Wow ... what a whirlwind this past month has been! I've spent alot of time standing fully present in the magic of the moments ... looking back in order to move ahead to what's next. Exciting times for sure!
I published my first book and, with the help of my teachers, mentors and coaches, launched it into best seller status. My own transformational story is now out there and my past is serving as inspiration to my readers to take new steps towards discovering their own magic. The feedback I am getting from family, friends and new followers is amazing. You can check it out here. I am getting requests for media interviews, to teach live classes and to do personal coaching. I am even being encouraged and led to explore the possibility of turning my book into a movie to further expand my message. As I look back on the process of publishing my story, I can now see clearly into the future of possibilities that I couldn't see when I was living it. Such a cool perspective! Looking back to move ahead ... After the launch, I traveled to Long Beach, California for another phenomenal week in the training room with Jack Canfield at his Success Principles Train the Trainer event; witnessing, experiencing and helping to facilitate the training of the next generation of human potential leaders. I was so excited to hear Jack and Patty, President of The Canfield Training Group, announce their commitment to train ONE MILLION people with Jack's Success Principles work so the trained could, in turn, train even more people. Based on my experience with Jack's work, the commitment to this goal would, indeed, create a ripple effect that has the potential to transform the planet! As they made the announcement, I found myself back in the room at my first Jack Canfield event, Breakthrough to Success in 2010, when I knew that I needed to bring what I was learning to the teens and young adults I was working with. Since that day in 2010, I have further expanded my own breakthrough goal and taken steps to develop and pilot curriculum in several target groups. The results have been amazing and it is clear there is more work to be done to further spread the magic of this work. I have a call with Jack's company to talk about how I can help train teachers and youth service workers to help bring this amazing work to young Looking back to move ahead ... And finally, I spent the July 4th holiday in the midst of the festivities, conversations and connections with the people and places where my story began and unfolded. I was able to gain even more resolution of my past, get more clear on the direction for my future and fully embrace what I need in order to support my day to day connection to the source of my inspiration. Looking back to move ahead ... helping people find their magic! Ben Stein said, "The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is to decide what you want."
How many of us go through our days being busy most of the time, but not really paying attention to why we're doing what we're doing and not knowing what results we are looking for? According to Jack Canfield, only about 5% of Americans set clear measurable goals. Many of us are living our lives according to someone else's idea of what we should be doing, wanting or being. Alot of us put off doing what we love in exchange for making a living ... and before we know it, we've spent years doing work we don't love and discover that we aren't any closer to what we really want. Here's a start to deciding what you want out of life and getting a clear picture of what it looks like so we can begin to create it with the Law of Attraction. Activity 1 To get your creative juices flowing, make a list of 25 things you love to do. Things that make you happy, bring you joy. Look at each item on the list, one at a time, and come up with things you could do to make money doing whatever it is you wrote down. This is a brainstorm activity ... no judgment, no limits, no idea is deemed silly or impossible. Be open minded and creative. Perhaps you wrote down that you love to hang out and talk with people, but don't see how you could make a living doing that. Hmmmm ... Oprah did ... and she had to start somewhere. My guess is she set some goals around her purpose and took action to get herself where she is now. I recently had a conversation with a mom who is frustrated with her teen. All he wants to do is talk about and ride 4 wheelers. She came to me for help. My suggestion was to let him go with it. Let him explore all the ways he could make a living with 4 wheelers, as making a lot of money is one of his goals. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he most likely won't make a living riding 4 wheelers, but maybe he could write about the sport and get paid for his writing. That decision prompted him to explore another interest of his ... writing. The truth is it doesn't matter. It is the act of exploring possibilities and identifying action steps that builds entrepreneurial muscle and the skills that will eventually lead him to success built on passion and purpose. Finally, take a look at your list and be sure you do at least one of the things on your list every single day ... and preferably more! Activity 2 This activity is designed to help you clarify your vision. Although you could do this as a mental exercise, I strongly encourage you write down your answers so you can refer back to them later. 