'If you can dream it, you can do it". ![]() In August, 2010, I was sitting in the training room at Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success live event working on goal setting. I had participated in several days of activities, exercises, meditation and processes designed to help participants break through subconscious blocks and fears that kept us from success and creating the life of our dreams.The process was arduous and playing full out was difficult, but I was committed to the process that Jack had so expertly laid out for us. And I had certainly experienced a couple of breakthroughs over the week! Jack was asking us to level up our goal setting and write what he calls a Breakthrough Goal. Something that would quantum leap our life, our success, our purpose, our contribution to the planet. I always knew I had a book in me, and I had always enjoyed writing, but I had never written any more than journal entries, professional articles, emails and letters to friends. Before I had time for my inner critic to convince me otherwise, I wrote my breakthrough goal in the format Jack suggested: "I am a bestselling author by 7/1/13 at 5pm." I had no idea what I would write. I had no idea how I would find the time in my schedule to figure it out. But, as Jack had taught me, I turned off the voice of fear and doubt, closed my eyes and visualized my life as a best selling author and practiced believing that my goal was possible for me. Today I am sitting in my living room holding the final proof of my book in my hands. I am doing the final read through before the book goes to print. The book launch plan is in process and the launch date will be announced shortly. The book came to me by divine inspiration through an amazing real life event that sparked me to share my story of transformation in written form. Once the process began, the words flowed to me and through me. I literally wrote it in 3 weeks. I would wake up in the middle of the night with another chapter already written. Soon it was complete. My editor found me. The cover design came through divine synchronicity. The process has certainly been a long one, but in many ways it has been effortless. Over the past few years I have connected with so many amazing people who stand ready to help me reach my breakthrough goal ...most likely by the date I set back in 2010! This is not about me ... this is about all of us! If we can dream it, we can do it. If we believe it's possible, whatever "it" is, the Universe will conspire to help us accomplish whatever we want in life. What do you want to accomplish in your life? What is your dream? What is your breakthrough goal? Please share it with me below. Writing it down, giving it a voice, sharing it makes it so much more powerful! It also prompts the Universe to begin conspiring on our behalf. And I must share that I am always excited to hear about people's dreams and even more excited to do whatever I can to help them come true! Please share in my excitement by visiting http:www.matchmeetsthemetaphysical.com for more details on my book launch. You can also see the book trailer on youtube here. |
Transition on Purpose