forward. I am hoping to take it what we have accomplished one step further to bring in some of the newer brain research into current family planning practice! Here's what I see in my practice and here's what I'm interested in investigating: . We are seeing increased pregnancy rates in 18-22 year olds. Case studies indicate that these teens and young adults report having limited or vision for their future. Many report being the child of a teen mom. Some are choosing to drop out of high school. Many are in unstable or less than stable relationships and expect to evenutally be raising their child as a single parent with the support of family and friends. Some have no definitive plan. Many tell me that access to birth control wasn't an issue in their pregnancy, but aren't really clear about why it happened. Some cite their decision being a subconscious one. I am a passionate student of the subconscious mind and the limiting beliefs lthat can lead us to limiting behavior patterns that keeps many of us stuck. In my own personal growth, I had and continue to explore limiting beliefs that were downloaded into my subconscious mind, according to current research, by the time I was 6 or 7. I would love to explore the impact of limiting beliefs on teen risk behavior and outcomes, including unwanted or unintended pregnancy. In my work with students at risk of dropping out of high school, it is clear that limiting beliefs play a role in academic performance and success. Fascinating. In a way that makes the passion within me rise. I'm thnking that my experience with teens and pregnancy prevention and risk behavior, as well as my expertise as a hypnotherapist may well be an interesting combination to explore the connection! Now, to connect with some innovative thinkers with high impact and find some funding! If any of you were teen moms and would like to share your story, thoughts, insights and opinions confidentially, I would love to hear from you. Email me at [email protected]. If any of you have ideas or contacts for private funding, Please share them with me at [email protected] or feel free to pass on my contact information. As Jack Canfield suggestsin his Success Principles , I'm being an inverse paranoid. I am trusting that this passion is driven by purpose. That we will find the funding we need to support our current level of service and develop more to explore this new theory. I am taking action by writing about this and asking for your help. Let's see what the Universe comes up with! As I've shared, I spent over twenty years immersed in traditional health care as a practicing pharmacist and as an educational consultant to the health care industry. A major life transition caused me to do some soul searching, connect with spirituality and explore my belief systems for the purpsoe of breaking some cycles of behavior.
My life transition led me to the mountains of NH and to work that is more in line with my passion and purpose. Through my personal process as well as my work with others, I have witnessed the power of limiting beliefs and the impact those beliefs have on creating a person's reality. Today I am fascinated by some of the new research that is beginning to bridge the gap between science and spirituality that I am sure will change the practice of medicine as we know it. I find myself intrigued by the work of Bruce Lipton. His work challenges our understanding of genetics. He suggests that it is our cellular environment, our thinking and our belief that influences genetic expression. If we adopt child programming that tells us that a particular disease "is in our genes" that we will actually create disease. If we reprogram our subconscious mind to shift programmed beliefs, for example with hypnosis, our outcomes will be quite different. It's not just about disease ... it's about anything we believe to be true due to the subconscious programming we experienced in childhood. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit, and a leading voice in new science field of Epigenetics. A cell biologist by training, he taught at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, and later conducted pioneering studies at Stanford University. Author of "The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution" and "The Biology of Belief", Dr. Lipton has been invited to speak on hundreds of TV and radio shows, and to appear as a keynote and workshop presenter at many national and international conferences. His most recent book, "Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here", is available now. Bruce has a way of explaining things that is simple, profound and life changing. His work on The Biology of Belief is most interesting and impactful. You can look him up on youtube ... certainly worth checking out! If you can carve out an hour or so, I strongly suggest you listen to an amazing interview at the link below. It will only be available for a couple of days, however. http://www.theawareshow.com/inspire/lipton/ According to Jack Canfield, early education and training taught most of us to look outside of ourselves for the answers to our questions. But we have the answers we need inside. Our subconscious mind is the source of our hidden genius. It can also be the part of our brain that holds us back and keeps us stuck. Attend this upcoming live event to learn more! ![]() Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Time: 6:30 to 9:00pm At: White Mountain Hypnosis Center Rte 113, Madison, NH This workshop takes place at the waterline ... the place where the conscious and subconscious mind come together to support our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Participants will explore intuition, kinesiology, visualization, precision affirmations, and other techniques to connect with and harness the power of the subconscious mind. We will explore limiting beliefs and develop skills and action steps to help identify patterns, overcome blocks, identify action steps to help stimulate the Law of Attraction and create desired results. Your presenter,Trisha Jacobson, left a twenty year pharmacy practice and moved to the Mount Washingtong Valley to pursue her passion. She works with teens and the parents, professionals and organizations who support and inspire them to reach their fullest potential. Trisha is a certified hypnotherapist and hypnocoach through the Nathional Guild of Hypnotists and has trained with best selling author and success expert, Jack Canfield. Trisha has been coordinating, teaching and presenting experiential educational programs and events for over twenty years. Registration fee for this program is $20.00. Space is limited. To register online click on "Add to Cart" below. To register by phone call Trisha at 603-452-7350 or email your name and phone number to [email protected] According to Jack Canfield, early education and training taught most of us to look outside of ourselves for the answers to our questions. But we have the answers we need inside. Our subconscious mind is the source of our hidden genius. It often speaks to us through our intuition. Read more about cultivating your intuition at: http://www.jackcanfield.com/articles/family-time/item/1003-cultivating-intuition.html Consider attending this upcoming live event! Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: |
Transition on Purpose