1) Focus on the financial area of your life. What is your desired annual income? What does your cash flow look like? What does your life look like assuming that your financial goals have already been met? Close your eyes and visualize what your home, your car, your life looks like. Fill in the details. Don't worry about how you'll get what you're visualizing. Just put yourself in the place of feeling the way you would feel is you already reached your financial goal. 2) Next, visualize your ideal job or career. Where are you working? With whom? What are you doing? Is it your own business? Again, focus on the details. 3) Next, focus on your free time/recreational time. What hobbies are you pursuing? Who are you spending time with? What do you do for fun? Where do you go on vacation? 4) Next, focus on your ideal vision for your body and your health. What does it look like? How do you maintain it? What types of activities are you participating in? 5) Next move on to your idea vision of your relationships with a partner, family and friends. 6) What about your personal goals around learning something new, healing an old hurt, working with a coach, growing spiritually, running a marathon or taking an art class? 7) Finally, focus on the community you choose to live in. Where are you living? What does it look like when it's operating perfectly? How do you serve your community? Who are you helping? Review your vision for each of these areas every day and visualize the details. Ideally twice a day; in the morning just as you wake up and just before you fall asleep. This will keep both your conscious and subconscious mind focused on your vision and engage the reticular activating system of your brain to go out and find it for you. As you continue to apply more of the Success Principles and add planned and inspired action and accountability to the process, you will begin to manifest the different aspects of your vision and will see the Law of Attraction in action. Activities 1 and 2 excerpted with permission from The Canfield Training Group from The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield. In additiont to being my teacher, coach and mentor, Jack is America's #1 Success Coach, founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. “There are two great days in a person’s life; the day we were born and the day we discover why.” ~William Barclay
Did you ever have a day that was chock full of activity; chores to do, tasks to complete, people to connect with, calls to make, emails to return, not to mention the time and effort involved in the basics of life like getting up and ready in the morning, eating, and whatever it is we do to support ourselves. By the time the day was done, you were exhausted and wondered what you had really accomplished in all the “busy-ness”. Perhaps you even heard yourself asking, “What am I doing?” or “Why am I doing this?” or “What’s the point of it all?” Imagine, for a minute, a life in which every action, interaction and activity was for a purpose. More specifically, what if each and every day of your life was by design and according to your purpose for being on the planet? Imagine that your purpose took into consideration your skills, talents, desires, dreams and preferences and provided you with a foundation for all your actions and the fuel to keep moving towards its fulfillment? The reality is that most people don’t slow down long enough to think about what they’re here to do, what they’re passionate about, what makes their life worth living or what they want to accomplish in life. Too often, by the time kids get into school, their hopes and dreams are pushed aside and have been reduced to ideas like, “that’s not possible” or “that’s just crazy” or “get your head out of the clouds”! And so we do. We put aside the clues to our passion and purpose and quickly find ourselves filling up our days with tasks and chores and activities that have little meaning or connection to our purpose. The older we get and the more responsibilities we have, the more our life becomes about making a living versus truly living our lives. That is a depressing thought, but I’m not going there today. It’s spring! A time for rejuvenation, new beginnings, fresh starts and new growth! So take a few minutes right now to begin to explore your purpose for being here in this life. This may sound huge … perhaps too big to tackle in just a few minutes, but I encourage you to start the process right now. I further encourage you to begin to shift the way you start your days. Spend a couple of minutes each morning thinking about your purpose. Do it again at night as you fall asleep. Your purpose doesn’t have to be perfect, nor does it have to be huge … just start where you are and look within and look forward. I had an amazing experience two years ago when I turned down the volume and decreased the speed of my life for a bit and began to explore my reason for being on the planet. At the time I was busy but I was bored, unhappy, unfulfilled and frustrated! My first attempts to uncover my purpose felt awkward and confusing, but quickly, I felt a shift in my energy which continues to expand