"Always be a first‐rate version of yourself, instead of a second‐rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
What are your core values? What is your purpose for being here? Where does your passion lie? Do you have a personal mission statement? How is this expressed in your life? How do you encourage the same self‐discovery process in your child? I often wonder what the world would look and feel like if every teen and every adult had the opportunity to explore these questions, discover their unique answers, break through any beliefs that limit or block their expression and then be given the tools and support to create their lives around the answers and live their fullest expression. For some people, I'll bet this post elicits some resistance, a few "yes,buts ...", some concern about fitting in to our society's mold of what a successful life looks like. For me, this idea elicits excitement, movement, sparks of creative energy and high vibration, and a field of limitless possibility! Perhaps that is why I love my work. Teens perceive the world with a brain that is not hard‐wired. Adults often see that as a bad thing … particularly when risky decisions lead to challenging consequences. On the other hand, teens live fully present in the moment. They take risks which are often fun, creative and expansive.They love to question and challenge the status quo. They love to dream. They love to express their creativity, their thoughts, their ideas. They love to share their perspectives and solutions to the problems that adults aren't able to solve in their sometimes "too hard‐wired" world. All we need to do is establish rapport, ask the questions, give them permission to take the journey, provide a framework that offers gentle guidance and forgo all judgement. And finally, simply trust the process and bear witness to the miracles that emerge! Coaching teens to find passion, purpose and authenticity … It's what I do best and love most! Coaching the adults who support, inspire and educate them helps to create family, school and work environments that support teens and expand success for all! I'm ready to travel with you, your teen or our group. Contact me so we can begin the journey! |
Transition on Purpose