Over the past 9 years, I've established myself personally and professionally in the Mount Washington Valley of NH. The transformation from corporate professional with a gold AMEX card and expense account to teaching and counseling teens around pregnancy prevention for a health and human service agency was relatively easy. I had grown tired of the money game and tired of being surrounded by people who were scratching their way to the top without being clear as to why they were doing it. I was tired of living life in hotel rooms. I was bored with developing yet another program that would ultimately line already deep pockets. Although I was good at what I did, I was not satisified and found myself confused about why I was doing what I was doing. In my new position as the Teen Clinic and Community Outreach Coordinator, I immediately loved being in direct contact with teens again as well as being in both the clinic and classroom setting again. I also enjoyed working with the adults that teach, guide and support teens! I loved where I was living and connected with the community relatively quickly. I adjusted to the significant reduction in pay in exchange for a huge increase in job satisfaction and an expanded sense of purpose! My move to NH calmed me down. It helped me to connect with and appreciate the simple things in life. It created space for more meaningful and supportive relationships and provided me with peaceful surroundings where I could hear my own thoughts and connect with my values and my essence. I began to live according to my values and make each of my decisions based on them. I began to explore myself more deeply. I refined and redefined myself. Looking back, I hardly remember the woman who first came to NH to visit my brother years ago. I am now much more in tune to the environment and I've developed a whole new appreciation for the importance of taking care of it. I've become extremely sensitive to the energy of my surroundings. My creativity flows like never before. I make time to be out in nature on a daily basis, which in turn, has tranformed my sense of a higher power and expanded my belief that there is something greater supporting all of life. I am now much more connected to a power that goes way beyond the God I learned about in the church of my youth. I now feel this universal energy every morning as I looked out my window to observe the deer or the moose or the bear in my yard or at night when I look up at the stars I could never see from my hotel rooms in all those cities way back when. I feel it every day as I look across the lake beyond that Little White Church; and each day I see a different but equally breathtaking scene. I feel it each day as I looked up at Mount Washington from wherever I was am in the Valley. The connection is woven through each story of each student, patient and client. It is evident in each encounter, palpable in each challenge and in each expression of hope; present in every transition and transformation I am honored to witness and support. Over the past couple of years, I was involved in a challenging romantic relationship, while at the same time struggling financially to make ends meet. Long story short, having had my share of traditional counseling, I chose to explore a few alternative modalities to see if I could get to the core of a couple of repetitive patterns I had noticed in my life around finances and relationships. Although I am a scientist by training, I became open to exploring the spiritual side of the issues. I even dabbled some in the metaphysical.Through this exploration, I became more in touch with my intuitive nature and found myself to be more curious about disciplines that went beyond my scientific understanding. I was drawn to hypnosis. I had experienced hypnosis in the past as a form of entertainment, but never in a therapeutic setting. I decided to give it a try to help with a relationship issue. My experience was profound and intriguing. I became fascinated by the power of my own subconscious mind and how it played out in the patterns I had identified in my life. Out of curiousity and intrigued by the possiblity of accessing and unlocking a couple of subconscious limiting beliefs that were creating some undesirable results, I also explored a process called EMDR. Again, the results were fascinating! Shortly after my hypnosis and EMDR experiences, I studied to become a certified hypnotherapist. As I studied hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind, I began making connections between the stories and stuggles I was witnessing in my clients. There seemed to be some old subconscious programs running that were creating blocks in their lives that showed up in a variety of self-sabotaging behaviors. I decided to combine my hypnosis training with a coaching certification as I was beginning to see the possibility for some very cool connections with the work I was doing with kids. At the same time, the impact of federal and state budget cuts to my program began to have major impact. I found myself looking toward the future and not feeling very good about it. Over the past 8 years, we have sustained yearly budget cuts despite the fact that the number and scope of clients we serve has expanded by leaps and bounds. I found myself feeling surrounded by a "lack" mentality, like there isn't enough to go around. I found myself searching for grants and donations and little bits of money to keep things going. Then one day, I was reminded of the Law of Attraction; the very same Law that was in action the day my life changed and I landed in Eaton, NH ; the Law that challenges us to decide what we want, believe that the Universe is abundant and trust that if we are open to all possibilities, that the Universe will conspire to bring us our hearts desire in ways we cannot even comprehend. Literally, the next day, I was introduced to Jack Canfield's Success Principles. They resonated with me, and looking back, I know they were brought to me for a reason. The first principle was: Take 100% Responsiblity For Your Life. And the second principle was: Be Clear Why You're Here. And so I did! I took a week off work and paddled around a lake in a kayak while listening to the Success Principles Audio Course on my MP3 player. I did the accompanying workbook exercises. After completing the audio course, I felt compelled to attend Jack's Breakthrough to Success 7 day training. The Law of Attraction literally created the opporutnity and the financial means for me to be able to attend. The training was phenomenal. Training with Jack Canfield and the connections I made at BTS sparked a whole new meaning to my work. It literally transformed my life and is pulling me in a whole new direction. As a result, I launched my coaching and consulting practice, created my website and now I'm connecting with you here on this blog! I am humbled, grateful, and excited about what's next! Check out some more about Jack Canfield's work at the links provided below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments or would like to share your insights! Enjoy an in depth discussion of the first two Success Principles here: http://www.thebigwhitebook.com/the-success-principles-2-chapters.pdf Purchase the Success Principles book at: Check out the Success Principles 30 Day Audio Course at: http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=4126724 Find out more information about Breakthrough to Success 2011 at: http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3989235 |
Transition on Purpose