_ I just returned from spending a week training with Jack Canfield in San Diego. What an amazing and transformational experience! I love Jack Canfield's vision for the world! Care to join me in making it a reality? What if everyone in your family gave up complaining, took full responsibility for themselves and their lives and started creating the life of their dreams? What if every one in your company practiced these principles? What if every member of your softball team approached life this way? What if every high school student in America knew these principles and put them into practice in class, on the playing field and in their social life? What if every man and woman in prison was to learn these valuable principles before they were released back into society? It would be a very different world! Imagine a world where everyone would take 100% responsibility for their lives and the results they produce or don’t produce. Where everybody would be clear about their visions and their goals. Where nobody would fall victim to the criticism and abuse of others. Where everyone would persevere in the face of hardship and challenge. Men and women would band together in teams to support each other to become all that they could be. People would ask for what they need and want and feel free to say no the requests of others when it is not right for them to respond with a yes. People would stop whining and complaining and get on with creating the life that they want. People would tell the truth and listen to each other with compassion because they know that peace, joy and prosperity would flourish if they did. In short, the world would work! For more information and to get your copy of the Success Principles white book, Success Principles 30 day Audio Courseor the Success Principles for Teens today, click here ... it's the gift that can help us all create endless possiblities! The Success Principles Store In the first part of the series Money, Money, Money: Part 1 we discovered the great sabotaging factor of your greater wealth. Us!
In the second part of the series Money, Money, Money: Part 2 you will find a few tools to help you get your finances on track toward financial independence. It's always amazing to realize that no matter what we are working on, the best results come when we go right back to Jack Canfield's Success Principle #1: Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life with E + R = O! I am determined to shift my mindset around finances from lack to abundance once and for all. That will be what I work on when I head to San Diego to attend Advanced BTS with Jack. Doing the exercises in Money, Money, Money: Part 2 is helping me move in the right direction. To read more about the Success Principles visit Jack Canfield's Inner Circle here. It's official ... I've been accepted into a pretty exclusive mentorship and training program with author and transformational leader, Jack Canfield!
I set this as part of my 5 year plan a year ago. I had with no clear idea, given my life circumstances, how it would be possible. But instead of focusing on doubt, I trusted that my passion, purpose, vision and taking action would fuel the Universe to figure it out. And it did ... in ways that are beyond my comprehension! Today, in just a year of applying Jack's Success Principles to my life and implementing his Daily Disciplines for Effortless Success, my goal is now a reality. I first met Jack 30 years ago when I heard him deliver a talk at my first professional development conference. That day I purchased his very first cassette tape series called Self Esteem and Peak Performance, which helped me immensely in my early career days. Several years ago, I was connected to work again during a session with a teen who cited Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul as being the one thing that helped her get through a very difficult period in her life. I was connected once again to Jack's work in a synchronistic sort of way. I was kayaking with a friend of mine who told me about a book she was reading and suggested I check it out. I joked with her and told her that I was having trouble adjusting to my 50 year old eyes and didn't enjoy reading much because it forced me to admit that my eyesight was changing. She quickly suggested audio books and gave me a website to visit. Seriously, I was planning to take care of the vision thing, but was also thinking that listening to audio books would be a very cool thing to do while kayaking. The first book that popped up on the audible.com website was The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. I was going through transition without clear direction and the book was being offered for free with a membership, so I downloaded it onto my computer and started listening to it. An hour later, it was bright and sunny outside and I had the whole day off to spend on the lake. I went next door and consulted with my teenage neighbor .... my official technology consultant ... and checked into what MP3 player would be best for me to download the Success Principles so I could listen as I kayaked. In just a few minutes, I was off to town and within an hour I was back home syncing the book onto my new MP3 player while I got my kayaking gear ready. Three months later, despite the fact that I didn't have the resources to support tuition, travel, etc., and as a result of an amazing sequence of manifesting magic, I was live at Breakthrough to Success, Jack's 7 day transformational workshop. I've been living, teaching and coaching around his success principles ever since. Now, beginning in November, I will be working with Jack personally to help me get better at what I do and to support him in bringing his work to teens and adults in a much bigger way! There's really something to be said about starting your days with gratitude, following your heart, being clear about what you want, taking consistent action toward your vision, harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and believing that miracles really do happen. So, how can I you or your teen or young adult to get clear around your passion, your purpose and your next steps to making your dreams your reality? Call me at 603-452-7350 or email me at [email protected] or check this link out to explore your wildest dreampossibilities and how I can help you realize them! While you and your family are gearing up for back to school, Transition On Purpose Coaching is gearing up to offer two new group coaching packages as well as a whole new menu of one on one coaching packages for both teens and adults!
