![]() I am gearing up for an exciting week and would love for you to join me in the excitement! My first novel launches on Amazon on Wednesday, June 12th! As I've shared, I set the goal to write a book at my first Jack Canfield event in August of 2010 with no idea what I would write about. In the fall of 2011, a pretty profound metaphysical experience with a friend and my neighbor launched me into 3 weeks of non-stop writing, which ultimately became the foundation of my new novel. I hope you will join me for Julia's transformational journey through challenges, changes, uncertainty and toward her true essence ... and I hope you will also share the link with friends! The link is http://www.matchmeetsthemetaphysical.com Available soon!!! My interview with Mark, the real life medium who, through a shared metaphsycial experience, prompted me to write the book In this casual conversation we each share our perspectives on how a simple cup of tea turned into an event that has transformed the lives of many. Check back here to listen to the interview, which I hope to have ready within the next week or two. The process of writing this book has led me to countless conversations with people of all ages, coming forth to ask me questions and share their own experiences and sometimes their fear, apprehension and skepticism about all things metaphysical. A few people have even asked me to coach them through their experiences and questions and help them determine how to develop and use their skills to better serve themselves and others. Thus a new book project is in the works! I'll be interviewing several psychics and asking them to share about their own psychic development as well as their advice about how to develop and use psychic abilities in day to day life. I am also interested in stories ... stories of metaphysical experiences, encounters, intuitive flashes, etc. and how they have helped to change the course of life in a positive way. If you or someone you know would like to share a story for potential inclusion in the book, please email me at [email protected]. Confidentiality will be maintained and written permission to share your story will be obtained prior to being published. In light of my fascination with the power of the subconscious mind and the need for people to be more aware of how it plays out in their lives, I published my first audio course, At the Waterline: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. Check it out and feel free to share ... this is a great way to begin changing your life with conscious and subconscious intention! And finally, I'm gearing up for another week in the training room with Jack Canfield and the 2013 Train the Trainer class. Looking forward to reconnecting with Jack, the Assisting Team and participants for another transformational week! Stay tuned for pearls and blog posts about this Long Beach experience! I just got the final proof of my book in the mail! The book launch is well under way and set to go live on June 12th! I am beyond excited ... and a little bit scared! Where does that fear come from? Despite all the time, energy and effort I've spent learning how to break through and push fear aside, out of nowhere it still creeps in every once in awhile. Fear of failure? Fear of success? Fear of something I can't even put into words sometimes? It doesn't really matter ... it is what it is. And I must walk through it to get to the other side. It's part of the human experience that comes along with the joy, I suppose. All I can do is do my best to stay grounded, stay connected to my heart and continue to take the next right step! In August of 2010, I sat in Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success workshop and set a goal to write a book. I had no idea what it would be about; however deep down inside I knew I had a book in me. Maybe more than one. Perhaps a series. I let the ideas flow but it wasn't until a year later that the inspiration for my first book came. It happened while I was sharing a cup of tea with my neighbors and a young woman I've been pretty connected to since she was 12 years old. The experience was profound and from there the story unfolded. It came over me like a wave and woke me up many a night to write the next chapter or with a new idea for the cover design. Over a three week period, the words flowed and the book wrote me. The wrting part was easy. The hard part was taking the steps necessary to publish the book. And the hardest part ... summoning up the courage to share the story. It's a story of struggle, romance and transformation with a paranormal twist that will intrigue believers and skeptics alike. Through the process, I have learned alot about myself, my fears, my blocks, my passion and my purpose. I have developed profound connections with amazing people and have had some mystically wonderful experiences. And, yes, I've been afraid. It is my hope that the story touches you, helps you transcend fear, opens you up to possibilities and somehow supports and inspires you to be the best you can be! We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. I connected with John Assaraf the moment I saw him in the movie, The Secret.
As a pharmacist and as an expert in teen brain development, I have a pretty solid foundation in the brain biology, chemistry and function and how it translates into behavior. As a hypnotherapist, I am fascinated by the subconscious mind ... it's function, it's potential and how to access it to support behavioral change. John takes all we know about the brain scientifically, incorporates quantum physics and connects it all to spirituality in a way that's simple and easy for anyone to understand, with the goal of helping people create the life of their dreams. I follow John on Facebook. Today his post is "Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What will you do differently this week to create change in your life or business?" The post led me to his youtube channel and the next thing I knew, he was explaining the concepts of visualization, goal setting and creating action plans using his personal example of turning 50, wanting to release 25 pounds and curb his sugar addiction. Funny that! It seems that, if I am truly open and go with my gut, I am always led to exacty what I need to produce the results I want in my life. Yesterday, on a hike with a good friend, I had a similar conversation about acknowleging my recently escalated sugar issue, not feeling physically well because of it and wanting to release a few pounds. I know what I'll be doing differently this week to end procrastination around my sugar issue! Here's a short video to give you an idea of John's approach to reaching any goal you want to reach in your life and creating whatever you want! Feel free to share your comments below about what you're going to do this week to make the changes you want to make. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/KglwfKhdEbw I'm in the middle of teaching a 6 week class for adults titled The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, based on the work of Jack Canfield. The class begins by exploring core values and life purpose. I am always amazed at how many adults have never taken the time to identify their core values or what their life purpose is. From there we move on to deciding what we want and goal setting and then developing action plans and a system to support goal achievement. Again, this process is fascinating. It never fails that old programming, behavior patterns and limiting beliefs come to the surface during this process. The exciting news is that we now know alot about the brain, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, the power of the subconscious mind and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and move toward success and fulfillment I am always energized when I teach. Not only do I get to learn more about myself as I watch my students learn., but I have the honor of witnessing the transformation that happens when self awareness increases, healing begins and students begin to take purposeful action toward creating a more fulfilling future! As much as I love introducing new audiences to this material, even more exciting is to work with clients who commit to continuing the process with more in depth 1 on 1 or group coaching committments toward improving their success habits and achieving their goals. Finally, and in line with my own passion and purpose, I absolutely love sharing this information with teens. Teen brains are not yet hardwired as adult brains are. By doing this work at a young age, effective success habits can be formed at a time when the brain is actively building new neural pathways. This makes it easier to build good habits and begin to connect with purpose at a much younger age, thus supporting teens in creating a life of fulfillment. I am fortunate to be able to work with teens in the classroom and community settings on a daily basis. I especially love helping teens reframe limiting beliefs and teaching them the tools to empower them to pursue their dreams and goals. The following article from Success magazine provides some good insight about success habits in teens: http://www.successmagazine.com/success-for-teens-get-in-the-habit-of-creating-good-habits/PARAMS/article/1102/channel/22 To find out more about how I can coach you or your teen to support a life of passion, purpose and success, contact me at 603-452-7350 or via the form below. begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting |
Transition on Purpose