today! My purpose was fuzzy at first. It took a lot of tweaking to get clear… and I’ll bet I’ll tweak it yet again as I learn and change and grow. My purpose is not perfect, but today, my purpose does need to be part of my daily routine. I am happier, more energetic, more focused and more successful than I have ever been. I have made a lot of changes in my life now that I am living on purpose … new people, new work, new attitudes, new focus. Taking some time to explore my life purpose has been the most important thing I have done to improve my life and put me on an exciting and meaningful path. Let’s get started! Get a notebook and pen or a blank computer screen. Activity 1 1) Make a list of 101 things you want to be, do, see or have before you die. You may want to take some time to watch the movie, “The Bucket List” to get in the groove of creating your own bucket list. Try to brainstorm as many things as possible in one sitting to help the subconscious mind get engaged in the process and bring unconscious desires into the conscious mind and onto the page. While you’re creating your list, think in terms of unlimited possibilities, i.e. anything is possible! Look for trends and themes in your list that may give you clues about what is meaningful to you. Consider sharing your list with others. It can be a pretty powerful experience! You never know who is listening, who or what resources they are connected to and how they can help you reach your goals. The truth is, it is inherent in our nature to want to help each other succeed. I recently received a huge sum of money that was way beyond my means to support a project that is on my bucket list. The money came after I shared my dream with a group of people I was teaching. Apparently, my benefactor had it on her bucket list to donate some money to help at risk teens and decided that I was the person she wanted to help. Activity 2 ~To zero in on your purpose, start with a list of the times in your life when you felt most happy, passionate and alive. What were you doing? Who were you with? Where were you? ~What did the experiences you listed above have in common with each other? ~Can you imagine a way to make a living doing these things? Read more about creating your life purpose statement in Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Consider hiring a one on one coach or participating in a coaching group program or study group to get more support. I am sometimes overwhelmed with promotional emails marketing products and services that tell me I "must take action today"! I recently spent some time unsubscribing from a bunch of lists that I've accumulated over the last year or so.
However today I received one from Dr. Joe Vitale that caught my eye and prompted me to take immediate action. The email intrigued me ... 7 Steps to Get Clear on your way to attracting whatever you want ... I entered my email address, got another cup of coffee and settled in to his content. You see, I have a dream. It is a big dream and it will be my legacy. My dream, at one time, felt completely out of reach. My dream is to have a respite center for teens that is based on the Success Principles outlined by Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. On the way to that dream, I plan to bring the success principles to teens and young adults across the country through school based and online programs. In case you're not familiar with the Law of Attraction, let me take a minute and share how I got connected with it. Several years ago, I was at a friend's house. She asked me if I would watch a movied with her. We were just hanging out with no particular plan. I agreed. She got up and popped the DVD "The Secret" into her player. I became intrigued with the Law of Attraction and began to explore the concept. Reflecting back on my life, I could see where I had manifested some really cool things ...and some not so cool things. From that day on I chose to learn more about conscious, intentional manifesting using the Law of Attraction. Over the past two years, with lots of practice and some great coaching from a manifesting master, I've manifested some amazing things that are in line with my passion and purpose. Mostly in the form of opportunity and sponsorship, I manifested the finances to support me in participating in Jack's Breakthrough to Success event as well as working closely with Jack in his year long 2012 Train the Trainer mentoring program. The results have been phenomenal and my dream is beginning to unfold in ways I never could have imagined! I've gotten so good at manifesting that I'm able to manifest almost instantly. A couple of days ago, I literally manifested an illness with the thought that I was tired and desperately needed a break. Yesterday I literally manifested a free dinner when in the momentI had no access to cash. When it happened, I was struck by how easy and how instantly I got results. It was witnessed by a colleague who further validated the miracle that had just happened. If only to take that ability and apply it to my bigger goals and my ultimate dream. But that would take some clearing as I still have some blocks I am dealing with. We all do! And clearing those blocks is certainly a process. So that's why this morning, when I saw Dr. Joe Vitale's email offer for a free video series outlining 7 Steps to Get Clear on your way to attracting whatever you want, I opted in! The content is well worth typing in your email address for. There is an optional opt in for his miracles coaching program that you can bypass easily. Don't let that stop you from listening! I strongly encourage you to go through the short video series. It's brilliant ... simple, easy to understand and will provide you with an opportunity to incorporate each of the steps along the way to manifesting whatever it is that you dream about! Enjoy ... and feel free to leave your feedback here! I'm off to visualize sharing a cup of tea with a group of teens on the sunny deck of my respite center while we talk about creating the life of their dreams! