Memetics is the first of nine enviroments that Jim Bunch teaches as part of his Ultimate Game of Life coaching program. (see the 3/9/2011 blog post below) Memetics refer to our beliefs, our paradigms, our world views. They are the thoughts we have over and over again in our subconscious mind. They are the filters through which we see the world. New research suggests that we download these subconscious programs by the time we reach the age of seven. Reseach also suggests that as adults, we run almost on autopilot according to those beliefs we downloaded as children, to create the lives we live as adults. As a avid student of both science and spirituality, I find this research fascinating, but that's another topic for another day. Back to our first enviroment, according to Jim Bunch: Memetics To explain this concept, Jim uses the analogy of seeing the world through three different sets of sunglasses; a red pair, a yellow pair and a green pair. Looking through red glasses we see everything that is wrong about life and your environments. You will see life as a struggle, that life is hard, that people are inherently bad. We would be focused on the negative, on the problems and see the wrong in the people and circumstances that make up our life. Looking through yellow glasses we see both the good and the bad. Looking through green glasses we see all the good in life and in people and in ourselves and in others. We see the world full of opportunity. We can see how to upgrade our environments to create health, wealth and happiness. Jim proposes that the more time we spend looking through the green glasses, the more success, happiness and abundance we will produce in our lives. Did you know that the subconscious mind controls 94 to 96% of our brain power! I am an avid supporter of this work and the impact it has in supporting positive change in our lives at both the conscious and subconscious level! Jim says, "An unquestioned belief is a guaranteed reality." In my own experience with this work, I discovered that old, limiting beliefs were creating unwanted results in three of my nine environments. Once I discovered them, I was able to incorporate specific techniques to rewire that old software and replace those old beliefs with new ones that now support my goals and desires ... and are now producing amazing results! You can do the same! Research strongly supports that the neural connections in our brain can be changed and thus we can change our subconscious programming. As we begin to identify old beliefs, we can shift old paradigms, and begin rewiring the subconscious, and thus literally redesign our life experience. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to aide in rewiring and upgrading your mental software. Coaching is a great way to move from present reality to the life you want through focused and inspried action. Coaching and hypnosis together, also known as hypnocoaching, is a fun, fast and cost effective way to produce results in any of your environments! And what better time to begin than spring! Learn more about Jim Bunch's 9 Environments at |
Transition on Purpose