Wow ... what a whirlwind this past month has been! I've spent alot of time standing fully present in the magic of the moments ... looking back in order to move ahead to what's next. Exciting times for sure!
I published my first book and, with the help of my teachers, mentors and coaches, launched it into best seller status. My own transformational story is now out there and my past is serving as inspiration to my readers to take new steps towards discovering their own magic. The feedback I am getting from family, friends and new followers is amazing. You can check it out here. I am getting requests for media interviews, to teach live classes and to do personal coaching. I am even being encouraged and led to explore the possibility of turning my book into a movie to further expand my message. As I look back on the process of publishing my story, I can now see clearly into the future of possibilities that I couldn't see when I was living it. Such a cool perspective! Looking back to move ahead ... After the launch, I traveled to Long Beach, California for another phenomenal week in the training room with Jack Canfield at his Success Principles Train the Trainer event; witnessing, experiencing and helping to facilitate the training of the next generation of human potential leaders. I was so excited to hear Jack and Patty, President of The Canfield Training Group, announce their commitment to train ONE MILLION people with Jack's Success Principles work so the trained could, in turn, train even more people. Based on my experience with Jack's work, the commitment to this goal would, indeed, create a ripple effect that has the potential to transform the planet! As they made the announcement, I found myself back in the room at my first Jack Canfield event, Breakthrough to Success in 2010, when I knew that I needed to bring what I was learning to the teens and young adults I was working with. Since that day in 2010, I have further expanded my own breakthrough goal and taken steps to develop and pilot curriculum in several target groups. The results have been amazing and it is clear there is more work to be done to further spread the magic of this work. I have a call with Jack's company to talk about how I can help train teachers and youth service workers to help bring this amazing work to young Looking back to move ahead ... And finally, I spent the July 4th holiday in the midst of the festivities, conversations and connections with the people and places where my story began and unfolded. I was able to gain even more resolution of my past, get more clear on the direction for my future and fully embrace what I need in order to support my day to day connection to the source of my inspiration. Looking back to move ahead ... helping people find their magic! "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." ~Oprah Winfrey ![]() I have lots to celebrate this week! I reached the breakthrough goal I set in August, 2010 at Breakthrough to Success with Jack Canfield ... to write a book and become a best selling author. At the time I set the goal, I had no idea what I would write about or how to go about achieving best seller status. I am so happy to tell you that with the help of my teachers, mentors and supporters, I reached my goal! My book, Match Meets the Metaphysical: A Transformational Journey to Light and Love, is published in both paperback and electronic formats and I made it to the Amazon Best Seller List! The process was transformational in many ways. I faced fears I didn't even know I had and asked for help when I wanted to pretend I didn't need any help. There were times when I almost sabotaged the process; times when I put the project on hold; times when I simply wanted to give up. But with the help of my support system, I kept taking the next right step. I walked the talk I teach to my students, clients and audiences and I got the results I was shooting for. I will never forget two things about this process; the day I hit send on the final edit and the moment I hit the best seller list. I was sitting on my porch with my cat on my lap and my dog sleeping at my feet. They both opened up their eyes and witnessed my happy tears. Speaking of happy tears, make that three things that I will never forget about this process ... taking the time to celebrate! My book launch party was so fun and it was wonderful to be surrounded by the people who supported me all along the way. After a couple of days of rest, I spent the day surrounded by the flowers from the launch party answering emails, phone calls, interview requests and opening congratulatory cards. I am beginning to prepare to clarify my next breakthrough goal. Perhaps it will be to get the book produced as a movie. Maybe it will be securing the funding for that teen curriculum I've been piloting for nationwide release. Or perhaps I will get more clarity next week while I spend 5 days in the training room with Jack Canfield. What's your breakthrough goal? What can you commit to that will quantum leap your career, your life, your success? Who are your support systems to help you get there? What is your next right step? And how will you celebrate the small successes along the way to your breakthrough success? It's time!!! ![]() I am gearing up for an exciting week and would love for you to join me in the excitement! My first novel launches on Amazon on Wednesday, June 12th! As I've shared, I set the goal to write a book at my first Jack Canfield event in August of 2010 with no idea what I would write about. In the fall of 2011, a pretty profound metaphysical experience with a friend and my neighbor launched me into 3 weeks of non-stop writing, which ultimately became the foundation of my new novel. I hope you will join me for Julia's transformational journey through challenges, changes, uncertainty and toward her true essence ... and I hope you will also share the link with friends! The link is Available soon!!! My interview with Mark, the real life medium who, through a shared metaphsycial experience, prompted me to write the book In this casual conversation we each share our perspectives on how a simple cup of tea turned into an event that has transformed the lives of many. Check back here to listen to the interview, which I hope to have ready within the next week or two. The process of writing this book has led me to countless conversations with people of all ages, coming forth to ask me questions and share their own experiences and sometimes their fear, apprehension and skepticism about all things metaphysical. A few people have even asked me to coach them through their experiences and questions and help them determine how to develop and use their skills to better serve themselves and others. Thus a new book project is in the works! I'll be interviewing several psychics and asking them to share about their own psychic development as well as their advice about how to develop and use psychic abilities in day to day life. I am also interested in stories ... stories of metaphysical experiences, encounters, intuitive flashes, etc. and how they have helped to change the course of life in a positive way. If you or someone you know would like to share a story for potential inclusion in the book, please email me at [email protected]. Confidentiality will be maintained and written permission to share your story will be obtained prior to being published. In light of my fascination with the power of the subconscious mind and the need for people to be more aware of how it plays out in their lives, I published my first audio course, At the Waterline: Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind. Check it out and feel free to share ... this is a great way to begin changing your life with conscious and subconscious intention! And finally, I'm gearing up for another week in the training room with Jack Canfield and the 2013 Train the Trainer class. Looking forward to reconnecting with Jack, the Assisting Team and participants for another transformational week! Stay tuned for pearls and blog posts about this Long Beach experience! Today I'd like to share another article about overcoming fear, titled Build Momentum By Leaning Into It by Jack Canfield. I particularly like this article because it tells the story of Jana Stanfiled, the musician I've mentioned having had the pleasure of meeting at BTS and who's music I use in my work. What would you do today if you were brave? What would you do this year if you had no fear? What is your breakthrough goal? What are your health, career, personal growth, financial, relationship, fun and recreation goals for 2011? And what daily planned and inspired action are you taking to reach your goals? Go ahead ... lean into the article and learn how to lean away from fear and move toward reaching your goals at For more information about Jana Stanfield, visit For more information about the transformational Breakthrough to Success 7 day experience, visit the link below or email me at [email protected] |
Transition on Purpose