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be spending the next several days in San Diego training with my teacher, mentor and coach, Jack Canfield. I connected with Jack's Success Principles about three years ago and spent the better part of the summer kayaking around Crystal Lake taking his 30 day audio course (which I HIGHLY recommend). One of the teens I work with helped me download to course onto an MP3 player so I was able to take it wherever I went. My life hasn't been the same since! Six months later I had manifested tuition and travel expenses to cover my attendance at Jack's Breakthrough to Success live event and a year and a half later I am enrolled in his year long mentorship program. It's been an amazing, wild and magical ride! I am so grateful to be having this experience and even more excited to be sharing it with you and the teens and young adults I work with! Jack's Success Principles are a like having the combination to a lock. Once you know the combination, the door to endless possiblities and magical things begin to happen. My dream is to further expand my knowledge of the principles and work with those in transition to support and inspire them to live their lives in line with their passion and unique purpose while creating goals and action plans to support success and ultimately live the life of their dreams. Here are a couple of pearls from our Day 1 session with Jack: Pearl Number 1 For a quick and dependable way to increase joy in your life remember that like attracts like and try this. Make a list of 25 things that bring you joy and post it somewhere you'll see it every day. Do at least one of these things every day. Repeat for 40 days to solidify the habit of vibrating with joy. Pearl Number 2 Success Principle #1: Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life With the Formula Event + Response = Outcome Jack suggests that when things happen in life that we're not quite clear about, ask the question "What is the opportunity that this is?" He learned this from his teacher and mentor W. Clement Stone. It's a great way to help us choose our response to the events in our lives intentionally, with the goal being to focus on the lessons before us and create better outcomes. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about Siccess Principles training and coaching opportunities for you, your teens or your organization at 603-452-7350 or [email protected] I'm in the process of preparing to head to San Diego to spend another week with my teacher, mentor and coach, Jack Canfield. I first met Jack at a professional conference about 25 years ago and bought his very first program Self Esteem and Peak Performance, which helped me immensely in my early professional career .
We were reconnected a few years ago in a rather serendipitious way. I was kayaking with a friend who suggested that I read a book she had just finished. She offered to lend me the book, however I joked about having just turned 50 and was beginning to have some vision issues that made reading a lot less enjoyable. She suggested audible books and an MP3 player so I could listen while kayaking, knitting, driving, etc. Briliiant! When I got home, I went to to check out the book she had recommended. I got sidetracked by a "join today and get this book free" offer. The free book was Jack Canfield's Success Principles. A few hours later I was walking along a country road listening to Jack on the new MP3 player my teen friend Liam helped me pick out and set up. That was the beginning of major transformation for me. Next I purchased Jack's 30 day audio course and the next thing I knew, I had manifested tuition and expenses to cover my attendance at his Breakthrough to Success event in Scottsdale Arizona. In 9 days I leave to begin a year long mentorship program with Jack in his Train the Trainer program. My goal is to incorporate the Success Principles in the work I do with women, young adults and teens to help them connect with life purpose and develop a plan to achieve their goals. If 2012 is your year for transformation, join me in studying and incorporating Jack's work into your life and the lives of those you love! Foundations of Success Series: 21 Principles to Guide You From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be12/22/2011 _ The year 2012 is thought to be a year of great transformation. If you're looking for some guidance or structure around your own personal transformation, I highly recommend Jack Canfield's Success Principles.
