"If you could go out every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it will have to come down.
~Ron Scolastico This advice was shared with Jack Canfield when he was in the process of publishing his first Chicken Soup for the Soul book ... the book that quantum leaped his career. Out of this advice, Jack developed the success principle known as The Rule of Five. Jack recommends thinking about your breakthrough goal or any goal you wish to accomplish, breaking it down to bite sized pieces and committing to taking five action steps every day toward accomplishing the goal. Jack also uses the mantra, "Yard by yard, it is hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." He also teaches a corresponding success principle and called "The Swiss Cheese Method" where he recommends chunking down large goals into smaller, bite sized pieces that can easily be broken down into specific action steps. One of the tools he uses is a Mind Map. After attending Breakthrough to Success last year, I set a goal to write a book by January 1, 2012. I've always known I would write a book, but have never had clarity around what I'd write about. Two weeks ago, I had a profound life altering experience. It came out of the blue and literally rocked my world. It provided clarity on a six year relationship saga and answered some questions that needed to be resolved. The timing was perfect. And the experience is helping to resolve some things that needed to be resolved so I can move on to fully experience what's ahead. I woke up early the next morning with a book title in my head ... followed by an urgent inspiration to write. Some call that Divine Inspiration. An that morning, I would have agreed. I had to write. Not later ... now! And so at 4:17am on October 6, 2011 I got my laptop, propped up the pillows behind me and started to write my book. I didn't even get out of bed to get coffee. I just wrote. I took inspired action. My book is well underway. That night I shared the experience with my accountability partner. She suggested I Mind Map the content and told me that she would work with me to do something she called a Heart Map. She is a Heartmath practitioner and told me that the combination of Mind Mapping and Heart Mapping produces some pretty powerful results. And she was right. I am on fire. The process has me vibrating high. The words are flowing and all the pieces are coming together. I've been finding that my mind is still writing when I'm not able to be at the keyboard. At times I feel overwhelmed and distracted. I am already worried about finishing this project as I am famous for starting things I don't finish. I am running out of printer ink and paper. I am getting ready for a trip to San Diego.Once November 6th hits, my weeks are filled up with meetings and classes and committments. Slow down, get focused and ask for help. I presented the project to my Mastermind Group. As always, they offered their support and suggestions to keep me on track. I love the support of my accountability partner and my mastermind group. Practice the Rule of Five. It's so simple and so effective for moving huge goals forward. And once I'm in action, Divine intervention is guaranteed and I'm guided to take inspired action that quantum leaps the process. My 5 action steps for today: ~write 2000 words ~get a voice recording device I can carry with me to document my thoughts ~get a number 21 printer cartridge ~get paper ~meet with my hypnosis mentor for a session on staying focused How can you apply The Rule of Five to your goals? How can you break down your big goals into 5 action steps? Perhaps making 5 phone calls or sending 5 emails or mailing out 5 proposals to advance that business goal? Perhaps doing 5 small things to connect with your kids or your partner throughout the day to support that relationship goal? A step could be a simple phone call, an email, having lunch with a colleague, doing online research, random acts of kindness to help raise your vibration and thus give you more energy to do another 5 things, Just 5 simple action steps. The extra added benefit that cannot be underestimated is that when I am in action, cool things begin to happen. It's as if the Universe is conspiring to support me in my efforts by bringing me insights, opportunities, connections and creative ideas. Focused action creates flow and brings forth impulses towards inspired action. To learn more about the Success Principles, visit https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/TSP/Patricia To get some coaching and support to help you achieve your goals and explore your life purpose, email me at [email protected] or call 603-452-7350 to set up a free, no obligation sample session that will get you into action! "If you could go out every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it will have to come down.
~Ron Scolastico This advice was shared with Jack Canfield when he was in the process of publishing his first Chicken Soup for the Soul book ... the book that quantum leaped his career. Out of this advice, Jack developed the success principle known as The Rule of Five. Jack recommends thinking about your breakthrough goal or any goal you wish to accomplish, breaking it down to bite sized pieces and commiting to taking five action steps every day toward accomplishing the goal. Jack also uses the mantra, "Yard by yard, it is hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." He also teaches a corresponding success principle and called "The Swiss Cheese Method" where he recommends chunking down large goals into smaller, bite sized pieces that can easily be broken down into specific action steps. In addition to my work goals, I have a closet project that's been on my mind since winter. I have to walk through the space every single day and it's taking up way too much energy that could be well spent in more productive ways. Basically the upstairs of the cape I live in is "the closet". I have transformed the room at the top of the stairs into a walkin closet as well as the place where everything gets stored. Needless to say, in order to get to the closet part, I have to navigate through tote boxes and laundry baskets full of clean clothes (I don't enjoy folding and putting away laundry!) and other things that end up at the top of the stairs and in that room. Ordinarily I would spend hours on this project until it was completed. However, the weather has been amazing, my kayak is calling me as is my business development plan that I have to implement before the middle of August. I'm not really up for tackling this project head on. It seems overwhelming, which is exactly why I've been procrastinating on it for so long. A few days ago, while trying to find something amid the clutter, I decided I've had enough. I set a goal to clean the closet by August 15th. I am using the Rule of Five to accomplish it. Five things a day. Well I revised it a little to energize the effort a bit, after all, I am in summer mode and have more flexibility than during the school year. So I made it a 5 plus 5 and 10 more. 5 articles of clothing folded and put away. 5 articles of clothing hung up. Plus 10 extra minutes a day toward clearing the clutter. The progress I've already made in just a few days is amazing. Some days I go for a few minutes more past the alarm I've set if I am so inclined, which most days I am, but it's not required. Instead of being overwhelmed, I feel good about accomplishing what I've set out to do. When I go upstairs every morning, I see the progress. My energy has shifted and it feels good! How can you apply The Rule of Five to your goals? How can you break down your big goals into 5 action steps? Perhaps making 5 phone calls or sending 5 emails or mailing out 5 proposals to advance that business goal? Perhaps doing 5 small things to connect with your kids or your partner throughout the day to support that relationship goal? A step could be a simple phone call, an email, having lunch with a colleague, doing online research, random acts of kindness to help raise your vibration and thus give you more energy to do another 5 things, Just 5 simple action steps. The extra added benefit that cannot be underestimated is that when I am in action, cool things begin to happen. It's as if the Universe is conspiring to support me in my efforts by bringing me insights, opportunities, connections and creative ideas. Focused action creates flow and brings forth impulses towards inspired action. The only action I have left in me righ now is sleep. But before I do that, I will spend a few minutes filling my mind with a vision of my breakthrough goal as that tree, me with the axe and my Rule of Five action list and let my subconscious mind orchestrate the rest as I sleep. To learn more about the Success Principles, visit https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/TSP/Patricia |
Transition on Purpose