Over the past few months, I sold my retreat property in New Hampshire, liquidated one of my businesses and sorted, donated or stored all my belongings until I settle into my next permanent living space. I've been leaning on the wisdom of minimalism, as well as the Marie Kondo philosophy of only keeping things that bring me joy. to simply my life and deal with all I've accumulated over the years.
As I look towards my next birthday and fully step into the legacy phase of my life, I'm applying the "simplify" concept to all aspects of my life. I've been asking myself some hard questions. What do I want really want? Where do I want to spend my time? Who do I want to be around? Where do I want to live? What's really, truly important to me? What part of my past do I want to let come with me into my future? What do I want to learn? Where do I need to grow? What is my next right step? Who do I want to travel on the next phase of my journey with? Is there anything missing? Is there anything holding me back?
Since the sale and liquidation, I've done some traveling. Some for pure pleasure. Some for deep reflection. Some to attend training and coaching programs that are supporting me in the next steps of my journey, which I'm calling my next great adventure.
Right now, I am staying in Florida with my Dad who is needing a bit of extra support. He's doing remarkably well, his history considered, however getting eyes on him to get a feel for what might be next on his journey is a thing that me and my family deemed necessary. So here I am for the time being.
On top of an already intense close to 2024, my heart hurts and my soul is unsettled by the election results and another four years of the man whose name I cannot speak and whose atrocious displays of character affect my well-being if I engage with them. Enough of that. I'm determined to thrive through it.
Quite honestly, I've been burning the candle on both ends, and don't have a lot of wax left in the middle. So, for now, I'm "wintering'. I must say that wintering in Florida is much different than wintering in New Hampshire. And I must admit that I do not miss the snow. At least not yet!
I'm contemplating. I'm planning. I'm creating. I'm writing. I'm learning. And I'm reading. The two books on my nightstand and on Audible right now are The Art of Doing Nothing: Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself and Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times.
I'm creating a new program to help 50+ professional women embrace and lean into their legacy years. This program includes a 3 day virtual live event that will be held near the end of May as well as coaching programs, retreats and more. I'm excited about this program as I've just lived through the process I'll be teaching. It's electric! It's exciting! And oh, so inspiring to approach legacy from an empowered place focused on living with love, leading with purpose and leaving a legacy with impact! Connect here to get details as soon as they become available!
I've just released a FREE mini-course, Foundations of Heart-Centered Living: A Sampler of Simple, Powerful Practices, to help people get out of their head and connect with their heart. I'm sensing that no matter where we stand in politics or in life, we can all use more of a heart-centered approach to life ... so it's my gift to the world in 2025.
I've also reintroduced a challenge experience I've facilitated before. It's called The Formula for Life Experience: 14 Days to Realign and Transform Your Life. It's based on the powerful formula E + R = O that I've been teaching and coaching since I met Jack Canfield in 2010. This formula is a game changer, for sure. I've decided to offer the Experience quarterly, at least through 2025, so if you miss the January 20th offering, sign up here to get info when I offer it again.
I'm writing. I'm working on my new book, What I've Learned from Other People's Kids that Parents Need to Know, a teaching memoir in which I share what I've learned from my years of working with young people in the area of adolescent development and sexuality education.
I'm deciding. When I was packing and sorting, I came across two of those large plastic grey storage tote boxes full of 3x5 cards carefully held together with paper clips and elastics and binder clips. A closer look and I discovered a treasure trove that I had forgotten about! In every single class I went into to teach about puberty and sex ed, I would set up a system so students could ask their questions anonymously and I would answer them during my time in their classrooms. In those grey totes I found each and every one of those questions. I'm not quite sure what will happen with those, but they're on my list of things to consider when I get back to NH this summer. Perhaps a book or a series of books, perhaps a Q & A online platform for parents ... who knows. But how cool is it that I saved every single one of those 3x5 cards and how many memories and how much power is in those two grey plastic tote boxes!
But for now I'm mostly nesting. I've been creating living, working and resting spaces at my Dad's house in Florida and settling in as I anticipate I'll be spending a fair amount of time here.
I'm still coaching my existing clients and have opened up new time slots for new coaching and accountability prospects.
I have a trip a month planned to support my mental health and continue my work with the coaches I've hired to support me in my next steps. I'll head to White Mountains in January, Charleston, SC in February, Mexico in March, Lake Las Vegas in April and who knows where in May. I'm thinking about renting an RV to see if I'd like to be on the road living the RV life for awhile.
I'm taking it one day at a time and doing what I need to do to each day to connect with my heart and soothe my soul as I continue to move through major transition; my own personal and professional transitions, the transitions I'm supporting my clients through, and the global one that is happening with all of us right now.
