As I prepare for the arrival of Irene, life gets right down to the basics ... water, food, shelter and connecting with loved ones. I'm home for the duration of the storm. I decide to take advantage of electricity while it lasts and do some reading. I head to the bookshelf right next to the easy chair to pick a title to settle in to.
Lately my world has been full of work ... dealing with budget issues and program cuts and financial juggling. Transition is a funny thing. It can either be a chaotic experience based on fear and met with resistance or an intriguing and inviting adventure met with an open heart and a willingness to explore new pathways. A book catches my eye. It's been there for quite some time and has never been opened, but today it speaks to me. And I listen. The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul's Deepest Purpose by Debbie Ford I do what I often do when I pick up a new book. I flip through the pages and let the book tell me what to read first ... as if a message is waiting. And it is. Consider with me the following discussion of ego and soul, excerpted from the book " ... but the journey must begin by choosing between two forces: one has the power to lead you to new heights; the other can keep you pinned down to a past that is filled with limitation and dread. Don't be fooled. You are living either an ego-driven life or one that is soul-centered. The soul discerns with laser-like sharpness. The ego judges and rejects with disdain and aggressiveness. The soul takes responsibility. The ego blames and transfers responsibility. The soul moves through life with grace. The ego moves through life with recklessness, chaos and drama. The soul feels good about who it is and what it wants and needs to sustain itself, to grow and evolve. The ego never has enough; it can never leave well enough alone or see beyond the current circumstances. It is entitled, confused and feels stuck. The ego tirelessly swims against the current, while the soul sits back and floats in the direction that life is moving in. You're either being guided by your soul or driven by your ego. Right now there is a full range of experience and emotion that is available to you. You can be burdened by fear, sadness and suffering as you struggle against your perceived flaws, limitations and outer obstacles ... or vibrating at a high level of consciousness, where the world and every one in it are as they should be. Where you easily see possibilities and solutions, even if they look very different from what you would have expected. Naturally in the flow, passionately determined to make the most of your life ... at peace with how you are, even if there are changes to make and problems to solve." ~Debbie Ford, The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul's Deepest Purpose. Wow ... perfect for me today in light of what's happening in my life. And so today's the perfect day to curl up, whether by lamplight or candlelight, with a cup of tea and furry friends ... and with the help of Debbie Ford, putting ego to rest and connecting with my soul Where are you in your process? Ego or soul? Or some of both? And what can you do to expand your soul, make the changes there are to make and solve the problems there are to solve? |
Transition on Purpose