Adults looking to take charge of their own transformation will be interested in either our 1, 3, 6 or 12 month one on one Principles of Success coachingpackages or our 6 week group package Principles of Success Group Coaching Program. Parents of teens and young adults will be interested in exploring our one on one Principles of Success for Teens 1, 3 and 6 month packages for youth ages16 through 22. Parents who are looking for support around talking with their kids about puberty and sexuality will be pleased with our new 6 week webinar coaching series titled Talking About the Sex Talk Coaching Group. One on one sessions start anytime you're ready! Group sessions are forming now and set to begin in mid to late September to give you a chance recover from the back to school rush. In the meantime, don't get so busy that you forget to enjoy what's left of this beautiful summer! My mentor, Jack Canfield, taught me the importance of scheduling focus days, buffer days and fun days. Focus days are work days. Buffer days are planning days. Fun days are recreational days. Fun days, particularly in the summer, are my favorite. Jack defines fun days as days with no work at all scheduled from midnight to midnight ... only fun with family, friends or on your own doing what you love to do, where you love to do it ... whatever makes your heart happy and revitalizes you! My fun day starts tonight, when I'll be attending my 8 year old nephew's theatre camp performance, which will be followed by an ice cream cone and an overnight! Then I'm taking a few fun days in a row and heading up the coast of Maine with a dear friend ... most likely living on fresh lobster, corn on the cob and, of course, ice cream :) "If you could go out every day to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp axe, eventually, no matter how large the tree, it will have to come down.
~Ron Scolastico This advice was shared with Jack Canfield when he was in the process of publishing his first Chicken Soup for the Soul book ... the book that quantum leaped his career. Out of this advice, Jack developed the success principle known as The Rule of Five. Jack recommends thinking about your breakthrough goal or any goal you wish to accomplish, breaking it down to bite sized pieces and commiting to taking five action steps every day toward accomplishing the goal. Jack also uses the mantra, "Yard by yard, it is hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." He also teaches a corresponding success principle and called "The Swiss Cheese Method" where he recommends chunking down large goals into smaller, bite sized pieces that can easily be broken down into specific action steps. In addition to my work goals, I have a closet project that's been on my mind since winter. I have to walk through the space every single day and it's taking up way too much energy that could be well spent in more productive ways. Basically the upstairs of the cape I live in is "the closet". I have transformed the room at the top of the stairs into a walkin closet as well as the place where everything gets stored. Needless to say, in order to get to the closet part, I have to navigate through tote boxes and laundry baskets full of clean clothes (I don't enjoy folding and putting away laundry!) and other things that end up at the top of the stairs and in that room. Ordinarily I would spend hours on this project until it was completed. However, the weather has been amazing, my kayak is calling me as is my business development plan that I have to implement before the middle of August. I'm not really up for tackling this project head on. It seems overwhelming, which is exactly why I've been procrastinating on it for so long. A few days ago, while trying to find something amid the clutter, I decided I've had enough. I set a goal to clean the closet by August 15th. I am using the Rule of Five to accomplish it. Five things a day. Well I revised it a little to energize the effort a bit, after all, I am in summer mode and have more flexibility than during the school year. So I made it a 5 plus 5 and 10 more. 5 articles of clothing folded and put away. 5 articles of clothing hung up. Plus 10 extra minutes a day toward clearing the clutter. The progress I've already made in just a few days is amazing. Some days I go for a few minutes more past the alarm I've set if I am so inclined, which most days I am, but it's not required. Instead of being overwhelmed, I feel good about accomplishing what I've set out to do. When I go upstairs every morning, I see the progress. My energy has shifted and it feels good! How can you apply The Rule of Five to your goals? How can you break down your big goals into 5 action steps? Perhaps making 5 phone calls or sending 5 emails or mailing out 5 proposals to advance that business goal? Perhaps doing 5 small things to connect with your kids or your partner throughout the day to support that relationship goal? A step could be a simple phone call, an email, having lunch with a colleague, doing online research, random acts of kindness to help raise your vibration and thus give you more energy to do another 5 things, Just 5 simple action steps. The extra added benefit that cannot be underestimated is that when I am in action, cool things begin to happen. It's as if the Universe is conspiring to support me in my efforts by bringing me insights, opportunities, connections and creative ideas. Focused action creates flow and brings forth impulses towards inspired action. The only action I have left in me righ now is sleep. But before I do that, I will spend a few minutes filling my mind with a vision of my breakthrough goal as that tree, me with the axe and my Rule of Five action list and let my subconscious mind orchestrate the rest as I sleep. To learn more about the Success Principles, visit https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/TSP/Patricia A few of the things that top my gratitude list this time of year are the lake across the street from my home, my kayak, the neighbor who so generously lets me store my kayak on her beach and the flexibility I have in my summer work schedule that allows me to escape to the lake on a whim. Needless to say, I find myself heading out for an hour or two most sunny days to pause, reflect and rejuvenate.