It doesn't matter how you define success ... whether it's making more money, improving your relationships, having more free time, creating more fulfilling work, or whatever else you imagine as success ... these principles work if you work them! Over the next several months, in between other articles and posts of interest, I will be be presenting articles, audio, video and other content highlighting 21 of the success principles that Jack Canfield recommends to support transforming your life from where you are to where you want to be. Here's an overview of the first 7 I'll be starting with: 1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life 2. Be Clear Why You're Here 3. Decide What You Want 4. Believe That It's Possible 5. Unleash the Power of Goal Setting 6. Release the Brakes 7. What You See is What You Get Stay tuned tomorrow for the first lesson in the series, "Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Life with E + R = O" If you want to accelerate your progress or explore a program that is more tailored to your individual needs, feel free to contact me about private coaching by email or phone at 603-452-7350. Visualizing is one of the most powerful ways to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. Engaging the subconscious mind in the visualization process is a very powerful approach to further advance our goals toward achievement.
My interest in this concept was piqued in the movie, The Secret. Over the past couple of years I have become fascinated with the subconscious mind and have become an avid student. Click here to read John Assaraf's article on understanding the brain and why visualization works. The following story is an example of one huge thing I have manifested using the power of my subconscious mind along with visualization. I could share accounts of many, many smaller tjhings I manifest on a daily basis, but this story is one of my most profound ... and it is literally changing my life! In August, 2010, while sitting in the audience on the last day of the 7 day Breakthrough to Success event with transformational leader Jack Canfield, I set a goal to become one of his trainers. I was inspired by his Success Principles and had witnessed, first hand, major transformation as the result of incorporating the them into my life. I love teaching, coaching and inspiring others to be the best they can be and especially love working with teens and young adults. I knew in my heart of hearts that the Success Principles was an amazing system that needed to be brought to teen and young adult audiences across the country and I knew that I wanted to be instrumental in doing just that. In order to accomplish this goal, I would need to complete Jack's Train the Trainer program. This would require me to come up with the tuition, travel and related expenses (approximately $25,000) as well as apply and be accepted into the program. My financial status was pretty bleak due to budget cuts and having just started a new business, but I didn't let that get in my way! On Jack's suggestion, I have become an inverse paranoid. I believe that the Universe is always conspiring on my behalf according to what my subconscious mind is putting out there. I have come to believe that anything is possible and the only thing standing in my way is old limiting beliefs that serve as blocks. I decided that nothing was going to stop me from reaching this goal. It felt important and I knew way down deep that it was connected to my life purpose. I incorporated visualization into my daily life. I developed a Mind Movie which is a fun way to add pictures, affirmations and emotion to your vision. I watched my movie twice a day, in the morning when I woke up and at night just before falling asleep. As I watched the two and a half minute movie, I allowed myself to experience the end result as if it were already completed. I felt the feelings of being on stage in front of the audience, microphone in hand, teaching what I had learned from one of the best teachers, coaches and mentors in the world of personal and professional transformation. I booked the training dates in my calendar, as if I had already been accepted into the program. I filled out the application so it would be ready to send out when I had raised the money. I started to develop a concept proposal for the curriculum I had envisioned and put together a group of teens, young adults and professionals to help me accomplish my goal. I set up a file for the project and develooped an implementation timeline. I refused to let my less than stable financial status have any impact on my "knowing" that I would be in Jack's 2012 Train the Trainer class and that my project would come to fruition. I had no idea how it would all come together. I was just barely paying my bills ... but I kept visualizing and feeling and acting as if the goal were already completed. I even started a fundraising effort and succeeded in raising about $5000 which provided me with some seed money so I could begin to develop my plan to bring this work to teens and young adults. I began to pilot it locally in the classrooms I was already teaching in. A year later, in August 2011, a friend contacted me and asked me to take a road trip with her. She had just lost both her parents and needed a mental health break and change of scenery. She wanted to come to New England, travel up the coast of Maine, spend a few days in Acadia National Park and eat as much lobster as possible along the way. Acadia is one of my favorite places on the planet, and although money was tight, something made me say yes to the trip. Call