_ I just returned from spending a week training with Jack Canfield in San Diego. What an amazing and transformational experience! I love Jack Canfield's vision for the world! Care to join me in making it a reality? What if everyone in your family gave up complaining, took full responsibility for themselves and their lives and started creating the life of their dreams? What if every one in your company practiced these principles? What if every member of your softball team approached life this way? What if every high school student in America knew these principles and put them into practice in class, on the playing field and in their social life? What if every man and woman in prison was to learn these valuable principles before they were released back into society? It would be a very different world! Imagine a world where everyone would take 100% responsibility for their lives and the results they produce or don’t produce. Where everybody would be clear about their visions and their goals. Where nobody would fall victim to the criticism and abuse of others. Where everyone would persevere in the face of hardship and challenge. Men and women would band together in teams to support each other to become all that they could be. People would ask for what they need and want and feel free to say no the requests of others when it is not right for them to respond with a yes. People would stop whining and complaining and get on with creating the life that they want. People would tell the truth and listen to each other with compassion because they know that peace, joy and prosperity would flourish if they did. In short, the world would work! For more information and to get your copy of the Success Principles white book, Success Principles 30 day Audio Courseor the Success Principles for Teens today, click here ... it's the gift that can help us all create endless possiblities! The Success Principles Store |
Transition on Purpose