As I've shared previously here, I work with teens. They generously share their tech expertise with me on a regular basis ... literally teaching me how to text, how to connect facebook to my phone, how to download apps,, check email, use GPS, among other things that are way over my head. They have also taught me about mp3 players and recently helped me pick out the one best suited to supporting my kayaking breaks while supporting the development of my business as well as my personal growth. My teen neighbor still doesn't understand why I've chosen to download Yanni, meditation scripts and a couple of audiobooks to my mp3 player. He is always suggesting plenty of his own iTunes favorites for me to check out, which I politely decline. Today he is patient with me as we wait for my favorite business book to sync from my laptop to my Sansa Clip. I head out with my earbuds, walking toward the lake with my paddle while listening to Jack Canfield's 30 day Success Priniciple Journey. I've done this program a few times over the years, but each time I listen it brings me to another level. It also reminds me of how far I've come and how much my life has shifted and changed in a relatively short time. It also provides me with an amazing step by step process to continue my journey and get me where I want to be. Don't get me wrong ... I am fully present in each moment, however, I believe it's important to have a clear vision to help me stay on purpose. There's something about being on the water for me. Perhaps it's an astrological thing. Who knows. I do know that today the lake is calm and peaceful and I am completely open. As I paddle, I listen to a few key principles that I've been needing to revisit lately to shift the stuckness I've been feeling over the past few days as I struggle with the transition between the busy school year compared with the much slower pace of summer. I fully enjoy each and every moment I'm out on the lake, but there's a 9 to 5 work ethic thing that pops up every once in awhile that I've been fighting with while developing my business. Perhaps that's what has me listening to a business book while I'm taking a break. Then again, I am living my life purpose and it's all good fun and it doesn't ever really feel like work. I have a clear vision for my legacy. Having it alive in my brain and my being is what keeps me focused and committed on my day to day journey. It's what keeps me clear about my goals and helps me focus on the action steps I need to take along the way to making my vision a reality. As I paddle, I close my eyes and reflect back to my Breakthrough to Success experience last summer. I clearly remember the energy in that room and the transformation that happened for so many of us in just 7 days. I've been missing the experience lately, but as I visualize the room full of people and feel the energy we shared at BTS, I am literally there. The human brain is an amazing thing and visualizing is a tool I've come to know, love and use on a regular basis. As I continue to paddle, I reflect on how my life has changed since I got connected to the Success Principles and since I came back from BTS and began to incorporate Jack's work into the work I do with both teens.and adults. Finally, with no audiobook playing, no music, no paddling, I close my eyes, clear my mind, take in the sounds of the water lapping against the shore, the birdsong all around me and the tickle of the dragonfly as it takes a break on my hand ... I focus on my breath and all I am grateful for ... and prepare to go back to work for the afternoon. For more information about the Succes Priniciples 30 Day Audio Course visit: https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/TSP30/Patricia/ For more information on the 7 day BTS experience click on the picture below. And of course, if you have any questions about the Success Principles, BTS and how I incorporate this into my work with teens, feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 603-452-7350 Why is it that some people seem to easily achieve whatever they want in life with all the riches (and enriching life experiences) that go with it -- while others struggle just to get by? Why do some people routinely attract the right combination of circumstances and opportunities they need to play a bigger game -- while others wait years to get ahead in their chosen field or activity? I've discovered the answer from a man whose work I’ve mentioned here before. In fact, he's been the leading success coach behind top achievers across America -- and trained literally millions more around the world in his unique principles of success. Business leaders... Bestselling authors… Noted philanthropists… Winning athletes… Top salespeople… All types of achievers have been personally trained by him. I have too … and this Summer, so can you! The man I want you to meet is my mentor, Jack Canfield -- originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and one of the most impactful human potential specialists alive today. Over the past 30 years, Jack has perfected a system that can help anyone plan, pursue and achieve the life of their dreams. I use this system as the foundation of my coaching practice with both teens and adults and have seen remarkable results! Coming up August 14-20 in Scottsdale, Arizona, he's offering you the opportunity to work with him personally to do the same -- an opportunity he makes available only once a year. Would you like to: · Pursue a dream career that rewards you handsomely while it inspires and exhilarates you? · Enjoy the supportive, nurturing relationships you