Here is a summary of the Law of Attraction as outlined by my teacher and mentor, Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles:
Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it's possible for you. Visualize already having what you want, feeling the feelings of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you're grateful for already, and really enjoy it. Go into your day and release it to the Universe and trust that the Universe will figure out how to manifest it. And I'll add, when you get an intuitive hit that suggests inspired action ... go with it and watch the miracles unfold! I'm planning to teach a class on the practical application of the Law of Attraction the way Jack taught it to me. The goal of the class will be to identify exactly what you want, practice the steps to create it and provided some specific techniques to help release liming beliefs that block progress on your path to success. Email me if you're interested in the details! I am sometimes overwhelmed with promotional emails marketing products and services that tell me I "must take action today"! I recently spent some time unsubscribing from a bunch of lists that I've accumulated over the last year or so.
However today I received one from Dr. Joe Vitale that caught my eye and prompted me to take immediate action. The email intrigued me ... 7 Steps to Get Clear on your way to attracting whatever you want ... I entered my email address, got another cup of coffee and settled in to his content. You see, I have a dream. It is a big dream and it will be my legacy. My dream, at one time, felt completely out of reach. My dream is to have a respite center for teens that is based on the Success Principles outlined by Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. On the way to that dream, I plan to bring the success principles to teens and young adults across the country through school based and online programs. In case you're not familiar with the Law of Attraction, let me take a minute and share how I got connected with it. Several years ago, I was at a friend's house. She asked me if I would watch a movied with her. We were just hanging out with no particular plan. I agreed. She got up and popped the DVD "The Secret" into her player. I became intrigued with the Law of Attraction and began to explore the concept. Reflecting back on my life, I could see where I had manifested some really cool things ...and some not so cool things. From that day on I chose to learn more about conscious, intentional manifesting using the Law of Attraction. Over the past two years, with lots of practice and some great coaching from a manifesting master, I've manifested some amazing things that are in line with my passion and purpose. Mostly in the form of opportunity and sponsorship, I manifested the finances to support me in participating in Jack's Breakthrough to Success event as well as working closely with Jack in his year long 2012 Train the Trainer mentoring program. The results have been phenomenal and my dream is beginning to unfold in ways I never could have imagined! I've gotten so good at manifesting that I'm able to manifest almost instantly. A couple of days ago, I literally manifested an illness with the thought that I was tired and desperately needed a break. Yesterday I literally manifested a free dinner when in the momentI had no access to cash. When it happened, I was struck by how easy and how instantly I got results. It was witnessed by a colleague who further validated the miracle that had just happened. If only to take that ability and apply it to my bigger goals and my ultimate dream. But that would take some clearing as I still have some blocks I am dealing with. We all do! And clearing those blocks is certainly a process. So that's why this morning, when I saw Dr. Joe Vitale's email offer for a free video series outlining 7 Steps to Get Clear on your way to attracting whatever you want, I opted in! The content is well worth typing in your email address for. There is an optional opt in for his miracles coaching program that you can bypass easily. Don't let that stop you from listening! I strongly encourage you to go through the short video series. It's brilliant ... simple, easy to understand and will provide you with an opportunity to incorporate each of the steps along the way to manifesting whatever it is that you dream about! Enjoy ... and feel free to leave your feedback here! I'm off to visualize sharing a cup of tea with a group of teens on the sunny deck of my respite center while we talk about creating the life of their dreams! As you may know, I have been an avid student of Jack Canfield's over the past year and a half. The Success Principles have literally transformed my life and I have been incorporating the Principles into the teaching and coaching I do with teens and adults alike! No matter how we define success, these principles apply and serve to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives to accelerate our progress and create measurable and magical results!
I am excited to have the opportunity to continue working with Jack as my teacher, coach and mentor in 2012 and look forward to working with him to bring the Success Principles to teen and young adult classrooms across the country. With that in mind, I highly recommend my favorite products below for the teens and adults on your holiday list. who are looking for transformation in the New Year or the kids of all ages who simply enjoy creating and envisioning big dreams for their future. Act now to get 30% off on already reduced prices! For the kids, teens and adults on your holiday list with Jack's Vision Board Collection ... these kits are beautiful, fun, effective & deeply discounted for the holidays! For teens, The Success Principles for Teens book comes highly recommended by a large group of teens who reviewed the book for me this fall. Teens love the stories, quotes and practical content. (And I am soooo excited to be developing a curriculum for teens based on this book! For the adults in your life who are looking towards 2012 with a vision of personal and/or professional transformation, check out The Success Principles 3o day audio course and The Success Principles white book. And finally, get a glimpse of Jack's story, his perspective on 2012 and the vision that has fueled his passion to share this transformational work worldwide. Read an excerpt and get a copy of The Golden Motorcycle Gang for yourself and pass on the inspiration as we head into 2012! “Your net worth will seldom exceed your self worth.” ~Jim Rohn
Hmmmm ... over the past couple of years, I've been working hard to determine why ... although I am clear about my life purpose, fully understand the Law of Attraction and have manifested extraordinary abundance in most aspects of my life, and am pretty happy ... I still struggle with money. I am fascinated by the subconscious mind along and am finally beginning to clearly see and clear the limiting beliefs that have held me back from financial abundance. My financial goals have little to do with material things and much more to do with the realization of my dream to serve others to the best of my ability. Also, I would like to open a respite house for teens who have little support in their lives and help them overcome their own limiting beliefs, discover their purpose and realize their dreams! The respite goal is immense, however I can visualize the end result, complete in living color, right down to the Adirondak chairs and the hammock on the waterfront. The vision has given me a new drive to be financially successful and has helped me to shift from my old "lack" mentality to one of abundance and success. I am open to new ways of thinking, feeling and acting and big shifts are evident! I came across this article Money, Money, Money in Success Magazine. Stay tuned for two more in the series that will help your financial mindset as I continue to work on shifting my own! One of the best things about being in transition is the opportunity to revisit priorities, goals and vision. Recently, huge budget cuts in my program have forced me to reflect, adjust, realign and get ready for some big changes ... both professionally and personally. Although the cuts could be viewed as devastating, they can also be viewed as huge growth opportunites for all involved ... myself included. As Jack points out, "action" is the last six letters in the "Law of Attraction" . It's time to go pack for the beach I am an inverse paranoid.
