A question posed by Neale Donald Walsch on Facebook today really struck me ... and I am especially grateful for Neale's post for helping me get back into the abundance state of mind! The past couple of weeks have been a bit challenging. I've found myself surrounded by "lack mentality" in both my personal and professional environments. Hefty budget cuts have had significant impact on the programs I coordinate for teens as well as the non profit agencies I work with and the reality of those cuts is hitting hard. On top of that, I spent several days visiting my parents who live in a primarily conservative retirement village with 24/7 TV up to the minute mainstream media coverage and incessant and fearful coffee conversation about the debt crisis. I'm so grateful to be home, getting grounded and enjoying my weeked! Back to Neale's Facebook post: "What do you think would happen tomorrow if everyone on the planet - every person, every organization, every company, every government - operated from the simple truth that there is enough to go around?" I'd love to hear your thoughts, feelings, ideas, dreams, vision and inspiration around this question! Please submit your comments by clicking on "Add Comment" below. You can also post on our Facebook page (and "like us" while you're there) at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Transition-On-Purpose-Coaching/111969185527358 For me, right now, one word comes to mind in response to this question ... PEACE
While you and your family are gearing up for back to school, Transition On Purpose Coaching is gearing up to offer two new group coaching packages as well as a whole new menu of one on one coaching packages for both teens and adults!
Adults looking to take charge of their own transformation will be interested in either our 1, 3, 6 or 12 month one on one Principles of Success coachingpackages or our 6 week group package Principles of Success Group Coaching Program. Parents of teens and young adults will be interested in exploring our one on one Principles of Success for Teens 1, 3 and 6 month packages for youth ages16 through 22. Parents who are looking for support around talking with their kids about puberty and sexuality will be pleased with our new 6 week webinar coaching series titled Talking About the Sex Talk Coaching Group. One on one sessions start anytime you're ready! Group sessions are forming now and set to begin in mid to late September to give you a chance recover from the back to school rush. In the meantime, don't get so busy that you forget to enjoy what's left of this beautiful summer! My mentor, Jack Canfield, taught me the importance of scheduling focus days, buffer days and fun days. Focus days are work days. Buffer days are planning days. Fun days are recreational days. Fun days, particularly in the summer, are my favorite. Jack defines fun days as days with no work at all scheduled from midnight to midnight ... only fun with family, friends or on your own doing what you love to do, where you love to do it ... whatever makes your heart happy and revitalizes you! My fun day starts tonight, when I'll be attending my 8 year old nephew's theatre camp performance, which will be followed by an ice cream cone and an overnight! Then I'm taking a few fun days in a row and heading up the coast of Maine with a dear friend ... most likely living on fresh lobster, corn on the cob and, of course, ice cream :) A Mastermind is a group of like-minded individuals with similar goals, who meet regularly, usually monthly or twice monthly, in person or by phone to support each other in manifesting personal and professional success. They participate by sharing stories, resources, ideas and information with group members to support the transformative growth of each individual. They also go to the group for help with goals, projects, perspective, specific tasks, networking contacts, etc.
The Mastermind concept was popularized by Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich. He said: No two minds ever come together without a third invisible force, which may be likened to a “third mind.” When a group of individual minds are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual in the group. The result is that the group far exceeds that of each individual. And Masterminding is a fun way to stay motivated and be held accountable while working on your goals and manifesting your dreams. I've been part of Mastermind groups since attending Breakthrough to Success with Jack Canfield. My group meets twice a month via conference call. Recently we decided to get together for an in-person day and a half retreat. It was truly an amazing experience and literally leveled up my efforts and progress overnigh and continues to do so todayt! The Mastermind process has helped me with all aspects of my business. It also supports me with personal issues that have the potential to hold back and even sabotage my professional progress. My favorite part of the process is that by simply asking for help with a particular project or issue, I get the benefit of 6 amazing brains coming together on my behalf and in the presence of divine guidance to support me in finding solutions and determining next steps toward my goals and inspiring me and holding me accountable to take action. Simply awesome! Mastermind Groups are now forming for a mid-September start. If you're interested in the possibility of joining or would like to learn more, click here for more information. |
Transition on Purpose