want... because you've learned how to step up and asked for the respect, appreciation and love you deserve? · Embrace the future as you finally complete the past -- sweeping away old hurts, unfulfilled dreams and regretful mistakes? · Assemble a team of mentors, colleagues, advisors and friends who believe in you and can help fast-forward your future plans? · Dream big again... with confidence and assurance that what you want is actually possible? When you or/or your teen work with Jack Canfield, not only will he provide the road map to help you achieve all this -- he'll help you surge past the most common barriers that keep people from accomplishing what they want. If you would like to play a bigger game in life and finally enjoy the rewards of success no matter how you define it, you simply must consider working with Jack Canfield as an investment in your own future. His once a year live Breakthrough to Success training starting August 14th. I hope you will decide to be there You can read more by clicking here: https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/ask/Patricia/ I've been through Jack's training and continue to work with him up til today. I was inspired, motivated and transformed by his life-changing process. I have incorporated his principles into the work I do with the teens adults I work with and have witnessed amazing transformation. And now I recommend that you read what Jack has to say about how you, too, could join his select group of top achieving students and begin to pursue the life of your dreams. Jack purposely limits the number of people he works with at this unique training, so you must reserve your seat now before the window of opportunity closes. https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/ask/Patricia/ Jack Canfield and his life-changing success systems have my highest endorsement. In my 25 years of personal growth and professional development workshops, BTS is by far the most amazing and transformational event I have ever attended. And the benefits continue right up until today! Working with Jack Canfield has literally transformed my life and career -- and given me a completely new perspective on how to achieve my goals. If you'd like to join Jack in developing your own success road map or support your teen in creating their own, I urge you to read about his upcoming training by clicking here: https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/ask/Patricia/ BTS is a great graduation gift for your high school or college graduate and a wonderful life changing experience to share. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about my BTS experience. I'm in the middle of teaching a 6 week class for adults titled The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, based on the work of Jack Canfield. The class begins by exploring core values and life purpose. I am always amazed at how many adults have never taken the time to identify their core values or what their life purpose is. From there we move on to deciding what we want and goal setting and then developing action plans and a system to support goal achievement. Again, this process is fascinating. It never fails that old programming, behavior patterns and limiting beliefs come to the surface during this process. The exciting news is that we now know alot about the brain, quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, the power of the subconscious mind and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to overcome limiting beliefs and move toward success and fulfillment I am always energized when I teach. Not only do I get to learn more about myself as I watch my students learn., but I have the honor of witnessing the transformation that happens when self awareness increases, healing begins and students begin to take purposeful action toward creating a more fulfilling future! As much as I love introducing new audiences to this material, even more exciting is to work with clients who commit to continuing the process with more in depth 1 on 1 or group coaching committments toward improving their success habits and achieving their goals. Finally, and in line with my own passion and purpose, I absolutely love sharing this information with teens. Teen brains are not yet hardwired as adult brains are. By doing this work at a young age, effective success habits can be formed at a time when the brain is actively building new neural pathways. This makes it easier to build good habits and begin to connect with purpose at a much younger age, thus supporting teens in creating a life of fulfillment. I am fortunate to be able to work with teens in the classroom and community settings on a daily basis. I especially love helping teens reframe limiting beliefs and teaching them the tools to empower them to pursue their dreams and goals. The following article from Success magazine provides some good insight about success habits in teens: http://www.successmagazine.com/success-for-teens-get-in-the-habit-of-creating-good-habits/PARAMS/article/1102/channel/22 To find out more about how I can coach you or your teen to support a life of passion, purpose and success, contact me at 603-452-7350 or via the form below. begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603-452-7350 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Yesterday I began a two week sex ed curriculum with a group of 120 high school students. I provide an abstinence-based comprehensive curriculum that provides medically accurate information to support healthy choices around sexual activitiy and relationships ... and life in general.