If you are so inspired, connect with me on my blog at A Matter of Magic and here to keep up with new offerings.
As I look towards my next birthday and fully step into the legacy phase of my life, I'm applying the "simplify" concept to all aspects of my life. I've been asking myself some hard questions. What do I want really want? Where do I want to spend my time? Who do I want to be around? Where do I want to live? What's really, truly important to me? What part of my past do I want to let come with me into my future? What do I want to learn? Where do I need to grow? What is my next right step? Who do I want to travel on the next phase of my journey with? Is there anything missing? Is there anything holding me back?
Since the sale and liquidation, I've done some traveling. Some for pure pleasure. Some for deep reflection. Some to attend training and coaching programs that are supporting me in the next steps of my journey, which I'm calling my next great adventure.
Right now, I am staying in Florida with my Dad who is needing a bit of extra support. He's doing remarkably well, his history considered, however getting eyes on him to get a feel for what might be next on his journey is a thing that me and my family deemed necessary. So here I am for the time being.
On top of an already intense close to 2024, my heart hurts and my soul is unsettled by the election results and another four years of the man whose name I cannot speak and whose atrocious displays of character affect my well-being if I engage with them. Enough of that. I'm determined to thrive through it.
Quite honestly, I've been burning the candle on both ends, and don't have a lot of wax left in the middle. So, for now, I'm "wintering'. I must say that wintering in Florida is much different than wintering in New Hampshire. And I must admit that I do not miss the snow. At least not yet!
I'm contemplating. I'm planning. I'm creating. I'm writing. I'm learning. And I'm reading. The two books on my nightstand and on Audible right now are The Art of Doing Nothing: Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself and Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times.
I'm creating a new program to help 50+ professional women embrace and lean into their legacy years. This program includes a 3 day virtual live event that will be held near the end of May as well as coaching programs, retreats and more. I'm excited about this program as I've just lived through the process I'll be teaching. It's electric! It's exciting! And oh, so inspiring to approach legacy from an empowered place focused on living with love, leading with purpose and leaving a legacy with impact! Connect here to get details as soon as they become available!
I've just released a FREE mini-course, Foundations of Heart-Centered Living: A Sampler of Simple, Powerful Practices, to help people get out of their head and connect with their heart. I'm sensing that no matter where we stand in politics or in life, we can all use more of a heart-centered approach to life ... so it's my gift to the world in 2025.
I've also reintroduced a challenge experience I've facilitated before. It's called The Formula for Life Experience: 14 Days to Realign and Transform Your Life. It's based on the powerful formula E + R = O that I've been teaching and coaching since I met Jack Canfield in 2010. This formula is a game changer, for sure. I've decided to offer the Experience quarterly, at least through 2025, so if you miss the January 20th offering, sign up here to get info when I offer it again.
I'm writing. I'm working on my new book, What I've Learned from Other People's Kids that Parents Need to Know, a teaching memoir in which I share what I've learned from my years of working with young people in the area of adolescent development and sexuality education.
I'm deciding. When I was packing and sorting, I came across two of those large plastic grey storage tote boxes full of 3x5 cards carefully held together with paper clips and elastics and binder clips. A closer look and I discovered a treasure trove that I had forgotten about! In every single class I went into to teach about puberty and sex ed, I would set up a system so students could ask their questions anonymously and I would answer them during my time in their classrooms. In those grey totes I found each and every one of those questions. I'm not quite sure what will happen with those, but they're on my list of things to consider when I get back to NH this summer. Perhaps a book or a series of books, perhaps a Q & A online platform for parents ... who knows. But how cool is it that I saved every single one of those 3x5 cards and how many memories and how much power is in those two grey plastic tote boxes!
But for now I'm mostly nesting. I've been creating living, working and resting spaces at my Dad's house in Florida and settling in as I anticipate I'll be spending a fair amount of time here.
I'm still coaching my existing clients and have opened up new time slots for new coaching and accountability prospects.
I have a trip a month planned to support my mental health and continue my work with the coaches I've hired to support me in my next steps. I'll head to White Mountains in January, Charleston, SC in February, Mexico in March, Lake Las Vegas in April and who knows where in May. I'm thinking about renting an RV to see if I'd like to be on the road living the RV life for awhile.
I'm taking it one day at a time and doing what I need to do to each day to connect with my heart and soothe my soul as I continue to move through major transition; my own personal and professional transitions, the transitions I'm supporting my clients through, and the global one that is happening with all of us right now.
If you are so inspired, connect with me on my blog at A Matter of Magic and here to keep up with new offerings.