it inspired action, but I "knew" I needed to go ... and so I did. We had a great time. She got what she needed, as did I. Acadia is always good for the soul! At breakfast one day, my friend told me that there was something she wanted to tell me. I listened as she told me that she had inherited a significant amount of money from her parents. She told me that she had been following my work with teens, that she knew Jack's work and had heard me share my vision of bringing his work to teens across the country. Over coffee and Belgian waffles, told me that she wanted to help me realize my vision. She then gifted me the entire cost of the year long program! I was in shock and couldn't speak through my tears of gratitude. I accepted the gift immediately. When I got home, I emailed the Train the Trainer application I had already completed several months before. Two days later I received a call from the Canfield Training Group to set up an admission interview and I was accepted into the program. I start the training in February 2012. Ironically (or not) Jack has publicly announced his interest in bringing his Success Principles work to teens. Although it is not quite clear yet exactly how, I have no doubt we will be working together toward this end in some capacity. I am totally convinced that the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful in creating the life of our dreams. I am now in the process of exploring the power of the heart combined with the subconscious mind using tools and techniques from the Heart Math Institute. The combination of the two is profoundly powerful! More on that later ... _I simply have to repost this promotion! Today is the last day to save 30% in the Jack Canfield Success Store. Statistics tell us that most people are not happy with their careers. Teens and young adults are becoming more and more disenchanted with the old educational models. They are graduating high school, going to college and coming out without a clear direction.
With that in mind, I highly recommend my favorite products below for the teens and adults on your holiday list. who are looking for transformation in the New Year or the kids of all ages who simply enjoy creating and envisioning big dreams for their future. Act now to get 30% off on already reduced prices! For the kids, teens and adults on your holiday list with Jack's Vision Board Collection ... these kits are beautiful, fun, effective & deeply discounted for the holidays! For teens, The Success Principles for Teens book comes highly recommended by a large group of teens who reviewed the book for me this fall. Teens love the stories, quotes and practical content. (And I am soooo excited to be developing a curriculum for teens based on this book! For the adults in your life who are looking towards 2012 with a vision of personal and/or professional transformation, check out The Success Principles 3o day audio course and The Success Principles white book. As you may know, I have been an avid student of Jack Canfield's over the past year and a half. The Success Principles have literally transformed my life and I have been incorporating the Principles into the teaching and coaching I do with teens and adults alike! No matter how we define success, these principles apply and serve to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives to accelerate our progress and create measurable and magical results! I am excited to have the opportunity to continue working with Jack as my teacher, coach and mentor in 2012. My big goal is to work with The Canfield Training Group to bring the Success Principles to teen and young adult across the country. As you may know, I have been an avid student of Jack Canfield's over the past year and a half. The Success Principles have literally transformed my life and I have been incorporating the Principles into the teaching and coaching I do with teens and adults alike! No matter how we define success, these principles apply and serve to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives to accelerate our progress and create measurable and magical results!
I am excited to have the opportunity to continue working with Jack as my teacher, coach and mentor in 2012 and look forward to working with him to bring the Success Principles to teen and young adult classrooms across the country. With that in mind, I highly recommend my favorite products below for the teens and adults on your holiday list. who are looking for transformation in the New Year or the kids of all ages who simply enjoy creating and envisioning big dreams for their future. Act now to get 30% off on already reduced prices! For the kids, teens and adults on your holiday list with Jack's Vision Board Collection ... these kits are beautiful, fun, effective & deeply discounted for the holidays! For teens, The Success Principles for Teens book comes highly recommended by a large group of teens who reviewed the book for me this fall. Teens love the stories, quotes and practical content. (And I am soooo excited to be developing a curriculum for teens based on this book! For the adults in your life who are looking towards 2012 with a vision of personal and/or professional transformation, check out The Success Principles 3o day audio course and The Success Principles white book. And finally, get a glimpse of Jack's story, his perspective on 2012 and the vision that has fueled his passion to share this transformational work worldwide. Read an excerpt and get a copy of The Golden Motorcycle Gang for yourself and pass on the inspiration as we head into 2012! |
Transition on Purpose