Since attending Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success and becoming an avid student of the Success Principles, I have revised my sex ed curriculum to incorporate a few key principles into my work. Yesterday I began with a discussion on Taking 100% Responsiblity for Your Life and E+R=O. Event plus Response equals Outcome, with the key point being that we can't control the events or the outcomes ... only the responses. Their homework assignment:: Find a partner. Share with your partner a part of your life (work, school, finances, relationships, etc) that you could be 10% more responsible for? What action could you take within the next 24 hours to be 10% more responsiblie? Go out and complete that action within the next 24 hours. As I have shared, I am fascinated by the power of the subconscious mind. I do a kinesiology demonstration to begin a discussion about self esteem, the power of our own throughs on ourselves and others along with peer pressure and influence Today we will use the scenarios in the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Quiz as the jumping off point of our discussion. Tonight I begin teaching a 6 week course on the Success Principles to a group of adults. We'll also be talking about Taking 100% Responsiblity and the importance of accountability. I love doing what I do! And I so enjoy witnessing others who are also on the path to self discovery. But, before I head out, it's time to tend to my own success routine. First my gratitude list, which is mostly done here. Then a bit of visualization along with goal review. One more quiet cup of coffee as I listen to the birds waking up and enjoy the purr of the cat that insists on having her paw on my keyboard. Then my Rule of Five Action Plan for the day and off I go to see what magic lies in store. Oh, by the way, care to try the homework assignment? I am happy to be your accountability partner. Simply leave your comments below. Share a part of your life (work, school, finances, relationships, etc) that you could be 10% more responsible for? What action could you take within the next 24 hours to be 10% more responsiblie? Go out and complete that action within the next 24 hours and email me when you've completed your action. Accountability rocks ... which reminds me to add my accountability partner to my gratitude list today :) Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." ~Joel Arthur Baker In life, we are often in action. Life is busy with raising children, work responsibilites, taking care of our homes, our bodies, our relationships. We can get so busy that we lose track of who we really are and what we're really here to do.Too often the activities of day to day life take up our time and distract us from our purpose. It is not uncommon for adults to find themselves restless, disconnected and less than satisfied with their day to day reality. Some of us have been fortunate enough to have received a gift I often call "the gift of desperation". The life event or experience that brings us to our knees where the big life questions exist and at a time when we have little choice but to reflect on the bigger questions while learning to accept our reality, explore our options and make necessary changes. Still others experience the pull toward their purpose as a dull ache or longing ... knowing that something is missing, but not quite sure how to find it ... continuing to fill up their time with endless responsibilities and taking action without a clear vision. So, what might next toward gaining clarity of purpose and vision? Here are a few suggestions: Lean Into It Jack Canfield's Success Principle #14 suggests simply "leaning into it". Leaning into it may mean simply allowing some quiet time to reflect on your passion, your purpose, your goals and dreams. As you connect on a deeper level, you will gain clarity and opportunities to take inspired action will begin to appear. Connect With Other Explorers The next step may involve connecting with people who are also exploring. Connecting with others who are on their own journey is a wonderful way to enjoy ours more fully. Having some company along the way makes the journey more fun, lifts our spirits, and provides us with new insights and perspectives to consider while refining our path. What I have learned through my own process is that when I take action the Universe, Source, Higher Power, God or whatever you want to call your belief helps you along the way in ways you could never have imagined. Invest in Yourself If you are ready to take action and "lean into it" I encourage you to consider investing in yourself and joining my upcoming class, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. Based on Jack Canfield's work, this class will provide you with the latest information, a foundation of tools and techniques and solid support to begin your transformation toward living on purpose. Participants will be led through activities and experiences that will help them clarify their purpose and vision, set goals and develop action steps and empower the process of transformation. For more information, click on "Events" to the left or visit http://www.trishajacobson.com/events.html For many of us, changes are made one small step at a time. For some of us, small steps lead to bigger steps and then to huge leaps as faith and trust expand. There are others who jump right in. Go at your own pace and choose what resonates with you. It doesn't matter how you get there, but that you get there; "there" being unique to each of us! All that said here are some suggestions: If you're not local or you like to get your information in the comfort of your own home, computer or MP3 player and make changes over time, I highly recommend Jack Canfield's 30 day Success Principle's Audio Course. http://www.jackcanfield.com/cmd.php?Clk=3884192 If you're into immersion and want an amazing way to jumpstart your process, consider investing in Breakthrough to Success 7 daytransformational workshop. Visit https://ctg.infusionsoft.com/go/BTS2011/Patricia/ If you'd like to explore one on one or small group coaching options, contact me at [email protected] or call me at 603-452-7350 Whichever option you choose, you'll be well on your way to a new and more purposeful way of living! |
Transition on Purpose