That is a phrase used by my mentor and teacher, Jack Canfield, who defines an inverse paranoid to be one who believes that the Universe is out to help and support them in creatng the life of their dreams and is conspiring to help them fulfill their purpose. I have a former friend who is paranoid. He always looks at the negative side of a situation. He always expects the worst. He even once said out loud, "The Universe is against me and it feels like it's out to get me." I tried to get him to reframe his thinking, but it was no use. But here's what I've learned. There is a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System. It works along with the subconscious mind as a sort of information filter. The function of the RAS is to take what you're focused on, sort through the millions of bits of information you get through all of your senses, match it with what you're focused on and bring that into your consciousness. A simple example of how this works ... have you ever thought about getting a new car? Perhaps you had the make and model in your head. Or in your dreams? And the next thing you know, all you see is that particular make and model car on the road? That's your Reticular Activating System in action ... sorting through all the cars on the road to bring to your conscious attention the one you are thinking about. The Reticular Activating System is a great thing to know about if you're trying to access the law of attraction to create more of what you want in your life. The real key to gaining maximum benefit from being an inverse paranoid is to be clear what you want. First you must have clarity of purpose and create specific goals. The next step is to have a vision of what the goals look like and feel like completed. Then let the Universe do it's thing. Take action on a daily basis towards your goals, especially when the action is inspired by something beyond you. That's where the sychronicities happen, opportunities appear out of the blue, ideas crystallize in your dreams and you know what you need to do next. So back to my friend. He refuses to give into my concept of being an inverse paranoid. He called me crazy when in response to his "what if's" I one day responded with "What if it all goes right?' We don't see each other any more. Being around him was bringing me down. And I'm sure that my positivity made him equally uncomfortable. As hard as it was to end the relationship, it was necessary to keep the positive energy flowing in my life. Like attracts like. Every day the inverse paranoid in me gets stronger and stronger and I trust more and more. With that comes inspired action ... and that's where the magic lives! Life is so much more fun as an inverse paranoid. My favorite part is teaching the process to others to support them in becoming an inverse paranoid and helping them supercharge the law of attraction in their lives. Every once in awhile, a limiting belief pops up for me. When it does, with the help of my coach and a little hypnosis to reframe my subconscious mnd, I address it. There's always something to work on ... that's what being human is all about ... learning and growing. But in the big scheme of my life ... it's all going right! Are you feeling restless about your place in life? Know there's something missing, but not sure of what it is?
Are you going through transition but not sure what's next? Do you have a dream, a goal or are you being drawn to accomplish something but need some support along the way? Are you curious about the Law of Attraction and interested in learning how to use it in consciously to create the life you desire? Join us for this 6 week class based on Jack Canfield's Success Principles and designed for action! To register go to Get ready to transform yourself for success! In this 6-week introductory couse you will: -learn several key Success Principles -identify effective strategies that support success -implement action steps to accelerate the Law of Attraction in your life to help create and achieve your goals -discover a simple, effective system to integrate Jack's Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success into your daily routine The fee for this 6-week course is $95.00. Space is limited. Register at or by leaving your name and email address. Payment for phone registrations will be accepted at the live event. The thing I love most about teaching is learning! No matter who I'm presenting to and no matter what the topic, as I prepare, I learn ... and as I teach, I learn. Most recently, I taught a class titled Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. I found myself particularly drawn to the information I read about the Reticular Activating System in the brain and how it relates to the Law of Attraction and matching our biology with our environemnt! Also amazing was some of fhe research around the power of the heart. Our brain literally works to bring into focus what we think about, worry about, or dream about. Our heart, via the emotions we feel, puctuates our thoughts and activates the Reticular Activating System to bring us more of what we're thinking and feeling. If you find yourself noticing repeating patterns or cycles in your life that don't reflect the life you want to be living, most likely there's a subconscious belief fueling the Reticular Activating System to bring more of the same. The good news is you can reprogram the subconscious mind and change what the Reticular Activating System brings into focus for you. Contact me at [email protected] or 603-452-7350 to find out more! As Michael Dooley says, "Thoughts become things, so think the good ones!" The Reticular Activating System ![]()
The Success Principles: |
Transition on Purpose