My mentor, Jack Canfield, gives high regard to being authentic and transparent. Most likely related to old limiting beliefs and subconscious programming as a child, being consistently authentic and transparent brings up some fear for me.
These days, whenever fear arises, I know that fear is most likely my subconscious mind trying to protect me and keep me safe. Fear screams loud through that subconscious voice and sometimes even creates a physiological response in my body. On the other hand, quiet reflection allows me to hear what's underneath the loud noise of my subconscious. It is then I can hear the whisper of my heart. Softly, gently, quietly ... it says "yes" or "do it" or it simply gives me a gentle nudge in my gut that I now trust as my intuition. I can either give in to the fear and go dark ... or take a risk, follow my intuition and choose light and love. I'm feeling that nudge to share something with you. It's very personal to me and may very well speak to you. Or maybe not. But I'll go with my gut anyway. Below is the link for my first Mind Movie. I created it awhile back after being introduced to Jack Canfield's Success Principles. I followed his suggestion that visualization is a very powerful tool to help us harness the power of our subconscious mind, breakthrough limiting beliefs and achieve our goals and dreams. This morning, as I watched my movie as I always do, I realized that I've made significan progress towards the goals I had in mind when I made myMind Movie. many of the goals Very cool! Today is a snow day in NH. I've decided to stay home and spend some time updating my goals and creating a couple of new Mind Movies to include in my Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success that Jack recommends. I suggest you explore how Mind Movies can inspire you to action and create the results you desire. The furry creatures you'll see in my Mind Movie are curled up around me as I type. I just made a fresh cup of coffee. Later this afternoon, I will be packing my gear and heading on a ski trip with the little guy you'll see by the ocean in my Mind Movie. I am now living my purpose, in a peaceful and productive environment, surrounded by love and support, building a successful business and creating financial abundance. I'm still waiting for my life partner to arrive and am quite sue he's on his way. I love how Mind Movies have helped me ... and I love how easy, fun and inspiring they are to create! Learn more about creating your own Mind Movie at To view my Mind Movie, go to: |
Transition on Purpose