Many of us have struggled with lack. loss, illness, rejection, disease, pain, abuse. Many of us have come to an age and an awareness that we can look back and see that we often repeat patterns in our relationships, our financial circumstances, our careers, our social experiences that haven't served us well. Many of us, once seeing the patterns and experiencing the impact of them on our lives, seek professional help, i.e. counseling or self-help programs to sort out the past and get to a more balanced, peaceful, loving and productive place in the present. Our wounds, if we consciously choose to explore them, appreciate them as gifts and be grateful for the lessons they have taught us, can serve as an important training ground for discovering our life purpose and our life work. I enjoy working with teens and young adults. I am amazed at how much more aware and open they are than when I was their age. Over the past few years, I have witnessed an enormous growth in awareness in this age group! The world is certainly different for them. At a time when their curiousity, creativity and willingness to take risk peaks, they have instant access to whatever information they want or need, whenever they want to access it, right from their own portable electronic device. They can explore topics and theories and resources that go way beyond school text books, homework assignments and family values..They can connect with virtual, support systems without fear of ridicule, judgement and with total acceptance. The capacity for self-directed discovery, personal growth and transformation on all levels is truly overwhelming. However, nothing can replace the human connection and the importance of face to face, eye to eye, heart to heart communication and connection. When kids unplug, they need real connections with real human beings to help them process their experiences to help sort out all they've got going on in their head, how it relates to their purpose in life. This post is inspired by a conversation I had with a young man at work yesterday. He spoke of his wound without revealing the specifics. He spoke of working with a counselor to sort out his past, yet feeling somewhat frustrated about not being able to move forward with his life. His curiousity and motivation for self-discovery is high, his technological skills are quite advanced, his quest for knowledge about the topics that interest him is immense and his openess to new ways of doing things is present. When I asked him where he learned so much, he simply said "I googled it all. I google all the time." I am looking forward to working with him to help provide a framework that will help him assilmilate some of what he's got running through his brain, help connect his wound to his purpose and facilite the creation of clear goals and an action plan that will begin to move him through each day and toward the future! Hypnocoaching is a great way for teens and young adults to assimilate past experiences, present knowledge and awareness and create an action plan toward the future in a framework that faciliates self-discovery, promotes self-esteem and supports engagement while helping to eliminate limiting beliefs and subconscious programming that many of us adults have had to deal with in our later years. |
Transition on Purpose